Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1663: Beam cage

Chen Feng knew that Smith couldn't be honestly trapped by himself, so when Smith first started his action, he used the floating cannon to adjust the attack angle of the beam that had been fired.

The beam emitted from the back has a faster speed and hits the tail of the front beam to tilt it. This is the case with each new beam, successfully pulling and changing all the beams originally surrounding Smith.

The number of beams circling in the air is extremely large, and all of them are mobilized to change directions at once. Seeing the beams being adjusted and flying towards him, Smith is shocked. In previous battles, Smith saw Chen Feng occasionally changing the angle of the beams he emitted, and he also made some preparations for this, but this time so many beams are all adjusted, which requires a powerful control force. what? Smith felt that even the "Gun God" Griffin could not do it here!

The light beams around him started flying towards him in vain. Smith felt that he was a prey that fell into a trap. He was being hunted by hunters with bows and arrows from all directions. An attack of this level was truly overwhelming, making him unable to find anything. Opportunity to get rid of.

Smith also discovered that these changed beams were not directed at him in a disorderly manner. Chen Feng was able to guide them to change directions while accurately controlling the beams in different areas to attack different positions of his special machine. Those beams were directed at. The angles of the "Necromancers" are planned. If the "necromancers" are hit without precautions, they will easily be penetrated by the continuous beam of light.

"Can the killer serial gun still be used like this?" Smith re-acquainted with Chen Feng. In the past, he would never believe that Chen Feng could do these operations. If he hadn't seen him with his own eyes today, he would still think it was nonsense.

Smith has fought with Promise many times, and never found Promise to be able to use such a skill. Master could not do it. It stands to reason that the apprentices who promised to teach should not be able to do it. Could it be that Chen Feng’s potential is even more amazing than promise ?

Smith didn’t have time to think too much. In less than five seconds, the environment around him had become completely different. Now is not the time to consider how Chen Feng can do this, but to hurry up and take measures to hit the ever-approaching beam. Broken, otherwise it is very likely that he will capsize.

Chen Feng's skills have indeed been used to the extreme. There are nearly a hundred beams in the sky. If there is a slight deviation, the attack will fail. However, he can accurately control and make each beam move in a predetermined orbit.

"I have practiced this technique for a long time, let you be the first to taste it!" Chen Feng is very confident in his performance. This is a killer he specially prepared. Today, it is perfect to show it. Give Smith a fight and let him know that he is not that easy to mess with now.

The pilots on the surrounding islands all stared at Smith who was shrouded in light beams. They couldn't imagine how Chen Feng did this kind of operation, let alone what terrible pressure Smith was facing. The only thing they could think of was The thing is that he is absolutely unable to make such an attack, and he is absolutely impossible to persist in such an attack.

Hong Hung Bin drove "Candle Light Youying" to fly over Smith silently. He did not fly down to participate in the attack, because this was Chen Feng's moment. This was Chen Feng's carefully planned attack, and Smith had to "enjoy" the original. Authentic.

In the face of a powerful beam attack, Smith squinted his eyes and carefully observed which of them were the fastest. All things came first, and he had to deal with the beam that would hit him first, even if he wanted to defend himself.

After all, Smith is a demigod pilot. After a glance in all directions, he probably had an idea. He directly activated the pile driver on his left hand, and a row of shells flew into the air with nothing.

Chen Feng frowned when he saw Smith's actions. The other party's response was not that simple. The shells lasing from the pile driver affected the flow of air in the air, and also formed a slight twist to hinder the advancement of the beam.

The propagation of the light beam requires a relatively stable environment, but this environment is destroyed by the scattered flying cannonballs. Several light beams are affected greatly by its power, and the speed of the remaining light beams has also slowed down.

This gave Smith more time to deal with it, and saw that he grabbed the great sword and slashed forward, smashing the beam that was affected by the cannonball in front of him, and then rushed again after clearing the front area.

Smith moved quickly, but Chen Feng's carefully designed beam cage could be broken through casually. The beam behind him was still advancing, and went straight behind the "dead".

After trying, Smith found that he couldn't get rid of the chase of the rear beam. If he ignored Chen Feng, the beam behind him would hit him first.

Don't dare to bet on his own wealth and life, so many beams are gathered together, Smith is not sure that there will be no accidents after being hit. He is not Guan Yuzhen, and without such strong defensive capabilities, the consequences of being aggressive may not be good.

Turning around and using the giant sword to split the beam again, Smith seemed very patient. He knew that it would be difficult for Chen Feng to launch a similar attack again because it consumes a lot of energy. To launch so many beams and manipulate them, it costs more than Usually more energy can be done.

When Smith turned his back to him, Chen Feng raised the beam rifle in his hand. He had never used these two weapons. The energy reserve was at its peak, and he was waiting for the other side to relax.

Not only the beam rifle, but the seven floating cannons still have a lot of energy. Even if the beam cage cannot be used again, the usual level of attack can still be done. The fierce beam flies out again and starts the second wave of offensive. .

Smith finally wiped out the beams behind him. He turned around and was intercepted by many beams. He was really annoying. The plan to defeat Chen Feng would actually be so troublesome: "It's really annoying. Can't you be defeated by me? !"

"Of course not. I still want to hold on for a while." Chen Feng immediately retorted. He and Smith had different feuds. It was Smith who killed his parents back then. He only had the idea of ​​cutting enemies. How could it be possible to admit defeat.

Protecting the fuselage with a huge sword, Smith uses his more powerful power and speed in a semi-god state to move forward, speeding over the flying beam, and then supporting the huge sword with power to block the beam will not shift direction , Approaching Chen Feng step by step.