Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1859: Violently beaten

The successful attack on Murong Fan last time gave Oshima Wanfu great confidence. Although Murong Fan’s counterattack caused them to lose a brother directly in the battle, he felt that this was because he was negligent. The unique structure of the "Yaqi Orochi" can certainly defeat these invincible gods of war.

Griffin gave up the idea of ​​blocking the opponent's approach with shooting, because he wanted to experience how the multiple arms of this special plane would affect the battle, and understand how Murong Fan was trapped in the first place.

After the two sides started fighting, Griffin soon had different feelings. The four arms of this special plane did bring great pressure to him. Just after evading the attack of one arm, another arm attacked immediately. The key is There are a total of four such arms, and the different weapons held on them can bring different threats, making Griffin seem a little cramped for a while.

The "Yaki Orochi" performed well, which caused a cheer of the Zhu Timwen Federation mecha. They were very depressed when they saw Abe Boya being shot down. Now they have another special plane to suppress the legendary invincible Griffin. This makes them become excited immediately, and even think that they might really be able to win.

Hearing the cheers behind him, Oshima was even more excited, and shouted to the younger brother in his head next to him: "Go harder! He is going to die soon, as long as we shoot him down, we will be the strongest in the world. The pilot!"

"Okay! Today we are going to prove to the world, what God of War is, we can all kill!" Chio Oshima was equally enthusiastic, as if he saw the praise that came after the victory, when Abe What are Boya? They are the darling of the Zhu Timwen Federation and the whole world. Those gods of war will only become the stepping stones on their way to success.

The inexplicable self-confidence of the two people in front of them made Griffin suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha! Don't you really think you can win?! I just play with you for a while, do you really feel strong?"

"What are you talking about?!" Oshima was taken aback, why Griffin's voice didn't panic at all. It was obvious that he was the dominant player on the scene. Griffin had almost no chance to break free, but why could he still? So calm?

"Do you think it's so simple to trap me? I couldn't handle Murong Fan when I was three people. Now there are only two people left and want to beat me. It's a toad that wants to eat swan meat!" Griffin no longer wants to be with him. The special planes were entangled. After a simple fight, he roughly understood the characteristics of the opponent, which was to use the advantages of height, body length and many arms to fight. Other aspects of abilities were mediocre, and there was not much to note.

Perhaps this is also related to Murong Fan’s destruction of a head of this special plane. After losing a pilot, the "Yaqi Orochi" underwent a very large transformation, removing the damaged head and two arms to avoid The unmanned body adversely affects the body, and correspondingly weakens a large part of their combat effectiveness.

The "Yaqi Orochi", whose combat effectiveness has declined, can only maintain a very short period of suppression when encountering a stronger Griffin. Griffin quickly adapts and understands their strength, and there is no need to talk to them anymore. Keep playing.

Griffin, who was serious, was not something that the Oshima Wanfu brothers could resist. He broke through the four arms in an instant, and then flew a kick on the head of "Yaki Orochi", making him like Abe Boya. And kicked into the bottom of the sea.

The Federal Pilot Zhu Timwen was still cheering, but within a few seconds, his own special plane was shot down again. This result was far beyond their expectations. They were all stunned there with their mouths open, but the boss couldn’t make any announcements. The slightest voice seemed to be stuck in the throat, and I didn't know what expression to make.

Boya Abe had a lot of dissatisfaction with the Oshima Wanfu brothers, so he stayed under the sea floor while they were fighting Griffin instead of himself, just like to see if the twin pilots could give Gerry Fern brings some trouble.

The development of the matter was exactly the same as Boya Abe thought. In addition to using the novelty of their special machine to cause Griffin to a certain extent by the Oshima Brothers at the beginning, Griffin did what he wanted to do. Without giving them more room to play, they kicked them down in twos or twos.

Since then, the two strongest special planes of the Zhu Timen Federation have been defeated by Griffin. He has not pursued them anymore. His purpose of coming here has been achieved. After helping Murong Fan out of a nasty breath, it is time for him to leave. Up.

"There are people outside and there are outsiders. You only defeated Murong Fan with the help of sneak attacks and teamwork. Don't think this is your true strength. Next time you let me know that you do something like this, don't blame me for not keeping it!" Before leaving, Griffin also pretended to leave a sentence, warning Abe Boya and Oshima Wanfu brothers not to do anything that hurts the world.

After finishing talking, Griffin drove a special plane and left directly. Zhu Timwen's federal mechs saw that their strongest pilots had lost. Wherever they dared to step forward to intercept, they saw Griffin flying towards him. They dodged one after another and took the initiative to give up the road.

Griffin left the Ju Timor Federation very smoothly. His continuous defeat of the new special planes of the Abe Boya and Ju Timor Federation was praised by countless people, allowing the world to understand his strength more clearly and consolidating the world's strongest The status of the pilot.

After the news spread to the military, Hong Bin said to Chen Feng next to him: "Unexpectedly, the'gun god' ran to the Zhu Timwen Federation to teach them a meal, but we did not ask him for help. Why did he help my master? Out of breath?"

"Perhaps this is the sympathy between the top pilots. Although the three Gods of War have their strengths in the past, they have never caused fatal damage to each other. This time, Abe Boya has violated a taboo and will arouse Liffin’s anger." Chen Feng made a simple speculation. His speculation was quite correct. It was because Griffin could not understand the practices of the Zhu Timwen Federation and Abe Boya to give them a severe lesson. Let them know that certain things are absolutely not allowed.

However, Griffin did not harm Abe Boya's life in the end, because if he really killed Abe Boya, then the international situation would have undergone tremendous changes again. Now that Murong Fan died is already troublesome enough, he does not want to If he loses a former opponent, he will be lonely as the only contemporaries left.