Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1915: Trust storm

Anyway, Gandhi Garawa only needs to ensure that Brahman Yapeng can appear and stop Hong Bin when the battle begins, and he does not expect to do too much.

Gandhi Garawa's expectations of him were so low that Brahman Yapeng moved his mouth but didn't give much explanation. In fact, he still had a slight advantage in the battle with Hung Ho Bin, and he could provide some help to the surrounding friendly forces.

But Gandhi Garawa did not ask for it, and Brahman Yapeng was too lazy to say that he himself decided to strengthen his influence on the battlefield during the battle, so as to better help the Fo La Ye national mecha troops move forward.

Now almost everyone doesn't trust him. Brahman Yapeng said more than anything useful, so he didn't speak quickly to Gandhgarawa, and it was never too late to wait until he had completed his goal.

After re-determining the commander-in-chief and stabilizing the military's mind, Fo La Ye country finally launched an offensive against the Ancient Shenlan Republic. The senior officials and the people of the Fo La Ye country attributed all the reasons for the previous two losses to the Brahman Yapeng brothers and sisters. If there are no accidents of this kind, they are fully capable of winning and regaining the face of previous defeats.

Of course, this is just a unilateral wishful thinking of the Fo La Ye country. Under the overall command of Guan Yuzhen, the Southwest Military Region has a high-density collection of troops in a relatively small area. No matter where the Fo La Ye country’s mecha units attack, they can rush to help in time. They were not given a chance to end the battle quickly, and they repelled several attacks without giving the opponent a chance to advance.

Brahman Yapeng performed brilliantly in the battle. He had a firm belief in his fighting power that made Hung Hung Bin feel a little strenuous. He was always able to attack nearby mechas during the battle with Hung Hung Bin, causing a lot of damage. casualties.

Although Hong Hung Bin tried very hard to stop the Brahman Yapeng, and "Candle Light Youying" changed various types of interception, but the fighting style of the Brahman Yapeng was too powerful, and it was difficult for him to defend all of it. He was still successful. Several times.

The performance of other people is quite satisfactory. Since their strength will be slightly stronger than that of Fo La Ye Guo, Guan Yuzhen specially reminded them not to rush to defeat their opponents and reserve a little bit of energy, so they are still more harmonious on the battlefield of top pilots.

Only Chen Feng has not been allowed to attack. Guan Yuzhen has other arrangements for him. There is an extra demigod pilot who can directly decide the victory or defeat of the battle at the critical moment. Chen Feng can form a deterrent without attacking, and it can also make the opponent. Psychology changes.

Guan Yuzhen’s arrangement was very effective. After several battles without seeing Chen Feng, there was gradually a voice in Fo La Yeguo’s mecha troops, saying that Chen Feng should be brewing something, and this action could completely defeat it. they.

In view of the lessons learned from the past, the pilots of the Fo La Ye country pointed their fingers at the Brahman Yapeng again. If Chen Feng wants to take action, then it is most likely that he will cooperate with the Brahman Yapeng. They can't stand being betrayed again.

Amidst all the doubts, Gandhi Garawa expressed his support for the Brahman Yapeng very firmly, saying that he is willing to believe that the Brahman Yapeng will not betray, and that everyone is unanimous and not suspicious.

The reason why Gandhi Garawa would do this is mainly because he knew best that Brahman Kaul did not have treason. The root cause of this suspicion by the pilots was originally wrong. He has not obtained the necessary results and cannot let his subordinates first. collapsed.

Gandhi Garawa’s attitude stabilized the pilots a little bit. After all, they still need Brahman ambassadors to support the scene. If Hung Bin can move freely, then the danger will be greater than Chen Feng, and they can give up without fighting. .

The more Gandhi Garawa stands up to himself, the greater the Brahman Yapeng’s doubts about him, because one cannot trust another person for no reason, especially when he does not have much friendship with Gandhi Garawa. The individual has no basis for trust and has not had a particularly serious conversation. How did he come out with confidence?

The reason for this is worth studying. Brahman Yapeng can't help but think about what happened to his younger sister, because the treason of his younger sister was all spoken by Gandhidgarawa. Only he knows the truth best. That's why he can clearly know who he should support, knowing that he must not have any conspiracy with the Ancient Godlan Republic.

Gandhi Garawa didn't care what Brahmin Yapeng thought, he just had to stabilize his subordinates' emotions. Brahman Yapeng couldn't do anything even if he had an idea, and the pilots could only hope to win after they stabilized.

The instability in the mecha troops of the Fo La Ye country is exactly what Guan Yuzhen wants to see. It takes no effort to cause contradictions within the enemy. This is what his commanding ability is great. It is a pity that Gandhi Garawa is completely unaware. I thought that this incident was just an accident.

Brahman Yapeng was a little alert, but he did not talk to Gandhgarawa because he wanted to see how the other party handled this incident and confirmed his own ideas by the way, and the result satisfied him. Gandhgarawa was obviously something wrong.

Brahman Yapeng’s actions are also in Guan Yuzhen’s plan. Discord between generals is a tactical taboo. After the Brahman Yapeng and Gandhigarawa become more and more estranged, the combat effectiveness of the Buddha Laye will be greatly affected. By then, the Southwest Military Region will These aggressors can be driven out at a lower cost to ensure the safety of the lives of the people on the territory.

After finally getting through the sudden storm of trust, Gandhi Garawa set his sights on how to attack. Since he took over from Brahmin Yapeng and became the commander-in-chief, he has not dealt an effective blow to the Ancient God Lan Republic. He didn't get much combat exploits, which is not good news for him, and it may even cause others to question his ability.

Therefore, Gandhi Garawa must win a big victory as soon as possible. He constantly deploys troops and arranges all the more powerful pilots on the front line, hoping to use their abilities to hit the Southwest Military Region by surprise.

As long as he gets the necessary victory, he immediately withdraws from the Qur'an God Republic. This is what Gandhi Garawa thinks, so he abandons the organization of the reserve force and puts the main fighting force in the front. If he fails to succeed, he will be benevolent.

Guan Yuzhen got first-hand information about the news on the Buddha, Yeguo, and he probably could guess what the opponent thinks, so he called Chen Feng to the command room, and the final moment was about to come. He needed Chen Feng to play again. Unstoppable force advances the war.