Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1516: Cooperate to kill the enemy

"Don't move around, I'll save you." Hongshuibin stepped forward to untie the woman's body and found that her shoulder was bleeding: "You are injured. You must bandage quickly."

Chen Feng turned on the light in the private room, took out the cloth from the woman's mouth, and then found a clean cloth to help the woman simply wrap her shoulders together with Hongshui Bin, at least not for the time being any more bleeding.

During the period, neither Chen Feng nor Hongshui Bin tried to lift the woman's veil. Since the other party chose to wear the veil because they did not want to be seen on their faces, they did not need to touch this brow deliberately and gave the other party enough. respect.

But the two people who were eager to rescue the woman didn't notice. When they saw their faces with the help of the light, the woman was shocked, as if she knew them, but the woman quickly returned to normal without letting her abnormality be discovered.

The woman gently stroked her injured shoulder and thanked Chen Feng and Hongshuibin: "Thank you, I was drinking wine here, and was suddenly injured by the person who broke in, and then was controlled by them. If you did not help, The consequences will be disastrous."

"It's nothing more than a little effort. It is God's arrangement that we can meet. We will not stand idly by when we come in." Hong Bin picked up the submachine gun again and prepared to go to other places, where there should be other victims.

Chen Feng must also set off with Hongshuibin, so he suggested that the woman stay in the private room not to leave easily: "We have to go out to save people, or you can stay here and wait until everything returns to normal before going out."

"No, I'll go with you." The woman shook her head and crouched down and picked up a dropped pistol: "I will use firearms, and I will cooperate with you to save people."

"This... well, be careful of yourself." Chen Feng hesitated for a while. They have no better way to deal with this woman. Since she firmly stated that she would act with herself, let her follow her first. Look again.

The team of two people has become three people, forming horns with each other. The safety has been greatly improved. Chen Feng paid special attention to the woman for a while and found that she was indeed professionally trained. The posture of the gun was very correct and the distance from herself was also very correct. It is maintained properly and can be perfectly supported anytime, anywhere.

"Who is this woman? It is impossible for ordinary people to possess such abilities." Chen Feng became curious about the woman's identity. It was definitely an accident that the assailant controlled her before.

The three people in a good formation accelerated their speed, and finally saw the last five people who attacked the music restaurant. They controlled many hostages standing on the top floor and were arguing loudly with the police outside.

The three of Chen Feng hid in the corridor to prevent the attackers from discovering, and discussed how to effectively subdue them and rescue the hostages.

"They are scattered, we must kill them all at the same time, otherwise the hostages will be in danger." At this time, Chen Feng has completely forgotten that their first task is to escape here. Life knows no borders, whether it is an ancient god. The people of Lan Republic are still from the Buddha La Ye country, and he will do everything he can to save them.

"I have an injury on my left shoulder and I cannot use two weapons. If you can attack with a gun in each hand, we can kill the five at the same time." The woman's thinking was very clear, and she asked Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. Whether it is possible to dual-wield weapons, then they can achieve simultaneous attacks without leaving time for the opponent to react.

Chen Feng can use so many floating cannons. It is not difficult for him at all. The only thing to consider is Hongshui Bin: "I'm fine, you should be fine."

In order to hide their identities, Chen Feng and Shuibin never called each other's names after they walked with the woman. They all used you and me to call each other, and they didn't feel anything uncomfortable.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. It would be better if they can move." Hongbin is best at attacking dynamic targets. As long as those attackers move, he will be more confident.

"This is easy to handle. Throw this out and they will definitely lean in." The woman took a glass on the table next to it and shook it in front of Hongshuibin's eyes. The sound caused by the glass falling to the ground can definitely attract attention.

Chen Feng reached out and took the glass in his hand, and carried the most important burden on his shoulders: "That line, I have the most confidence, so I will throw the glass. Just shoot, and I will fill the last vacancy. Now, Shui Bin, go find a few guns first, preferably a pistol."

Submachine guns have larger impact and stronger impact. If they are used with one hand, they are prone to accidents, so Chen Feng wants to switch to a pistol, which will be more convenient to control.

"Okay, wait for me." Hongbin ran down the stairs to find the pistol. After a while, he returned with the weapon: "They just have a lot of pistols. It is estimated that other weapons are not easy to handle. The pistol is The easiest to get it."

Chen Feng took a pistol in his left hand, and put the pistol in his waist with his right hand before picking up the glass: "Are you ready? I'll throw the glass when I'm ready."

Honghongbin nodded together with the woman, standing nearly half a meter away from the gate, waiting for Chen Feng to throw a glass.

Without delay, Chen Feng threw the glass to the window next to the gate, and the glass fell smoothly through the window to the ground, making a series of noises.

The attackers who were negotiating with the police were all attracted, and turned around and walked to the place where the sound was made, trying to figure out what happened.

When they were halfway closer without seeing the glass, Hong Hung Bin kicked open the door and rolled out, shooting two pistols at the two in front, killing the target first.

The woman squatted halfway and shot the attacker at the farthest distance through the gate opened by Hongbin, knocking him down.

The woman dealt with the most difficult enemy and left enough space for Chen Feng to aim. Chen Feng couldn't waste the opportunity. He deftly pulled the trigger and killed the last two attackers. .

After five consecutive gunshots, all the assailants who caused the riot died, but the series of gunshots caused the hostages on the top of the building to mentally collapse, and there were screams and crying.

Hong Bin stood up to let the hostage see him, and threw his pistol aside: "We are not bad guys. We have solved the attacks on the music restaurant. Don't be afraid."

The woman didn't seem to want to go out to meet the hostages, so Chen Feng crossed her to help Hongshuibin calm down and said: "You are safe now, everyone line up and leave here."