Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1649: Backup supplement

When they returned, Chen Feng and his entourage realized how miserable they were. Everyone’s mechas were covered with wounds, and there were not a few intact weapons left. The excellent destructive power of the Brahmin Yapeng brothers and sisters was very powerful and they made them pay. The most painful price in history.

"Candle Light Youying" is very difficult to even transform. After several attempts, Hongshui Bin failed to transform because the damaged armor was stuck in the deformed position. It was Chen Feng who helped him break several pieces of armor before he barely changed back to human form.

However, the human-shaped "Candle Light Youying" does not seem to be any better for others. When Brahman Kaul broke free with all his strength, it caused a lot of damage to Hongshuibin's whole body, and it gave people a feeling of swollen nose and face.

Looking at each other's miserable appearance, everyone burst into laughter, and then blew the breeze from around, enjoying the relaxing and leisure time after the war.

The group returned to the main base of the Southwest Military Region at a constant speed, and did not see the Fo La Ye National Mech appearing along the way. It seems that Brahman Yapeng's prestige is still very high, and no pilot dared to disobey his orders alone. Stay in the Southwest Military Region.

When returning to the command room, Chen Feng did not see Guan Yuzhen in it. Ye Qi told him that Guan Yuzhen had been sent to the infirmary for treatment. Now that the Fo La Ye national mecha unit had retreated, Guan Yuzhen could have time to rest well.

"Thanks to you today, if I fail to come back to take over the command, the consequences would be disastrous." After Chen Feng and his party all entered the command room, Ye Qi expressed his most sincere thanks to them. Their arrival has really benefited the Southwest Military Region. A lot.

"Ashamed, we actually didn't really stop the Brahmin Yapeng brothers and sisters. The two of them were too strong to fight together. We would probably lose if it weren't for the presence of the'War God'." Chen Feng asked Ye Qi not to exalt himself too much. Today's battle can be won. A large part of the willingness was because of Murong Fan's participation that made the Brahmin Yapeng brothers and sisters retreat.

Ye Qi’s main energy was on command, so he didn’t notice the crisis in Chen Feng’s side. I didn’t know that he almost died in the battle with Brahman Kaul. Chen Feng didn’t want to talk too much with Ye Qi. Lest he feel guilty.

Ye Qi insisted that we still have to thank Chen Feng and the others. Without them, there would be no final victory: "The'War God' will come out mainly because you are here, and it was also thanks to your help that he managed to get through. In the end, the Southwest Military Region was able to overcome the difficulties thanks to you."

Under the leadership of Ye Qi, everyone in the command room bowed to Chen Feng and his party who had just entered. They all saw the hard work of these young pilots. They naturally knew how much they had contributed to the Southwest Military Region. Thank them from the bottom of my heart.

The gratitude of so many people made Ji Ling feel very embarrassed, because he used to be a member of the Creation Organization. Once he was clearly identified, he would get all the eyes of hatred and fear. How could he ever be appreciated by others.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and patted Ji Ling's shoulder gently, and whispered to him that this kind of things would become more and more with future actions. Now that he has determined to return to the embrace of the Ancient Shenlan Republic, he should open his heart and accept the gratitude from the people of the motherland Right.

Thanks to Chen Feng and his team for their dedication, the people in the command room returned to their busy work. After all, the Fo La Ye national mech troops had just retreated, and they still have a lot of territory to regain, and the layout of the border defense line must be rebuilt. Everyone has a lot of things to do, and there is no room for wasting time.

On the contrary, Ye Qi was the easiest person among them. He participated in the entire battle and commanded the entire army at the last moment. It was a lot harder than those who only worked in the command room. Therefore, in order to give Ye Qi enough time to rest and avoid overwork like Guan Yuzhen, everyone carried their own affairs to prevent Ye Qi from interfering.

Ye Qi, who had nothing to do, accompanied Chen Feng and his group to wander around in the main base, passing by the empty rest area and hangar. The calm atmosphere could not help but feel a little embarrassing. Now these pilots are driving the mecha to calm down the border. The environment will not return for a while.

"The Southwest Military Region has encountered too many battles in the past few years, and there have been people with ambitious people like the Murong family inside, and the overall strength has dropped significantly." Ye Qi is very worried about the current situation of the Southwest Military Region. Becoming the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, it is natural not to let the strength here drop too much.

Hongshuibin immediately thought of his alma mater. Didn't Chen Feng and the few people who were directly assigned to the Southwest Military Region at the beginning: "Go to our school to select students. I believe our younger brothers and sisters can supplement the combat effectiveness of the Southwest Military Region. ."

Ye Qi actually started to do this, but he seemed to have little hope: "I have already applied to the military, but the Southeast Military Region has just experienced a war, and the threat is greater than us. Maybe they will be given priority."

Chen Feng and the others came to the Southwest Military Region from the Southeast Military Region for reinforcements, so they knew the situation there. Indeed, after the war with the Saint Gama Empire and the Zhu Timor Federation, the pilots of the Southeast Military Region suffered a lot. Many, very much in need of newcomers.

Moreover, because the Southeast Military Region and the Ju Timor Federation and the Ju Timor Federation, the two mecha powers, face each other across the sea, they face greater danger than the Southwest Military Region. If they cannot resist attacks, there will only be more people ruined.

"That's right, there are two pilots in the Southeast Military Region. Master and Teacher Lang often go to assist in the battle before they will defend against several waves of offensive. The military will definitely consider supplementing their combat effectiveness first." After the situation in the military area, Chen Feng felt a headache for Ye Qi. Although Fo La Ye Guo is not very strong now, its top pilot is the Brahmin Yapeng brothers and sisters. These two people are still young and have huge room for growth. Guan Yuzhen The body is obviously not suitable for long-term combat, and the Southwest Military Region may be suppressed and unable to raise its head soon.

Chen Feng thought about it, maybe there is another way to solve it: "Why don't you try to ask the military to transfer pilots who graduated from the northern school? Now the ancient Soviet Empire has a good relationship with us, and there are few wars in the northern military area. , Their pilot reserve is sufficient and should not need too many pilots to supplement."

What Chen Feng said is very reasonable. Since the number of pilots graduated from the Ancient Godland Republic is limited each year, they should be placed where they are most needed.