Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1730: Attribution

"Then what do you think I should do? Chen Feng is already a real demigod pilot. If he doesn't do anything, he will still be more and more favored by the world. I just take a gamble. If I lose, I just speed up. That’s the process. Unlike you, who knew that Chen Feng would pose a threat to our country, he did nothing and came to accuse me!” Smith was very aggrieved, and obviously everything he did was for the future of the Saint Gama Empire. In the end, Griffin asked how he could bear it.

"Don't put gold on your face, I know exactly what your real purpose is." Griffin is unmoved. Even if Smith's actions will help the Saint Gama Empire, Smith thinks about it most. It must be in my own interest: "I can't do anything against Chen Feng. Once I attack, public opinion will completely fall to the Ancient Shenlan Republic, and Murong Fan will choose to fight back with a big bully. We may not get much benefit by then. "

Griffin’s identity is not the same as Smith. If he takes action, the situation will become more serious. Just imagine that the God of War has actually acted on Chen Feng. Then other pilots may also be attacked by the God of War, the most powerful machine. If the teacher acts unscrupulously, everyone's safety will not be guaranteed, and the world will fall into great chaos without the constraints of conventions.

Smith just vented. He wouldn’t really want Griffin to take action, because no one can afford the consequences. He is the only one who has the opportunity to attack Chen Feng. No one else in the Saint Gama Empire has. Such strength.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, since you can't help, don't bother me!" Smith didn't want to talk to Griffin anymore. The failure of this attack made him very uneasy, after he had no absolute power to suppress Chen Feng , Smith had a headache **** this young newly promoted demigod pilot.

Just as Smith was about to leave, Griffin stopped him with a single sentence: "I originally wanted to continue to observe young pilots to see if they are capable of becoming the backbone of our country, but it seems difficult now. , Only Edward is okay, but his potential is far inferior to those of the ancient Shenlan Republic, which really makes me sad. Therefore, in order for our country to have the ability to continue to dominate the world, I think Yixiang Zhuguo should be given one People who have the strength to go further."

Smith’s ears are all pricked up. Listening to Griffin means to think about whom to give the scented vermilion fruit to those who can further contribute to the Saint Gama Empire. Thinking about it, there are actually not many choices, except Robertson and himself couldn't think of anyone else.

Roberson is ten years younger than Smith, but his strength is relatively average among the demigod pilots, and he doesn't have too prominent and special abilities, so Griffin will look for new candidates who can inherit the fragrant vermilion fruit. It is a pity that the situation is stronger than that of human beings. With Chen Feng’s rapid rise and Pan Yuguo and Hongshuibin’s possible breakthroughs at any time, the Saint Gama Empire seemed very passive. Griffin must speed up and make a decision, otherwise it would be suppressed by the Ancient God Lan Republic. It's hard to stand up anymore.

Now that Robertson is unbearable, then Smith’s opportunity has come. The only problem is the grievance between Smith and Griffin. I think Griffin almost died in Smith’s trap, and now he will be willing to let go Does personal grievance help Smith?

Smith couldn't think of how Griffin would choose, so he was very nervous and didn't dare to move. Griffin would say this in front of him to give an answer, but he didn't know whether that person was himself or Robertson.

"Do you want to know who my decision was?" Griffin asked slowly, but he didn't rush after making the decision.

It's a matter of Smith's immediate interests. He has been stuck in a demigod pilot for more than ten years. It is because there is no fragrant Zhu Guo that he cannot enter the ranks of God of War. Now the turning point of the change lies in front of him. How can Smith calmly guess? Pushing Griffin away, panting and roaring: "I don't know who you will choose, if you want to say it, I'm not interested in playing a puzzle with you!"

"Is this unbearable? I think you should learn to be calm after many years of wandering outside." Griffin smoothed out the folds made by Smith on the clothes, and looked at this once with a slight smile. People who almost killed themselves: "You, Robertson, and Edward are the only three people I can choose, but Robertson hasn't made much progress over the years, and Edward's future is hard to see, so in the end only you are left."

"Are you really going to give me the Yixiang Zhuguo?" Smith stared firmly into Griffin's eyes. He was very afraid that Griffin was joking with himself, and his attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away disappeared instantly. After all, everyone Unable to resist the temptation to become a **** of war.

Griffin did not shy away from Smith’s eyes. He had already made a decision and he would not change it: "I won’t make a joke about this kind of thing. It depends on whether you are willing to take this responsibility! You know that you should be the God of War. What to do?"

"Know, I will definitely devote everything to the Saint Gama Empire, I have been doing this all these years!" The ball was kicked in front of him, and Smith could no longer kick it into the arms of others, decisively indicating that he would like to play for the country. Determination.

Smith showed his attitude, but Griffin watched him having not spoken for a long time. If it hadn’t been for it, Griffin would definitely be unwilling to give the fragrant vermillion fruit to Smith. This decision was related to the future national destiny of the Saint Gama Empire. I want to observe for a few more years, but it is a pity that the Quran God Republic is pressing harder and not giving opportunities. He can only choose the best method at the moment.

"I hope my decision is not wrong..." Griffin sighed silently. In order to maintain the transcendent status of the Saint Gama Empire, they must take care of the present. As for the future, there may be other variables.

Since Smith was willing to take responsibility, Griffin decided to trust him again: "That's it, you come with me."

Smith hurriedly followed. Griffin should be taking him to get the fragrant vermillion fruit. When he thought that he was about to leap over the dragon gate and become the **** of war, Smith couldn't bear to be excited, wishing to speed up the pace to overtake Griffin, but Only Griffin knew where the Yixiang Zhuguo was placed, so he could only force his emotions and follow behind.

One morning, Chen Feng was conducting targeted training in the military headquarters. After continuous fighting with Brahman Yapeng and Smith, he more clearly realized which aspects of his exercise should be strengthened, and he played better day by day in training. The pilots of the Ministry are gradually becoming the targets of his daily bullying.