Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1789: Thrilling encounter

"I just met the'Knife God', and he drove an ordinary mech into our country!" Chen Feng's voice was quite tired, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.

"You met the'God of Sword'?!" Commander Ma almost jumped up. The news was so overwhelming that he couldn't imagine how much damage a God of War would cause if he broke into the Republic of the God of Qur'an: "You fight him Did he win or lose? Where did he go?"

Chen Feng is just a demigod pilot. All five of him can't compete with "Sword God" Abe Boya. So Commander Ma first thought of Chen Feng after he got out of the opponent's claws before proceeding with him. connection.

"He just returned." Chen Feng told Commander Ma that Boya Abe didn't go any further and chose to leave directly after the battle with him: "The'Sword God' did not drive a special plane but an ordinary standard. Mecha, I found that this mecha does not belong to our country, so I intercepted it. During the battle, I felt that he was much stronger than me. There was no other possibility except for the "Sword God", and he himself admitted."

Hearing that Abe Boya had chosen to retreat, Commander Ma thought about his reasons for doing so, and at the same time asked about Chen Feng's condition with concern: "Why did he leave? And what about you? Is there any injury?"

Chen Feng smiled bitterly. The God of War is the God of War. Even if he was driving the most common mecha, he still caused huge damage: "I have nearly half of the floating artillery destroyed, and the body of the "World Breaking" has varying degrees of trauma. It is estimated that it will take a period of rest to rejoin the battle."

"However, I used the floating gun to cause a certain blow to the mecha driven by the'War God'. He may leave because the mecha is in poor condition and is easy to encounter danger." Chen Feng also speculated on the reason for Abe Boya's retreat. It is difficult for an ordinary mecha to fully exert the strength of a God of War, and it would be cheating if it accidentally folded in a foreign country.

In the night, Chen Feng was driving "Breaking the World" quickly. According to the information passed by Pan Yuguo, the offensive of the Zhu Timor Federation was very fierce, and the coastline defense line was in danger. He urgently needed his help in the past, so Chen Feng increased the output to the maximum and at the fastest speed. Approach the coastline.

During the flight, Chen Feng noticed that a special mecha was passing by from a distance. It did not turn on the lighting equipment on its body and deliberately avoided itself. If it weren't detected by the floating cannons scattered around, it would not have noticed. .

Why does this mech act alone quietly? Chen Feng immediately became suspicious of it, worried that it would cause incalculable damage, and controlled the "World Breaking" and flew over to find out what the other party was doing.

Seeing Chen Feng's approach, the mecha immediately speeded up and wanted to escape, which made Chen Feng more alert. If the opponent is not malicious, why should he avoid him, there must be a problem in it, so he used the floating gun to increase the speed to continue chasing.

Although the speed of that mecha was very fast, it was still far behind the special plane, and even with the assistance of the floating gun, even if it went into the mountains and woods, Chen Feng always followed firmly behind and was not thrown away.

The mecha seemed to realize that it could not get rid of Chen Feng, so he chose a relatively open area and stopped, quietly waiting for Chen Feng to fly to him.

"Which unit are you from, why don't you turn on the lights to sneak in at night?" Chen Feng slowed down while investigating the identity of the opponent, and then he saw that the mecha was completely different from his own country. It was Emperor Zhu. The mecha of the Wen Federation!

Chen Feng immediately drew out his beam rifle and aimed at the opponent, and eight floating guns also surrounded it from all directions: "The people of the Zhu Timwen Federation dare to go into the hinterland of our country alone, it is a great burden!"

"Hehe, so what? You still can't stop me." The pilot in the mecha didn't seem to care about Chen Feng's locking, and even hooked his finger to let Chen Feng attack.

The arrogant attitude of the other party angered Chen Feng. Anyway, he is now a demigod pilot. There are not many people in the world who can beat him. The opponent's behavior is almost the same as death.

So Chen Feng was going to give the opponent a bit of color. The beam rifle in his hand launched the attack first, shooting at the opponent's mecha limbs first, trying to destroy his mobility and slowly figure out the reason for sneaking into the hinterland of the motherland.

But the opponent easily avoided Chen Feng's attack, and he didn't see much movement. The flying beam passed him and hit the empty space without causing the expected damage.

Chen Feng frowned slightly. He became more and more aware that this enemy was not simple. Through more observations, he found that the opponent’s mech was the most common standard mech of the Zhu Timwen Federation. Driving such an ordinary mech but dared to be indifferent. To yourself, no one dares to do this without superpower.

Who is the pilot in this mecha? While controlling the floating artillery and participating in the attack, Chen Feng recalled the voice of the other party. He didn't seem to have heard this voice before, so it was not a good basis for judgment.

However, Chen Feng's response made Chen Feng feel his power. The mecha calmly shuttled through a large number of beams, and occasionally shot a few beams to create space for himself. It was completely easy to do.

Not only that, he also suddenly accelerated when Chen Feng hadn't controlled the floating cannon to extend more distance, rushed toward the floating cannon that was still looking for an attack angle, and swung the knife in his hand and chopped over two.

Chen Feng couldn't think that the opponent could even launch a counterattack. He was a bit slower when manipulating the floating cannon. After being successfully succeeded by the opponent, he quickly lifted the remaining floating cannons and raised two more floating cannons from behind to prepare for the attack again.

But the other party didn’t want Chen Feng to have a chance to regroup. He continued to chase the soaring floating cannon. He showed extremely fast speed. This time Chen Feng had no time to control the floating cannon to fly to a safe distance and was destroyed again. Two pieces.

The opponent's speed is not what an ordinary mecha should have. Chen Feng can basically guess his identity. Except for the three Gods of War, who are far superior to all pilots in the world, it is impossible for anyone to have such a powerful strength.

"'Sword God'?!" Chen Feng was surprised and delighted. He actually encountered such a powerful enemy, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Fortunately, Abe Boya was not driving his usual special plane, and the place where the two met was in the hinterland of the Republic of the Qur'an God. The external conditions are very favorable to Chen Feng. No matter how strong Abe Boya is, he cannot be fast in this state. Kill Chen Feng.