Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1599: Take advantage

"Don't move forward anymore, if he attacks us, it will be bad!" Chen Feng quickly stretched out his hand to hold Hong Hung Bin and told everyone not to move forward.

Several pilot pilots from the non-Southeast Military Region flew back to the main base after the battle. The special plane “Hangtian” was responsible for the re-consolidation of the coastline defenses. Therefore, the top pilots participating in the island recovery operation were only Chen Feng, Hong Hung Bin and The three Pan Yuguo, and the four ace pilots of Nangong Mengdie Sisters, Zheng Zhirong, and Ji Ling. They can be said to be the hope of the future of the Quran God Republic, but they can't be caught by Griffin here.

Fortunately, Griffin only wanted to protect the Mecha troops of the Saint Gama Empire from leaving, and did not pay attention to the people of the Quran God Republic running around to recapture the island. Instead, Chen Feng and his party escaped without the worst.

Seeing the mecha behind Griffin’s Palace protecting the Saint Gama Empire slowly leaving, Chen Feng admired Commander Pan’s arrangement more and more: "Commander Pan is too foresighted. If we chase the enemy plane all the way, Griffin will definitely Let’s fight, and we will all have to finish by then."

"Several commanders in our country are very strong in command ability. This is the normal level of Commander Pan." Pan Yuguo knew Commander Pan the best, and he proudly stood up and said that this was just Commander Pan's basic operation, if Chen Feng When people stay in the Southeast Military Region for a little longer, they can experience Commander Pan’s amazing command ability.

"That's not right, why is my master not here when the'gun god' is here? Didn't he say to come first to prevent the other party from taking action?" A question came out of Hong Shubin's head, looking around to find Murong Fan's figure.

If Murong Fan was on the scene, they wouldn't have to panic so much. Murong Fan would not let Griffin deal with them, and they could complete their tasks with peace of mind.

Chen Feng's eyes are the best among all people. He can control so many floating guns at the same time. If he can't observe the surrounding environment sharply, he can't play the best role. After taking a close look at all the blind spots around, he finally found some clues. : "The'War God' seems to be hiding in the clouds above."

According to Chen Feng’s prompt, everyone raised their heads to observe the clouds above their heads, and saw a shadow looming in a thick cloud layer, which was gradually moving forward with the cloud layer, hanging from the Mecha Troop of the Saint Gama Empire after that.

Coupled with the fact that Griffin did not react after the appearance of the Ancient God of Lan Republic mech, Chen Feng can basically speculate that the two Gods of War should be restraining each other. If there is no change on the battlefield, it will not. Shot.

"Let's be more cautious. It is enough to occupy the island." In front of the strong enemy, even Hong Hung Bin did not dare to show relaxation, and once again warned everyone to follow Commander Pan's order and not to pursue the retreating enemy.

In short, the two sides ended the end of the war relatively peacefully, and the expansion of the Saint Gama Empire after acquiring Smith also ended, bringing back the mechas from various places.

Although the battle in the Qur'an Republic did not go well in the end, the Saint Gama Empire opened up three battlefields at the same time, and they all fought with powerful enemies such as the Qur'an Republic, Zhu Timor Federation, and the European Union. The result of the battle, its terrifying strength is enough to make the world feel deep fear.

The people of the world also gave a very high evaluation to the Ancient God Lan Republic, which could finally repel the impossible Saint Gama Empire. They believed that they were much stronger than the unworthy Zhu Timwen Federation, and the world’s three major powers should change. It's right to be two great powers.

After recapturing the islands belonging to their own country, Chen Feng and others were eager to see the unmanned islands around them. These islands were originally owned by the Zhu Timwen Federation. After the Saint Gama Empire occupied them, they abandoned them, and now they are said to be nothing. The main thing is salivating.

The reason why the Zhu Timeng Federation can develop into a world power is that it has many islands, and there are abundant resources under these islands. By exploiting these resources, the Zhu Timwen Federation can not only maintain its own consumption, but also can be sold to other countries for profit. It has provided great help for the development of national strength.

Zheng Zhirong was the first to dispatch. After confirming that the Saint Gama Empire was completely far away, he was the first to pounce on the uninhabited islands: "Don’t grab the white, don’t grab, since the Zhu Timwen Federation has lost control of these islands, Saint Gama The Horse Empire also abandoned them, so it's better to take them over!"

"If we can occupy more islands, it will be good for our country's future development." Nangong Mengdie was also quite excited, and flew to the island not far away after Zheng Zhirong.

Although the ancient Shenlan Republic has a large area, the buried resources are not too rich, and the population in the country is too much. If you divide the small resources equally, everyone can get very little, so as long as it is ancient People in the Lanshen Republic are obsessed with resources, and it's hard not to be tempted to see such a good opportunity.

"Can we go to occupy these islands?" Chen Feng looked at Pan Yuguo. Whether he really wanted to take these islands down depends on the meaning of the Southeast Military Region. After all, it is them who will deal with the Zhu Timwen Federation in the future. Trouble is not good.

Pan Yuguo didn't think this would cause trouble to the Southeast Military Region. Thinking of what the Ju Timor Federation had done in the past, he almost wanted to take all the islands over: "Occupy it, the Ju Timor Federation has caused so much damage to our coastal areas. It’s time for them to pay some price."

"Okay, Shuibin, let's go to a farther island faster. You can take the surrounding area and wait for the mecha troops to arrive." Chen Feng and Hongshuibin immediately flew to the distant island. Before the emergence of the Zhu Timwen Federation Mecha, it took a little more.

After continuing to expand for thousands of meters, the Zhu Timwen Federation Mecha appeared in front of Chen Feng. They were surprised to see Chen Feng standing on the island that was originally theirs. They all drew their weapons and aimed at this uninvited one. Guys.

Faced with the targeting of these enemies, Chen Feng was not too worried, because the Zhu Timwen Federation has many islands to retake, so it is impossible to send too many mechas here. There are only a dozen in front of Chen Feng. Mecha only.

Chen Feng was sure to kill all these mechas on his own, so he didn't need to care about their threats. He still stood on the island in an open and motionless manner, as if proclaiming his sovereignty.

"This is the territorial waters of the Zhu Timor Federation. Please leave the mecha in front of you quickly, or don't blame us for being polite!" The Zhu Timor Federation Mecha issued a notice to Chen Feng, warning him to leave from the island of his own country.