Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1555: Another special plane

What is more important than the attack on He Yuqi? Chen Feng turned around puzzled: "What else was said in the secret order?"

"It says that the mecha dispatched by the Saint Gama Empire this time is a new special machine, and this special machine is very similar to the'dead'!" Ye Qi's voice was very low.

"Sigh! Can they be sure that they are the'dead'?" Chen Feng took a breath, and the worst finally happened. After the creation organization was annihilated, the Anonymous returned to the Saint Gama Empire. With the addition of the demigod pilots, the strength of the Saint Gama Empire will advance by leaps and bounds, and will be stronger than other countries. The international situation is expected to undergo tremendous changes in the future. No wonder they dare to travel long distances across the Pacific to launch attacks. There is such a reason.

Ye Qi nodded and shook his head again: "I can't be 100% sure, because the painting and fuselage details of this new special plane have changed a lot. It is impossible to directly identify it as a'dead', but the weapons it uses have not changed. It is the basis of judgment from the Southeast Military Region."

"It should be him. I have never heard of other pilots who have used the weapon of seven swords in one." Chen Feng was sure that the attacker must be an unknown person, thinking whether he could expose his identity and let the Saint Gama Empire Had to abandon him again: "If his identity can be determined, can we make the news public and force him out of the Saint Gama Empire."

"It's difficult. The Anonymous seldom appeared on other battlefields other than fighting us when driving the'dead'. Other countries may not believe our words." Ye Qi didn't think Chen Feng's idea could be successful, since the Saint Gama Empire dared to send Anonymous came out to fight, that means they have made all kinds of preparations.

It’s useless to think about it here. Chen Feng decided to find Zheng Zhirong first: "I’ll tell Zhirong the news first, and then see if I can go to the Southeast Military Region first. If I can find any valid evidence, The best."

After Chen Feng left the command room, he called Zheng Zhirong and told him his position to let him move here. At the same time, Chen Feng also moved in the direction Zheng Zhirong was heading, reducing the time it takes for the two to meet.

Hearing the voice of Chen Feng on the phone was very urgent, so Zheng Zhirong especially quickened his pace, ran all the way to the command room, and waved hello after seeing Chen Feng appearing in front of him: "Chen Feng, I am here, why are you so eager to find? me?"

"He Yuqi's research institute was attacked. The attacker is probably an unknown person. Now Yuqi is seriously injured and sent to the hospital for treatment. Do you want to go there?" Chen Fengyan told Zheng Zhirong the news he had received from Ye Qi. And asked if he wanted to rush to the Southeast Military Region.

When Zheng Zhirong heard that he turned around and ran to the hangar without saying anything. He changed from a trot to a dash: "Of course I want to go! I'm going now, and I'll leave it to you!"

"Don't worry, I'll go with you, and at least talk to other people." Chen Feng chased Zheng Zhirong to calm him down. They are a team and they must let other partners know about everything they do.

Zheng Zhirong didn't mean to stop. After hearing that He Yuqi was seriously injured, he was completely blinded. He just wanted to rush over as soon as possible: "There is something wrong with Yuqi, how can I not be in a hurry? Go and talk to them. Go to the hangar!"

Zheng Zhirong was already in a mess. Chen Feng saw that it was unrealistic for him to communicate with other partners, so he contacted the people on his behalf, explained the ins and outs of the matter over the phone, and told them that he and Zheng Zhirong were going to the Southeast Military Region.

"You go, I'll stand here!" Hongshuibin was very hard at the critical moment, patted his chest to let Chen Feng leave as soon as possible, and he would help Ye Qi stabilize the situation in the Southwest Military Region.

Nangong Mengdie is worried about the Anonymous. The demigod pilot who has a deep hatred with them may still be hovering near the Southeast Military Region: "The Anonymous went back to the Saint Gama Empire. This is not a good sign. I think he might still There will be another attack, and you must not be careless after you pass."

Chen Feng went with Zheng Zhirong for this. He told his partners what he had to do on this trip: "I understand. I also want to try to find evidence that he is an anonymous person. Exposing his identity, after other countries know that he is the leader of the Creation Organization, the Saint Gama Empire can no longer protect him."

"Brother Chen Feng, you must ensure your safety. Even if you cannot reveal the identity of the Anonymous, you must come back safely." Nangong Huandie is more concerned about Chen Feng's safety. At this time, it was an eventful period and she did not want to see Chen Feng's accident.

"Okay, I promise you!" Chen Feng promised to Nangong Huandie that he would be more careful, and the time is almost up: "Zhirong is still waiting for me, I will set off first, and we will talk about everything after we arrive. "

After finishing the communication with his companions, Chen Feng quickly rushed to the hangar. When he arrived, Zheng Zhirong was already waiting very impatiently. He drove the modified plane around at the hangar gate and couldn't help but want to. Start by yourself.

Chen Feng hurriedly waved his arms to Zheng Zhirong so that he could see himself. Zheng Zhirong noticed Chen Feng who had just entered, and hurriedly urged: "Why it took so long? Hurry up and board the'Broken World'!"

"Come here, isn't this to make things clear to everyone." Chen Feng explained as he ran to "break the world", entered the cockpit and started up, and followed Zheng Zhirong to the hangar gate.

"Let's go, I hope Yuqi will be fine!" Chen Fengcai followed Zheng Zhirong and abandoned it. He drove the modified aircraft to the Southeast Military Region at full speed, praying that He Yuqi was not seriously injured.

Chen Feng didn’t know how to tell Zheng Zhirong. According to the information that Ye Qi got, the research institute suffered heavy losses. The researchers in it suffered heavy casualties. It is fortunate that He Yuqi was rescued. As to the extent of her injuries, this It's hard to say.

But it’s more important to calm Zheng Zhirong’s emotions at the moment, so Chen Feng first persuaded: “After the institute was attacked, Pan Yuguo immediately took people to rescue. Yu Qi was the first group to be rescued and was sent back in time. The hospital, I think she should be fine."

"I hope so!" Chen Feng's persuasion didn't seem to be effective. Zheng Zhirong continued on the road without comment. He would not believe any inferences until he saw He Yuqi in person.

The two continued on their way. After the creation of the World Organization was eliminated, there would basically be no more attacks on the road, but it made their actions a lot smoother, and they would not be more upset by other things.