Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1629: Director of each Shi

Brahman Yapeng finally caught up with Hsubin and used the golden stick to attack again, but this time he found that it was much more difficult to hit Hsubin. Every time he attacked Hsubin, he could make a proper response in time. Give him any chance.

Then when the Brahman Yapeng was dragged by Chen Feng and Hongshuibin, their companions also followed from the side, using their own abilities to attack this powerful enemy, trying to help them relieve the pressure.

Among them, the Nangong Phantom Butterfly’s attack method is the most weird. Brahman Yapeng didn’t notice other mechas around. Suddenly the right side of the fuselage was inexplicably touched. Fortunately, the power of this attack was not too strong and did not cause too much damage. Great damage.

After being attacked, Brahman Yapeng carefully observed the surroundings and noticed that there was a mecha that blended with the surrounding scenery. I thought this was the most special modified machine in the rumored ancient Shenlan Republic.

Brahman Yapeng was also very interested in this mecha. He turned his head and said to the air next to him: "Are you the Nangong Phantom Butterfly of the Nangong family? You are quite bold."

Nangong Phantom Butterfly is hiding in this sky. After an attack, she cautiously retreats to the other side, but never thought that she still can't hide from the eyes of Brahman Yapeng. As expected, she modified the stealth ability of the aircraft after the top pilot was serious. Still slightly insufficient.

Now that the other party saw through, Nangong Magic Butterfly responded directly: "I am Nangong Magic Butterfly, please be more merciful~"

"That depends on whether you will cause me trouble." The Brahman Yapeng didn't have much ill will towards Chen Feng and his party. All he wanted was to defeat them. There is no need to fight to death.

Brahman Yapeng’s offensive slowed down a bit, and Hung Hung Bin was able to get out and fight back. He once again switched "Candle Light Youying" to an eagle shape, and at high speed, he unfolded his huge wings and cut to the neck of "Great Brahma". After all, now The location of the battle is in the air, which is considered his half of the home court, which is most suitable for the Eagles.

Of course, Brahman Yapeng would not be easily hit by Flood Bin, and he dodged his attack comfortably. At this time, he found that his position was a bit too high. The characteristic of "Brahman Brahma" was mainly power, high in the sky. It is difficult to take advantage.

This is exactly the strategy of Chen Feng and others, attracting the Brahman Yapeng into an environment that is not conducive to him, striving to attack him when he is unprepared, and striving to gain some advantages first, which is more conducive to the subsequent battle.

Chen Feng and the others thought about it and they did it. After being spotted, Hung Hsung Bin flew high in the sky without being spotted by Brahman Yapeng. Everything went smoothly. Others approached the Brahman Yapeng from all directions. In the middle, the best siege environment is almost finished.

It’s a pity that Brahman Yapeng was aware of their strategy and immediately chose to descend when his height was not suitable for combat, and broke free immediately before the encirclement was completely closed. The propellers behind the "Brahman" were all opened, and then they used their own weight to move quickly. The ground fell, and I couldn't catch up with it.

Seeing that the plan was about to succeed but the opponent escaped, Chen Feng was not discouraged, because Brahman Yapeng was not an ordinary opponent, if he casually caught himself, how could he become a demigod pilot.

"Shui Bin, you are the fastest, catch up to see if we can ease his speed a little bit, we will rush to it later." Chen Feng directed Hong Hung Bin to chase Brahman Yapeng, and among them, only Hung Bin's speed can be timely. Shorten the distance.

At the same time, Chen Feng's attack did not fall, and the floating artillery took the lead in bombing the front of the "Great Brahma", trying to force it to change its descending path and increase the time required for landing.

Hongshuibin’s speed was indeed very fast. The wings of "Candle Light Youying" continuously flapped and caught up with the "Brahma" at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, Brahman Yapeng was a few hundred meters away from stepping on the ground. Can Hongbin stop it.

After previous trials, Hongbin found that Brahman Yapeng was more afraid of beam cannons, so he opened his mouth again without stopping, and smoothly fired a beam of light, and went straight to the chest of the "Brahma".

"It's still your way." The Brahman Yapeng really didn't want to resist the attack of the beam cannon. "Candle Light Youying" is a real special machine. The beam cannon equipped with it represents the highest level of weapons in the Ancient Godlan Republic. In addition, the synchronization rate of Hongbin has reached 97, and the power that can be exerted is already very impressive, and a little carelessness will cause him to suffer serious damage.

Brahman Yapeng had no choice but to forcefully pull the "Brahma" upwards, and the huge falling force all pressed on the fuselage, causing the armor to make a slight groan, avoiding the attack of Hongbin and let him pay. A certain price.

Successfully hindering the landing of Brahman Yapeng, Chen Feng's attack was immediately transferred, all the floating cannons were flying under the "Brahma", and the seven beams of light continued to shuttle, completely sealing up his descent space.

The difficulty of descent has increased geometrically, and the Brahman Yap will no longer try to return to the ground. Anyway, it is not too high now and will not affect the performance of the "Great Brahma". It is good to fight at this height. Moreover, this can also contain a part of the attack and use it to block the lower part, and the Brahman Yapeng will suffer less pressure, why not do it?

Chen Feng that Brahmin Yapeng considered was also fully understood. His floating cannon could not be used to block space all the time. It would be a waste of this weapon, so he immediately shouted to other partners: "I have contained him. The floating artillery consumes a lot of energy, so hurry up and catch up!"

"Already in place!" Ji Ling suddenly flashed behind Brahman Yapeng, stab the "Brahma" thruster with a dagger in his hand, trying to destroy the highly functional equipment first to destroy its mobility.

Among the remaining people, the scheming action is the fastest. If you want to become a threatening assassin, you must have flexible skills and a clear mind, so he follows up very quickly, and his offensive goals are extremely clear.

Seeing that the dagger was about to plunge into the cockpit of the "Great Brahma", but Ji Ling felt that the fuselage shook suddenly and flew backwards uncontrollably, making the dagger farther and farther away from the enemy plane.

There was a huge roar in the air, and the Ji Ling modified machine fell uncontrollably to the ground. The huge impact almost made him fall from the driver's seat. At this time, he still didn't realize what was happening. Why was he clearly attacking? But was it knocked back?