Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1720: Old Myanmar

"Uershan, he is our local spokesperson, and you can negotiate with him about anything." Commander Ma distributed the details of Uershan to the pilots. In the future, they will need to rely on their cooperation and work together. The inside and the outside together took this chaotic area.

The news that Abraham would get mechas from the Ancient Godland Republic really shocked the other forces. How could those forces think that Abraham would get such a rich return for a blessing in disguise, and all of them were asking for confirmation of the authenticity of the news.

The news came from Abraham's side, so those who spread the news were bombarded by countless phone calls. They witnessed the negotiation with Chen Feng, so they didn't panic at all when they answered with confidence.

Not only did they want to verify from the source of the news, the various forces also approached Abraham's territory one after another, wanting to see with their own eyes what happened inside, when they saw the special plane driven by Chen Feng, "World Breaking", was actually sitting in Abraham's territory. During the break, he would no longer suspect that Abraham deliberately sent false news to deceive them.

It was supposed that the two sides fighting each other coexisted in a territory in a peaceful manner, which in itself could explain a lot of problems. It seems that Abraham has really reached an agreement with the Ancient Gods, so there is no need to continue the fight.

Now that Abraham has the support of the Ancient Gods Republic, the strategy for dealing with him will also be changed in the future. It is not yet known how much the Ancient Gods Republic will help Abraham, and they need more detailed and accurate intelligence.

Chen Feng didn't care about the mechas that appeared in the distance. With his strength, he wanted to leave Lao Burma and no one could stop him. However, if Abraham's power was destroyed, it would be a little troublesome. Chen Feng knew some commander Ma. The official plan, for the time being, could not allow Abraham to be encircled by other forces.

Therefore, Chen Feng continued to stay in the territory of Abraham and did not take the next step. Seeing Chen Feng stayed, Abraham became more at ease. This shows that the Ancient God’s Republic attaches great importance to the results of this negotiation, and Chen Feng’s existence will make others If the forces are more stubborn, his safety will be more guaranteed.

Chen Feng and Abraham spent the whole night peacefully. Chen Feng had a certain period of exhaustion after entering the demigod state, so he stayed in the "broken world" to rest and did not leave. And Abraham didn't dare to let anyone disturb Chen Feng in the past, and only allowed the mecha to reopen patrols to ensure that the territory would not be attacked by new ones.

During Chen Feng’s rest, all the forces in Myanmar wanted to find out what happened after Chen Feng’s arrival and why they could get along with Abraham peacefully. All kinds of news spread everywhere, among them the truth. It is difficult to judge whether it is true or false.

Wu Ershan took the opportunity to place a few of his own people among the various forces. Now anyone who has definite information will receive extremely high treatment, and Wu Ershan can get first-hand information from Chen Feng, so his People are mixed up after going out.

After resting for a night in the territory of Abraham, Chen Feng drove "Breaking the World" and left. Before leaving, he told Abraham that the first generation of mechas had been assembled, and they would be delivered by people from the Southwest Military Region when the security modules were installed.

Abraham is now busy muddying the water. He dare not let other forces know that the generation of mechas he has obtained was obtained by releasing merchants, and he has to re-recruit pilots. He is very busy. All he could do was to send Chen Feng off for a while, watching "World Breaking" fly into the sky and fly away. There was nothing else to talk about.

To be honest, Abraham became relaxed after Chen Feng left. Chen Feng’s powerful performance in the battle deeply shocked him. There are so many mechas under his hand that Chen Feng can’t be dealt with alone. Now that his strength has declined If Chen Feng had the idea of ​​doing something, he had no way to resolve it.

After sending Chen Feng away, Abraham devoted more concentration to the muddy water operation, making Lao Burmese's intelligence system smoggy, no one can grasp the real situation, and messing up the lives of domestic residents.

In the end, it was hard to find out that Abraham was not supported by the Ancient Godly Republic, but normal negotiations and exchanges between the two sides. All forces were played by Abraham, and several days were wasted in vain.

At this time, all the forces in Burmese could not bear it. Abraham, whose strength was greatly reduced, was a sweet bun in their eyes. No one wanted to crush him and seize his possessions to occupy his territory. Now they finally have a chance. Will let it go.

Almost all the mechas in old Burma were dispatched for a while, and they approached Abraham's territory under the leadership of various forces. Once a fight broke out, Abraham would not end up the worst, only worse.

Abraham discovered that other forces knew the real situation and immediately mobilized all the mechas to form a defensive circle. Now he is like meat on a chopping board, and his end is completely predictable.

"Damn! If you hadn't had to negotiate with the Ancient Godland Republic, would we have fallen to this fate? It's all because of you!" Abraham didn't get angry when he thought that he would be manipulated by other forces. From one place, he raised his gun to kill Wuershan's hidden pile. If he hadn't jumped out to obstruct it, everything would not be what it is now.

The hidden stake did not resist, and allowed Abraham to aim the gun at his head. He has been prepared to sacrifice since he was arranged to obstruct according to Urshan's arrangement: "I wish to give in to the bet, I am thinking about you, your lord. But it seems that I failed. You can do anything with me."

"Die!" When Abraham pressed his finger on the trigger, he was about to squeeze it. Suddenly someone yelled and pushed open the door of the room: "Mecha...Mecha is here!"

Abraham hated this guy who interrupted him, and moved his gun over to kill him: "Nonsense! Of course I know that now I don’t have much news about mechas that have spread to Burma, and the other forces are sure. Will come out and wipe me out, it is a strange thing not to come!"

The man hurriedly waved his hand. He didn't want to be killed by Abraham. He quickly told the actual situation: "No, I mean that the Qur'an Republic has brought mechas. Those mechas should belong to us. "

"What? The people from the Ancient Godlan Republic are here?!" Abraham was surprised and happy. These people came too in time. Before he was about to be attacked by several forces, the Ancient Godlan Republic actually gave him the opportunity to promise. A sent it over. It was God's will to keep him from being wiped out by other forces.