Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1800: Shoot down the first special plane

The Emperor Zhu Timwen did not expect that Chen Feng had such a strong combat power after he became a pilot in a few years. He had underestimated the opponent before, and perhaps it was a wrong decision to come and participate in this battle.

The arrow has to be sent on the string. Regardless of whether the Emperor Zhu Timwen regrets it or not, they must now have a life-and-death contest with Chen Feng. The two mecha units below have already collided, and Chen Feng can't be still lingering. He and them looked at each other, and the mecha below would definitely not be able to hold it because of the disadvantage of the number. He had to end the battle as soon as possible and help.

So the two sides started the duel again. This time, the two emperors of the Zhu Timwen Federation had learned to be obedient. They no longer dreamed about defeating Chen Feng, but focused on entanglement and delay, with the purpose of preventing Chen Feng from getting out and participating in the main battlefield. In the war, as long as their mech troops defeated the coastline defenses, Chen Feng, who fought with them, did nothing to help.

Chen Feng’s opponent’s psychology can be completely guessed, so he pinned his hopes on Nangong Mengdie and others. These companions are all ace pilots, and they can definitely stand alone on the battlefield, even if there are many enemy aircraft. They can still play a powerful role and have a beneficial impact on the war.

Nangong Mengdie saw that Chen Feng was entangled by the special plane of the Zhu Timwen Federation and could not get out. He knew that they would rely on their performance to support the line of defense. In particular, he explained to several partners around him: "Chen Feng has delayed the opponent. The three special planes are up to us now. The enemy's purpose is to land, so we must separate to the front line to prevent them from going ashore."

"Several of us are modified aircraft that focus on close combat. There is no problem going to the front line. But sister, your modified aircraft is for ultra-long-range combat. Do you want to go to the front?" Understand the arrangement of my sister, the special heavy beam blocking gun is not a weapon that can be used effectively in close combat.

Nangong Mengdie smiled slightly. She understood what her sister was worried about. She lifted her right leg and kicked in the air: "Don't forget, I can not only block remotely, but I also have boomerangs and leg skills, so why can't they do it? I."

Zhu Tiwen’s Federal Mecha Unit is close at hand, and there is no time for a few people to communicate more. After Nangong Mengdie arranges, the few people will immediately separate and act, and everyone chooses a direction to support and help nearby mechas. Block the approach of enemy planes together.

Among them, the Nangong Mengdie attack is the most eye-catching. Although she is on the front line, she can still shoot with the blocking gun in her hand. Each attack can take away at least two enemy planes. The Zhu Timwen Federation wants to stop her. For her attack, she had to send more mechas to the area where she was, so that other directions slightly reduced the pressure.

The performance of Nangong Phantom Butterfly is also very outstanding. Her modified machine's stealth function has been continuously improved. Now it is difficult to be discovered even in battle, not to mention that the strength is not as good as her enemy, and often appears without warning. After destroying one or two enemy planes, they disappeared again, causing a headache for the nearby Zhu Timwen Federation pilots.

Ji Ling and Nangong Phantom Butterfly are very similar. He was originally a pilot who focused on burst killing. He repeatedly pierced through the stack of beams to burst into the enemy's side, and then burst out a fatal blow with a dagger in his hand. He could take almost every attack. Take the life of an enemy.

Zheng Zhirong’s performance is relatively modest. He focuses mainly on assisting the surrounding mechas to resist attacks. Using the characteristics of the many weapons of his modified aircraft, he constantly switches the weapons in his hands to repel the enemy, and can also help the friendly forces around him who encounter danger from time to time. , On the whole, the loss of mecha on his side is the least among all areas.

With their participation, there is no sign of the coastline defense being breached by the Ju Timor Federal Mecha Units. Coupled with the sparing efforts of several surrounding defensive bases, the Ju Timor Federal Mecha did not find a chance to land ashore in a short time. .

But this can only be withstood for a while. Chen Feng knew that as the fighting continued, the damage to the mecha of the Qur'an God Republic would be greater and greater. By then, the advantage of the number of mechas of the Zhu Timwen Federation would greatly increase. Once the line of defense collapses, the army will be defeated. It is impossible to organize an effective defense.

Chen Feng was very anxious, and wished that the floating guns would be destroyed by a few fewer. He had a match with the two special planes on the opposite side. If one or two floating guns were added, the deadlock would definitely be broken.

The four of Nangong Mengdie had also been completely restrained by the battle and could not get out. Now they were fighting for the hard power of both sides. The quantitative advantage of Zhu Timwen's Federation Mecha began to show slowly, and the damage rate on both sides began to become different.

Both sides of the battle have no idea of ​​retreating. The retreat of the Qur'an God Republic means failure. The city of Langya behind it will be destroyed by enemy fire; and the Zhu Timwen Federation will not want to give up after having an advantage. , Their goal is to continue to attack the defense line, until the opponent's defense and occupy the coastline.

The special plane that had been trapped by Chen Feng in the distance finally got rid of the entanglement of the floating gun. For the first time, the three special planes really joined hands to besiege Chen Feng, which caused great trouble to Chen Feng and was almost forced out by them. He was hit hard by his mistake.

Fortunately, Chen Feng is also an experienced pilot. After discovering the crisis, he raised the demigod state to the strongest level. He broke through the blockade of the three special planes and broke through the encirclement formed by them.

Chen Feng launched a fierce attack as soon as he broke through the encirclement. He could no longer allow this kind of crisis to appear, because the next time he might not be able to resolve it smoothly, he had to defeat the enemy before they could recreate the opportunity.

In terms of hard power, Chen Feng is still much better than his opponents. In the demigod state, he has an advantage no matter which machine emperor is against. After changing directions continuously and using the floating cannon to attract the enemy’s attention, he finally got the The opportunity for one of the special planes to fight alone.

This opportunity was only a few seconds, but it was enough for Chen Feng to burst out all the attacks he could do. The beam sword pierced the chest of the special plane over the long stick, always defeating this multiple defense. Down the enemy he attacked.

With the violent explosion in the chest of the special plane, it swayed and fell to the sea. Chen Feng had no chance to pursue it again, because the other two special planes could not allow him to attack his companions and intercept them in their own way. It is not impossible to force an attack, but the price will be very tragic, and Chen Feng cannot choose this way for the subsequent battle.