Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1787: Revisit intelligence

After talking for a long time, everyone still didn’t figure out anything. They didn’t understand why the Zhu Timwen Federation launched an attack. In the end, Nangong Mengdie still locked the target on Hongshui Bin. Only by contacting key figures can they know the truth: "Wait for time. Please try to contact Hongshui Bin again when he is in, he should know some inside information."

There was no result anyway, Nangong Huandie set his sights on the battle in front of him. Now the attacks of the Zhu Timwen Federation have not all ended, and other areas are still suffering from the impact: "Now let's go to support other places, I There are many places where defenses are already shaky."

The coastline to be guarded is too wide. Pan Bayi had to arrange the mechas according to the importance of the area. After the Zhu Timwen Federation got the information, it attacked from the weakest direction, which led to the first battle in the ancient times. The Shenlan Republic suffered huge damage, and even if more damage was caused later, it would be difficult to make up for the previous loopholes.

The number of mechas in several areas is low to a very low level. Under the repeated impact of the enemy, the oil is exhausted, and there are not many mobile support mechas left, which cannot effectively supplement them, and the line of defense is not good. Will be broken.

Nangong Huadie saw this and wanted to help them in the past. Their team is strong in combat and has good speed of action. It is quite suitable for rescue missions. This is one of the reasons why Pan Bayi and they are on the front line. , And gave them the authority to judge how to act according to the on-site situation.

Several people are willing to resist the attack of the Zhu Timor Federation on the front line. Naturally, they are willing to help other areas where the situation is not good, but their own state is not very good now. After repelling the twelve waves of attacks, their opportunity A has also suffered a lot of injuries, and it is easy to be dangerous if he is not careful.

"Wait a moment, not only our mecha needs urgent repair, but our state also needs to be adjusted. We must sharpen our knives and chop wood by mistake. Only after we rest can we exert stronger combat effectiveness." Nangong Mengdie stopped her sister's impulse. , Telling her that she is eager to help other areas is correct, but she also has to consider her own situation.

Nangong Huandie listened very much to what her sister said. Although she was the leader of the independent action team outside, Nangong Mengdie was her patriarch and her sister. What she said made sense and she was willing to listen.

The four did not rest for too long, and after nearly five minutes of tidying up, they flew to the critical area closest to them. They shut down the malfunctioning parts of their mecha, and slightly eased the exhaustion of continuous battles and recovered. Most combat power.

With their participation, the Mechas of the Zhu Timwen Federation could no longer break through the defenses on the coastline. The landing space they finally pulled out was eroded. The front mechas were killed one after another, and the back However, it is difficult for A to go ashore to participate in the battle, and gradually the disadvantages become greater and greater, and he can no longer effectively attack the mecha on the shore.

Then Nangong Huandie and others changed the area again and helped the friendly forces on the other side to repel the enemy, thus stopping the most ferocious offensive of the Zhu Timwen Federation one by one, effectively supporting the defense line.

As for the battle on the top pilot's side, the remaining three special planes of the Zhu Timwen Federation were obviously inferior to Pan Yuguo's side. After passively defending for a few rounds, they were distracted by birds and beasts.

The three of Pan Yuguo who had freed their hands began to support the battlefield, and dealt with all the areas that Nangong Huandie and others could not take care of, and completely shattered the idea of ​​the Zhu Timwen Federation to complete its work.

The result of the battle caused great anger to the senior officials of the Zhu Timwen Federation. The intelligence given by Xu Xin was correct and effective. They should have achieved the most fruitful results before the Southeast Military Region realized their defensive deployment was seen through, but they were surprised by one after another. Destroyed, helplessly swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

It is foreseeable that Lang Ba and Pan Yuguo will join the battle one after another, but apart from them, the Qur'an God Republic has not dispatched more machine emperors. Why can't the five machine emperors of the Zhu Timwen Federation attack together to win? There is also the fighting of Nangong Huadie and others. These young pilots of the Ancient God Lan Republic are dazzling one by one, which really caused a lot of suffering for the Zhu Timwen Federation mecha.

Before Xu Xin and Lin Wenjie were kept in jail for a day, they were brought to the top of the Zhu Timwen Federation. Seeing the angry and distorted faces in front of them, Xu Xin understood that their landing battle had failed.

"Could it be that the'War God' appeared? Otherwise, there is no reason to miss if you have intelligence?" Xu Xin silently guessed the reason for the failure of the Zhu Timwen Federation. After thinking about it, only Murong Fan appeared to save the Southeast Military Region from the impending collapse. Line of defense.

Xu Xin was thinking wildly, and he heard someone in front give orders to himself: "Xu Xin, Lin Wenjie, I need you to continue to explore the coastline defense deployment of the Ancient Gods and Lantern Republic!"

"Didn't we just bring back the latest news? Didn't the operation succeed?" Xu Xin couldn't help but ask. He wanted to know why the Zhu Timen Federation failed, and what else would the intelligence do if the intelligence was not successful.

"The Republic of the Quran God is too tenacious. We failed to land successfully!" Zhu Timwen's federal executives didn't want to tell Xu Xin about the failure, but even if they didn't admit that Xu Xin went out to contact, they would know it. Come out: "We are attacking areas with weak lines of defense this time. The Quran God Republic will definitely start adjustments when it is defended. We need the latest intelligence and we must succeed next time!"

Didn't rely on Murong Fan to stop the onslaught of the Zhu Timwen Federation? Xu Xin was shocked, has the combat effectiveness of the motherland pilots become so strong? This made him start to regret the decision to defect, and if he stayed in the country, he should be able to get it.

Xu Xin's wandering into the sky made Zhu Timwen's high-level people very unhappy. They were already in a state of defeat in the battle, and now Xu Xin didn't answer in a daze. Is this despising their authority?

"Xu Xin!" Someone patted the table directly: "If you continue this attitude, I will shoot you immediately, believe it or not?!"

Lin Wenjie hurriedly stepped forward to apologize and said that he would investigate new information again: "Sorry, Xu Xin just lost his mind. We will immediately collect the latest information. Please give us some time to contact."

"Hurry up, it's better to give us information within tomorrow." The senior officials of the Zhu Timwen Federation were not at all polite with the two, limiting the time for submitting information to the next day.