Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1862: Mess up

Chen Feng couldn't think of it and didn't bother to think about it. He only had to know that his child was unparalleled.

Hearing the child calling for herself, You Jia couldn't help but took him from Chen Feng: "He actually calls Mom and Dad. I think he must be very reluctant to show you this way."

"I can't bear you either, but in order to protect our country from war, I have to clean up the threat!" Chen Feng did not want to leave You Jia mother and son, but as a demigod pilot, many things cannot be avoided. .

"I know that you not only belong to our family, but there are thousands of people who need you." You Jia smiled and asked Chen Feng not to misunderstand, and took Chen Xinghai's hand and swayed towards Chen Feng: "Come on. , Say goodbye to Dad and wish him all the best."

Chen Xinghai obediently was taken by You Jia and waved to Chen Feng, his voice became clearer and clearer: "Dad! Dad!"

Chen Feng very much wanted to stay and listen to Chen Xinghai’s call to his father a few more times, but he knew his own responsibility. If he delays at home for a second, many families will be destroyed by the enemy’s invasion. He cannot Because of his own personal selfishness, the person to be guarded was in danger, so he heard Chen Xinghai yell a few more times and then resolutely turned and walked towards the door.

"I'm leaving, Xinghai will ask you. I will see him again when I come back. Maybe his parents will call at that time." Chen Feng waved goodbye to the mother and son in the house. The duration of this trip may be very long. Long, many things will definitely change when he gets home.

Now the weather is getting colder and the wind outside is relatively strong, so You Jia didn’t take Chen Xinghai out to see Chen Feng off. The mother and son watched Chen Feng board the shuttle plane inside the house. Chen Xinghai’s fists were raised high, as if she was doing Chen Feng’s Cheer up in general.

"Dad has gone out to raid the bad guys. You have to grow up quickly. Will you fight side by side with Dad in the future?" You Jia squatted next to Chen Xinghai, hoping that one day he could also drive a mecha to fight with Chen Feng and take care of each other .

Chen Xinghai nodded and screamed, seemingly to agree to You Jia. You Jia looked up again at the plane that was about to disappear in the sky. She promised that she would cultivate well during Chen Feng's absence. their child.

The plane to pick up Chen Feng was arranged by Pan Bayi. Because the special plane "World Breaking" was transported directly from the military to the main base of the Southeast Military Region, Chen Feng himself could not move quickly and efficiently, so Pan Bayi helped him. Special adjustments have been made.

When Chen Feng entered the main base of the Southeast Military Region, Nangong Mengdie and others were already on standby inside. The friends gathered together again, and they could perform tasks together to fight again.

According to the soldiers in the hangar, Pan Bayi wanted to call everyone to the command room. Chen Feng thought that there would be enemies appearing so soon: "Commander Pan is so anxious to let us go to the command room. The mecha is dispatched?"

Although the countries on the southeast coast of the Qur'an Republic are small in size, their strength should not be underestimated. Because of their superior geographic environment and high economic level, their development in mecha is quite rapid, and they are also Attracted many outstanding pilots to join in, so the mecha combat effectiveness of these countries is considerable.

Regardless of how small these countries are, but if they unite, they are also a good force. Pan Bayi was worried about this, so he asked the military to provide support to avoid being taken advantage of by the other side and causing unnecessary casualties.

"Hurry up, there should be an enemy invaded." Nangong Mengdie suggested that everyone speed up and rush to the command room. If the mechas of those countries are really dispatched, the current defense deployment of the Southeast Military Region is probably not their opponent.

So everyone rushed to the command room. Inside, Pan Bayi listened to the soldiers' report with a stern expression. He stretched out his hand to beckon the incoming Chen Feng and others to join the observers and listened to what the soldiers said.

"We have detected that nearly 500 mechas have entered our country's territory from different directions along the coast, and they are still deepening. It is less than half a day away from the nearest city. Someone must pass to stop them." The soldiers reported on the situation at the border one by one. It turns out that there are now 500 mechas on the territory of the Southeast Military Region. If no one is sent to stop them, it is likely to cause huge casualties and property losses.

Pan Bayi waved his hand to let the soldiers leave, and called Chen Feng and the others to him: "You have heard all of them just now. Now some coastal countries want to make profits when we fall to the bottom, so I need you to beat them. Retreat, and must be very beautiful, so that they understand that our country has not fallen, and will never let others do whatever they want!"

"There are 500 mechas on the opposite side. Our team has only six people. Isn't it too difficult?" Of course Chen Feng is willing to go to repel the enemy, but the number of mechas on both sides is too big. Being surrounded by the other party is likely to have bad results, so he asked Pan Bayi how to deal with this problem in advance, and it was too late when he really encountered it.

"The military has dispatched a hundred mechas. The pilots driving them are all capable of being above special pilots, and the smaller half have become general pilots. They will guard the southern waters together with you." As soon as the arrangements have been made in advance, the mechas from the military have already been put in place first: "I think with this level of pilots, even a small number can win."

Hearing that the military had sent a hundred additional pilots over, Chen Feng was more confident in repelling the enemy, because as long as they were commanded properly, they would never lose in small and medium-scale battles: "Enough, their pilots are not Maybe all of them are above the level of special pilots. Our individual combat capability far exceeds them. It is no problem to be careful not to be besieged."

"Okay! I'll give you the contact information of their team leader. You can choose to direct their actions or let them arrange their own. In short, the mechas of the coastal countries will be given to you." Pan Bayi several people The contact information was sent to the phones of Chen Feng and others, and the task of repelling five hundred mechas officially began.

Chen Feng looked at the list of pilots carefully and found that they were all pilots in the military, except for one very important person: "By the way, why is there no Yu Country in the list? If he strikes with us, It should be easier to repel the enemy, right?"