Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1451: Chen Feng returns

But Chen Feng had already returned to Hengyu Village after parting with Hongshuibin. Zhang Zhuangzhuang sent Chen Feng and Zhang Qianqian back to the village and then returned to work, because he could not suddenly abandon his mission and aroused suspicion. He returned to the base in Chen Feng Before, everything had better not change from the original.

Therefore, Murongxuan spent a lot of manpower and material resources but found nothing. He didn't find Chen Feng and he couldn't find anyone who was strange, as if he was unreasonably worried.

Standing next to Murongxuan, Xu Xin didn't dare to get out of the air. Now they couldn't be sure whether Chen Feng was still alive. Murongxuan's temper was sometimes bad and he didn't dare to make any big movements to provoke him.

Due to the blockade of the Murong family, it was difficult for the people who came to take the test to leave. The city complained. Seeing that the impact was getting worse and worse, Murongxuan had to give up: "Let the people in the blockade come back. This action failed."

"Aren't you looking for Chen Feng?" Xu Xin lowered his head and asked, he was afraid of seeing Murongxuan's fierce eyes.

Murongxuan shook his head slowly, looking for Chen Feng among so many people is a needle in a haystack. It is better to choose one that is easier to monitor: "Chen Feng is impossible to find, but we can stare at Hung Hsu Bin, as long as he dares to find Chen Feng again. , I will never fail again."

Xu Xin volunteered, and he wanted to make up for it: "The people in that base may not be able to monitor Hongshuibin. Let us go and help?"

"No, you are too closely related to this matter. It will only be more troublesome to get there. Just stay!" Murongxuan directly rejected Xu Xin. He would not let these two people participate in the incident. Start thinking about the future.

After drinking the crowd who had retreated to find out his whereabouts, Hong Hung Bin strode to his room with a meteor. He wanted to contact Commander Jin Buhuan of the Northern Military Region in a safe place. Chen Feng wanted to return safely, Jin Unhwan's support is the most important condition.

Jin Buhuan’s attitude is rather ambiguous. He is not too concerned about the forces of the Murong family in Qing Dynasty, because the Murong family’s power in the Northern Military Region is very limited and did not cause too much influence, but he still agreed with the face of "War God" In response to Hongshuibin’s request, he was willing to provide necessary help when Chen Feng returned to protect Chen Feng from danger.

Hong Hung Bin felt that this was enough. His main reliance was Guan Yuzhen and Pan Bayi. As long as Jin Buhuan could cooperate, it would be good. After thanking Jin Buhuan, he began to contact the other two commanders, hoping they could The shot launched an action against the Murong family, weakening their power.

The two commanders were very willing to help, especially Guan Yuzhen. He planned for a long time in the Southwest Military Region in order to strip the Murong family's deep-rooted forces. Now there is a chance to do it once and for all. Naturally, there is no reason to refuse.

Pan Bayi is a person who does not like the Murong family subjectively. He feels that they are cancerous tumors in the Ancient Shenlan Republic. It is best to be able to understand early, and has a better relationship with Chen Feng and others, so he decided to help Chen Feng. Let out a bad breath.

Finally, Hong Bin found Murong Fan. He didn't dare to slack off his master, and said with the most serious expression: "Master, I have found the whereabouts of Chen Feng. He was attacked by Xu Xin and Lin Wenjie and caused amnesia. , All of this is caused by the Murong family. I want to use this to overthrow the Murong family's power and hope to get your support."

After all, Murong Fan was once a member of the Murong family. Even if he is separated from him, his blood is thicker than water. His roots are still in the Murong family. If Hongshui Bin wants to overthrow the Murong family, he is bound to avoid this problem. So he confessed everything to Murong Fan, hoping that Master could give a clear attitude.

Regardless of whether Murong Fan is willing to support or not, Hongshui Bin must break with the Murong family. The difference is that if Murong Fan does not support, then he will also be separated from this master. In order to avenge Chen Feng, Hongshui Bin is willing to pay such a huge amount. cost.

Murong Fan did not immediately reply to Hong Bin. Just as Hong Bin thought, the decision involving the rise and fall of the Murong family made Murong Fan rarely hesitate. On the one hand, he let his apprentice destroy the future of the Murong family, and on the other hand, let Murong be ruined. The family continued to move forward to achieve greater glory, Murong Fan was caught in a dilemma for a while.

In the end, reason defeated the impulse, and Murong Fan would not be kidding because the Murong family was his own family. Since they did such a damaging thing, they must be punished accordingly.

"You just let it go. If you encounter something that can't be dealt with, I will help you solve it." Murong Fan gave up the Murong family. He must stand on the side of justice in order to be worthy of the title of "War God".

With Murong Fan's help, Hongshui Bin was equivalent to a Shangfang sword. Once in danger, he could call on his master to come and help him out. Who would dare to act in front of the "War God", Chen Feng's safety level rose sharply.

Thanks to Master’s help, Hongshui Bin found You Jia. The two discussed secretly for a long time. The main reason was that Hongshui Bin told You Jia of his various arrangements, and then asked You Jia to relay them to Chen Feng to ensure that they would be foolproof.

Remembering Hongshuibin’s arrangement in his mind, Chen Feng was the most leisurely of the three, so he kept complimenting Hongshuibin in front of You Jia: "Shuibin is now more and more reliable in doing things, thinking about the frizz at the beginning. It's really unimaginable that the irritable boy will become like this now."

"After Shuibin attacked you, he has realized that he can no longer do things indiscriminately. Thanks to him this time, otherwise many things may not be able to go on." You Jia also thinks that Shuibin has grown tremendously, for This good friend feels sincerely happy.

"Then when will I leave and go back?" Chen Feng couldn't wait to go back. He wanted to announce to the world that he was still alive. He wanted to see Murongxuan's unbelievable, resentful and angry eyes.

Hong Hung Bin spread out his hands at will. He is ready here and can act at any time: "You come back whenever you want, and the Murong family can't make waves."

Chen Feng didn't want to delay the time for too long. After being separated from his companion for many days, he wanted to go back earlier: "Okay, then I'll go back tomorrow. Will you come and pick me up?"

"Well, it's safest for me to pick you up. The Murong family can't send someone to attack me in the country, right." Hongshui Bin nodded and agreed. Chen Feng is the protagonist of this incident. He only needs to cooperate fully.

The Murong family's actions in various parts of the country are met with resistance, which makes Murongxuan feel more and more wrong.