Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1905: Sling

Seeing Chen Feng approaching himself again, Gandhi Garawa hurriedly asked for help from the king who was staying behind. He had no confidence that he could fight against Chen Feng alone: ​​"Come and help me, Chen Feng is too strong. I only have to stop him. Can't stay."

"I'll be here soon!" The emperor at the rear realized that it was time to attack, and his side would be farther and farther away from victory if he didn't participate in the battle, and he immediately agreed to Gandhgarawa's request to move forward, trying to form a alliance with him.

Ye Qi was waiting for the moment when the emperor attacked. He had lurked for a long time and had only one target, to prevent the enemy from returning the most promising force when they needed it most, so that Chen Feng had the opportunity to fully display his strength.

"You finally showed up, but it took me a long time to wait. My hands are so itchy now, don't let me down!" Ye Qi rushed to the new special plane of Fo La Yeguo, stupefied not to give him a chance. Keep moving forward.

To say that Ye Qi’s strength has also reached the standard of the emperor, and he has a place on the battlefield of top pilots. However, the last emperor of Fo La Ye country has relatively average strength. Ye Qi just stared at him and did not use it. The ability of a good opportunity, two special planes fought into one group, and could not cause any impact on other battlefields in a short time.

The reinforcements he was looking forward to were actually intercepted by Ye Qi, and Gandhi Garawa almost cried. Today's battle is not going well, so everything has been calculated by the Southwest Military Region. Any of their actions is difficult.

Chen Feng is not as embarrassed as Brahman Kaul, his "world-breaking" is intact and still in a demigod state, those seemingly threatening beams are objects that can be easily dodged in his eyes, in the rain of bullets. Move freely.

Chen Feng’s performance made Gandhi Garawa more and more collapsed. When Brahmin Yapeng was a demigod pilot, Gandhi Garawa had played against him several times, but he had never shown Chen Feng’s perverted strength. , Gandhi Garawa couldn't help but have a question, is Chen Feng really just a semi-divine pilot?

In fact, Gandhi Garawa exaggerated Chen Feng's strength because of his inner fear. Chen Feng used his powerful shooting skills to quickly defeat Gandi Garawa, and this time he performed the magical skill of the beam cage. His offensive method completely destroyed Gandi Garawa's confidence, and now his evasive actions were regarded as dazzling by the opponent.

Regarding the surrounding beams as nothing, occasionally some threatening beams were easily blocked by Chen Feng with a beam sword. This cool and unrestrained pass through the thousands of beams clearly shows how his current driving skills are. excellent.

Those who saw all of this had different feelings. The pilots from the Southwest Military Region saw Chen Feng ignoring the enemy’s artillery fire and quickly assaulted. The motivated morale skyrocketed. Their friendly performance was so overwhelming. How could they fall behind? , So they fought more passionately one by one, and the offensive firepower of the entire unit rose by a large margin.

However, the pilots of Fo La Ye Kingdom were frightened. They had never encountered an enemy that could not be shot down with so much firepower. Every time Chen Feng advanced 100 meters, it was a painful torture for them, and felt that they had no more Ability to organize him.

The pilots of Fo La Yeguo showed signs of collapse. Chen Feng would not be polite with them. The floating gun and the propeller sprayed together to speed up again, and finally passed the interception of the heavy beams and came to Gandhgarawa.

Gandhi Garawa’s confidence has long since collapsed. Lifting the King Kong stick is a crazy dance: "What hate do I have with you? Why must you find me? I'm fighting with you!"

Gandhi Garawa is already completely hysterical. At this time, his explosive power may be stronger than normal, so Chen Feng slowed down a bit. At this time, there is no need to go head-to-head with him. It is better to wait a while and wait for Gandi Garawa to get tired. Attack again at the time.

Gandhi Garawa burst out for a while and then panted for breath. Continuously waving the diamond stick quickly consumed his physical and mental power. The energy of "Di Shitian" also plummeted, and his movements became slower and slower. .

As soon as the speed slowed down, Gandhi Garawa revealed a flaw. With Chen Feng's eyesight, he seized the opportunity. In the next second, "World Breaking" broke into the attack range of the King Kong stick and began his own performance.

Seeing Chen Feng rushing towards him, Gandhi Garawa was very nervous. He immediately controlled the King Kong stick to fight back and wanted to delay Chen Feng's speed, but he just wielded the King Kong stick to attack, and now it is the old force that has no new strength. At that moment, no matter how hard he tried to pull the diamond stick back, he couldn't do it. He could only watch Chen Feng leap to his side.

Brahman Kaur has been taken back. At this moment, Chen Feng wanted to end the battle as soon as possible and go back to persuade her, so he would do his best when he acted, and would never give Gandhi Garawa the possibility of delaying time.

Gandhi Garawa saw a flower in front of Chen Feng's hand, and he saw that Chen Feng burst out with more sword shadows than the beams that attacked him earlier. Of course, this is his illusion. Although Chen Feng used the Fallen Colorful Sword. Soft swordsmanship, but an attack that can only be formed by hundreds of mechas by himself alone.

It’s just that Gandhi Garawa faced Chen Feng’s attack at close range, so his feelings would be particularly deep. He could only see countless sword shadows attacking him from all directions, and in his haste it was difficult to tell which ones were real. Yes, to defend all attacks, even if he had ten diamond sticks in his hand, it was not enough.

Gandhi Garawa could only continue to push the vajra stick he swayed, first smash the false sword shadow in front of him, and then urge the Yingluo on his body to slap both sides, trying his best to find the location of the real beam sword.

Gandhi Garawa did his best, but Chen Feng didn't give him a chance to launch the second round of attack. He stepped on the King Kong stick with his left foot and kicked it aside, and the beam sword in his hand slammed forward to the upper left. "Di Shitian" broke his right arm at the sound.

Chen Feng dealt a huge blow to "Di Shi Tian" as soon as he shot. "Di Shi Tian"'s right arm only had some cables and armor connections hanging on his side, which could no longer play any role.

The golden stick in the hand of "Di Shitian" was kicked hard by Chen Feng, and coupled with the fracture of his right arm, it was impossible to grasp the weapon anymore, spinning and flying out one end into the ground, because of the weapon made of bright metal It is relatively strong in quality and weight, so almost the whole root is submerged.

With the weapon removed and the special plane hit hard, Gandhi Garawa no longer has the capital to fight Chen Feng.