Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1899: Ye Qi joined the war

The mecha troops of Fo La Ye country do not yet have a real station point. If they want to replenish energy, they have to be transported to the mechas by energy supply vehicles to recharge one by one, which is very inconvenient and consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. There is an urgent need to build a big city, so that there is enough space and equipment to change the status quo.

The victory in the first battle gave Ye Qi a lot of confidence. Considering the strength of Chen Feng and his team, he could make more radical attempts. As long as he succeeded, he could greatly shorten the time of the battle against Fo La Ye.

Ye Qi's idea was supported by Guan Yuzhen. He believed that Ye Qi's plan was indeed feasible. He would command the mecha in the rear to cooperate with everyone's actions to help them achieve their goals better.

Ye Qi's idea was to enter the front line quietly so as to participate in the battle at any time, so that the two sides will form a subtle change in the top pilots. It is absolutely impossible for the last fighter emperor of the Buddha Laye country to not play again.

If Chen Feng can defeat Brahman Kaul and Gandhi Garawa again in a short time, then Chen Feng will be unstoppable, and the Southwest Military Region will gain a very large advantage.

With the advancement of the battle line, Brahman Yapeng became more and more nervous, because he knew that the Southwest Military Region did not lose too much in the previous battle. As the area that can be attacked on his side became less and less, the Southwest Military Region resisted The power will become stronger and stronger, and the 2,400 mechas he currently possesses may not guarantee victory.

For this reason, Brahman Yapeng made a special request to the domestic high-level leaders, hoping that they would send some more mechas over. The reason is that they occupy many places and need mecha troops to garrison, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of mechas participating in the offensive. To go further, he must have enough mechas on hand.

The senior leaders of the Fo La Ye country were dazzled by the successive victories in recent years. As long as they heard that they could win, they would spare no effort to provide support, so they pieced together 800 mechas to enter the Qur'an God Republic, requesting Brahman Yapeng must at least take down all the Southwest Military Region of the Ancient Godlan Republic.

Fo La Ye Nation originally deployed nearly half of its mecha reserve, and now there is a wave of operations, which has caused the number of domestic mechas to drop sharply. Many countries that have just been occupied by them have appeared unstable, making them have to He sent out a few mechas to suppress it, and it gradually became chaotic.

This news has increased the pressure on the Brahman Yapeng, who is holding a heavily armed force. He cannot allow the mecha unit under his hand to suffer too much damage. Otherwise, the Buddha Laya country, which has lost its deterrence, will be dragged down by the continuous rebellion.

Brahman Yapeng deliberately called his sister and Gandhi Garawa in front of him and told them the domestic situation: "The country has sent all the last adjustable mechas to us. Now there are riots everywhere. We must put mechas. Bring the troops back safely, otherwise we will all be sinners of the country."

"What they think is too simple, how can the Quran God Republic be defeated casually, do they send mechs to force us to win?" Brahman Kaul appeared to the reinforced mecha units Very resistant, she didn't like the feeling of putting herself to death in order to achieve a small victory.

Brahman Yapeng took the initiative to take the blame, and the domestic high-level decision was also due to his request: “I’m to blame for this. I think our mech forces are slightly insufficient after they are dispersed, so I asked the country to send more points. The mech comes over."

Gandhi Garawa is confident. He has forgotten the experience of being defeated by Chen Feng: "Now the Quran God Republic does not dare to fight us at all. There is no need to worry. I think we can go back with victory. ."

"Don't take it lightly. Since the first war, we have never fought decently with the Ancient Gods and the Republics. We can't ignore their strength. If they really fight, we may not be able to win." Brahman Yapeng reminded Gandhi Garawa not to Overconfidence, the Buddha La Ye country is still at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

After being said by Brahman Yapeng, Gandhi Garawa stopped speaking. He stood there with his mouth pursed and looked very unconvinced. Brahman Yapeng looked angry and funny, but he still had to say a few more words, let The two of them raised their vigilance: "It's not that I exaggerated others' prestige and extinguished my own ambition. We have been fighting against the Republic of the Quran for so many years. We should all know that they are not easy to deal with. We must be more careful in the next battle."

"I have fought against the mechas of the Southwest Military Region at the border countless times. I know how dangerous they are, and I will never take it lightly." Brahman Kaul stepped into his brother, saying that he would spare no effort to participate in the battle.

Gandhi Garawa grunted and said that he had written it down, and Brahman Yapeng issued an order to attack: "All pilots obey orders. Now we will attack the city in the northeast. Please drive your mechas to start immediately. ."

After going deep into the territory of the Qur'an God Republic for a certain distance, the mecha troops of the Falaye Kingdom are already very close to the prosperous big city. Brahmin Yapeng wants to attack one of the targets this time. If they are captured, they will be fine. After some refurbishment, it can be a great help when attacking the next target.

After the Brahman Yapeng's order was passed on, all the mecha units of the Buddha Laye Kingdom were moved, including the mechas that had just been dispatched from the country. All the combat power on the Brahman Yapeng's handle was included in the combat category. .

The change of more than 3,000 mechas immediately attracted the attention of the inspecting mechas of the Southwest Military Region. They have been silently paying attention to the strangeness of the Folaye National Mechas troops, and they immediately passed the news back after they arranged the team and set off.

After receiving the news, Ye Qi quickly shared with Guan Yuzhen: "Commander Guan, the enemy finally couldn't help sending out the entire army again. After operating for so long, it's time for us to hit them head on."

"Okay! This battle is bound to win!" Guan Yuzhen nodded. They spent so much effort to gather the defensive mechas. Isn't it just to usher in this kind of moment? Now the Buddha, the country, is their best victory. The time is now.

Corresponding to the actions of the Mecha Troops of the Fo La Ye country, orders were issued from the main base of the Southwest Military Region. Now everything is ready and the east wind has arrived. It depends on whether they can make good use of the opportunity to come to the enemy with confidence. The field hit head-on.

Ye Qi was lurking on the front line with Chen Feng and his party. He hid himself well. No pilot found that their commander-in-chief was by his side. The enemy didn’t even know it. He laid a good foundation for the next battle. Foundation.