Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1614: Little Genius Chen Xinghai

"Yeah, it just so happens that I can spend more time with you. I have been busy with the war before and ignored your side. I am really sorry." Chen Feng wants to spend this time with You Jia and spend a good time in the two-person world. The pilot's schedule is too full, it is rare to relax, he must cherish it.

Today's medical technology is very advanced. You Jia can get out of bed and walk like flying in less than five days after giving birth. There is no sign of weakness. Chen Xinghai is also growing up very smoothly in the nursery without any problems.

So You Jia's parents took You Jia back home. Chen Xinghai took care of him so well. It was easier and simpler. They didn't need Chen Feng to help. The two of them took care of everything properly.

Because of the request of his parents, You Jia stayed at home and continued to recuperate. The purpose was not to leave the root cause of the disease. Chen Feng accompanied by the way. When he was fine, he would exercise and maintain various physical functions, and then tease his son in his spare time.

In order to help Chen Feng maintain his level and continue to improve, Murong Fan asked Pan Bayi to equip Chen Feng with a simulator and place it in You Jia’s parents’ house. Fortunately, this house is large enough to make a room for it. solved.

Although Pan Bayi did not know why Murong Fan made such a request, Chen Feng is one of the most promising young pilots in the Republic of the Qur'an God. He has also helped the Southeast Military Region to make many contributions, so providing some convenience is not too great. Question, in the end, it will be fine when Chen Feng can't use the simulator.

Therefore, Chen Feng can conduct simulated driving while exercising, and continue to improve his skills in driving mechas in simulated battles. Even if he is idle at home, he can ensure enough practice so as not to lag behind others.

When Chen Feng used the simulator to simulate driving, Chen Xinghai would stretch out his hand and make an ah ah ah sound, forcing Chen Feng to bring herself into the room.

If Chen Feng refuses, Chen Xinghai will always maintain this posture, so Chen Feng has no choice but to take him in, but Chen Xinghai must not be able to stay in the simulator. Chen Feng put him in the other corner of the room and enter by himself Simulate operation.

While Chen Feng was operating, Chen Xinghai was lying on the bed and staring at this side, looking very curious about the simulator.

Seeing that his son cares about the simulator so much, Chen Feng's heart moved: "Although his son is not too old to use the simulator, it does not prevent him from showing the simulated battle screen to him."

Chen Feng broadcasted the battle scenes to the wall of the room according to his own ideas. Chen Xinghai's gaze was immediately attracted. He stared at the battle process of the mecha in the picture and danced with his hands, obviously very much.

Chen Feng confirmed his thoughts. Chen Xinghai is really interested in mecha combat. Perhaps this is inherited from him. If Chen Xinghai can perform well in the future test synchronization rate, his dream may really be realized in the future.

Chen Xinghai likes to watch mecha battles, so every time Chen Feng enters the simulator, he will take him and show him the whole process of driving simulation, so that he can get the most intuitive teaching at a young age. .

Sometimes when it's time for feeding, You Jia comes in to feed Chen Xinghai. Chen Xinghai is still staring at Chen Feng's battle scene with her mouth sucking on the other side, his hands and feet making different gestures according to the situation on the screen.

Realizing that Chen Xinghai’s actions are different every time, You Jia stepped back to the side to observe carefully after feeding, becoming more and more certain that he was trying to resolve the crisis that occurred during Chen Feng’s battle. Those actions were very similar to the moves of mecha combat. .

At dinner in the evening, You Jia solemnly told Chen Feng of her findings. Chen Feng was stunned. Chen Xinghai was only a month old, so he could understand the battles of mechas. How could it be possible to carry out complicated thinking and substitutions? In the fight?

That night, Chen Feng entered the simulator again for simulated manipulation. This time he left an extra eye to observe Chen Xinghai's actions. You Jia also took pictures later, making sure to record the whole process without fail.

After the battle began, Chen Feng saw Chen Xinghai move his hands and feet, and it was similar to the way he chose. Except that he had not received systematic training and martial arts training, he had achieved the ultimate in other aspects than a layman.

"Our son is afraid that he is not a genius driving mechs?!" Chen Feng sighed to You Jia after he came out. Chen Xinghai likes to watch his simulated battles so much, and he can also think about how to deal with it. This is by no means simple. Interests and hobbies are likely to belong to his natural ability.

You Jia covered her mouth and laughed. She thought it was a good thing. She wanted to see the scene of Chen Feng and Chen Xinghai and his son driving the mech together: "Isn't that just right? I think you must be willing to take Xinghai If you enter the pilot’s path, it would be a beautiful thing if he can inherit your mantle in the future."

"Haha, you still understand me. When Xinghai gets older, I will teach him the skills of driving mechas and various martial arts, hoping to make him a step faster and have a better foundation." Chen Feng smiled very relievedly. The more capable his son is, the happier he will be, and he already has a plan for Chen Xinghai's future growth in his heart.

In the next three months, Chen Feng not only brought Chen Xinghai by his side during simulation training, but also during physical exercises, so that he could witness how he improved, and he would work hard through his ears and eyes. The practice method is deeply embedded in Chen Xinghai's mind.

During this period, there were many frictions between the Ancient Godland Republic and the Judean Federation in the seas of the Southeast Military Region. The islands that had been occupied for many years were taken back by the Ancient Godan Republic. How could the Judean Federation swallow this breath? Trying to find ways to grab the island again, the two sides naturally have friction, and several small-scale battles broke out.

Even "War God" Murong Fan and "Sword God" Abe Boya have fought twice. The fighting styles of these two war gods are very different. If you want to win, you have to see who can perform better.

In the end, "War God" Murong Fan was slightly higher, and after several confrontations, he finally repelled Abe Boya once. Although it was only a few steps back, Abe Boya's embarrassed movements caused the confidence of the Federal pilot Zhu Timwen to drop. It is almost impossible to win.

Seeing that it was impossible to repel the Ancient God Lan Republic from the territorial sea, the Zhu Timwen Federal Army reluctantly abandoned the original plan and instead let the mecha troops consolidate the defenses of other islands, preventing the Saint Gama Empire and the Ancient God Lan Republic from There are opportunities for aggression, and he does not take the initiative to attack other islands.