Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1726: Hid one hand

Chen Feng was still on the way down, and he couldn't block the giant sword without proper focus. As the giant sword got closer and closer to him, Chen Feng changed his fighting mindset and stopped guarding. The thought of being damaged.

Putting the beam sword away, Chen Feng opened his arms, turned his head and let the giant sword cut off the armor on his shoulders and submerged it into the fuselage, then raised both hands to grab Smith's arm to prevent him from controlling the giant sword to continue cutting down, and lowered the secret office The injury suffered.

Since the arm of the mech is often damaged by combat, there are fewer internal parts. Even if it is hit, it will not become unusable in a short time. Therefore, Chen Feng chose to resist Smith’s attack and use the fuselage. Both armor and arm strength are superimposed against Smith's attack.

After entering the demigod state, Chen Feng's power has been greatly enhanced. Even facing Smith with outstanding strength, he can contend for a while. Therefore, it is difficult for Smith to continue to hack after being caught. The giant sword is stuck in the world. "The armor on the shoulder stopped.

The next step is to see who can hold it for longer. Once one party can't hold on, the giant sword will move in different directions under the control of the other party. Smith is still more confident in this respect, because he knows that Chen Feng can only hold it for a while, and after his power slowly suppresses Chen Feng, the giant sword will cut the "World Breaking" at the original angle.

Smith only sees Chen Feng in front of him, but he forgets that Chen Feng can also control the floating gun. If other mechas are controlled, it will be difficult to resist, especially after his hands are tied, he can only choose to fight hard. Usually in this case, it is to see who is stronger and gradually defeat the other party.

However, Chen Feng's "World Breaking" is different. The weapon he is equipped with is different from other special planes. It can still launch very violent attacks even when the main body cannot move. This is the key that Smith ignored after seeing the dawn of victory. a little.

This time it was not eight floating cannons. There were ten floating cannons hovering in the air. Chen Feng put away two floating cannons after putting away the beam saber. He pinned all his hopes of turning defeat into victory on this fellow. Different weapons.

The floating cannons that hadn't been noticed by Smith were divided into two directions and approached. In order to achieve the best effect of the attack, Chen Feng controlled the floating cannons to form a row every five, and fired at the head and back of the "dead" respectively.

The attack frequency of the floating cannon increased to the fastest. Within a few seconds, dozens of beams were fired straight to the target. Hearing howling from two places, Smith realized where he was negligent.

Chen Feng was able to support the pillar to prevent the giant sword from being cut down, but he was completely exposed to the attack of the floating gun. Everyone knew what kind of response should be done at this time is the best, so Smith had to give up In order to suppress Chen Feng, he pulled out the giant sword and flew forward to avoid the beam attack.

Chen Feng expected Smith to make such an operation, so the floating gun immediately followed, chasing after Smith and shooting continuously, not giving him breathing space and opportunity, and he manually operated the repair and isolation in the cockpit to break the world. "The broken part on the shoulder.

The coolant hits the shoulders of the "world-breaking", and after solidifying the armor gap, it also freezes the parts with potential fire hazards. Although it may have a certain negative effect on the control of the arms, Chen Feng can no longer care about other things at this time. It is impossible for the cannon to trap Smith for too long, and he will soon usher in a new round of hard work.

Smith took advantage of the surrounding mountains to avoid the beams, and at the same time looked for opportunities to destroy the floating cannons that chased him, hiding in a shadow and cutting the first two floating cannons into two pieces, successfully resolving the situation of being pursued.

The remaining eight floating artillery Chen Feng dare not let them pursue too deeply. The closer the distance is, the higher the probability that Smith will shoot them down. He also needs the assistance of the floating artillery to fight Smith and cannot bear their excessive damage. .

After smashing the floating gun, Smith continued to attack Chen Feng, using the giant sword to leave a few scars that were submerged inside the fuselage on the "World Breaking" body. Chen Feng's hands were greatly reduced and he had no chance to increase the beam sword's power. After that, he fell into a passive position.

It took so long to fight back to the point where it was unable to fight back. To be honest, Chen Feng and Smith had already greatly exceeded their expectations. Smith is now more and more wanting to kill Chen Feng here, otherwise it will only become more difficult in the future.

Chen Feng still insisted. He had a reason to fight. No matter how strong Smith was, he would do everything possible to support the fight, because he could not disappoint his dead parents.

"World Breaking" was crumbling but never defeated. Smith couldn't help but said, "What makes you persist to this level? Is it really because of hatred? I have killed more people, and I have never seen you so persistent. of."

"I can't control other people, but if you killed my parents, I must have revenge!" Chen Feng is now not only for his dead parents, but also for the mother and son You Jia who are waiting for him to return: With a happy family, I won't let you take it away again!"

Smith sneered at Chen Feng's words. In his opinion, Chen Feng couldn't escape the fate of failure: "Then I can only apologize, you will definitely die here today. You can't avenge your revenge and you can't return to them. Around."

Chen Feng closed his mouth and did not answer. Talking now would distract him. He has been fighting in a demigod state for a long time, and now he is almost reaching the limit. The exhaustion that keeps coming in his mind makes him groggy. If you don't concentrate, you will probably be dragged into the world of black lotus in an instant, then in reality you can only let Smith kill.

Being able to be dragged by Chen Feng to the point where his demigod state is about to end, Smith felt that his ambush was a failure. The opponent clearly had a big gap with him, but he still couldn't put him in the strongest state of the opponent. To be defeated, he actually had to wait until the opponent had a problem himself. I am really sorry to have been a demigod pilot for so long.

Frustration is a sense of frustration. The decline in Chen Feng's state gave Smith more opportunities. Taking advantage of the slowdown of the floating gun offensive, he got closer and closer to Chen Feng, and the frequency of the great sword hits became higher and higher. The "world-breaking" armor The degree of damage is getting worse.

Smith is obsessed with destroying the armor of the "world-breaking", Chen Feng also quietly adjusted the direction facing the "world-breaking" to face Smith. He still has a weapon that he has not used before, which is to wait until Smith's alertness drops. it.