Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1916: Incarnate Yama

Chen Feng has not been assigned a task these days, so he chats with Brahman Kaul every day to make her live in the main base more adaptable, and also talks with you Jia and Chen Xinghai at home, so that they too The empress communicated.

Seeing Brahman Kaul again, Chen Xinghai looked very excited. In his heart, this godmother is second only to Chen Feng and You Jia. The sudden loss of contact made him very sad. Now it is hard to see how to be calm again. Come down.

Seeing his son shaking his head and squeezing his head towards the screen, You Jia smiled and held Chen Xinghai in his arms, so that he could see the Brahman Kaul inside better: "It's been a long time since our two countries came out Rumors about war broke out, we can't contact you anymore. Chen Feng tried many times to no avail."

"People in our country are worried that I will send messages to you, and all my contact devices are blocked, so we can't communicate with each other. I'm sorry for worrying you." Brahman Kaur said about his domestic experience.

After the senior leaders of the Buddha Laye State were thinking about attacking the Republic of the God of Qur'an, they took various precautions against Brahman Kaur. In addition to blocking her contact, they also prevented her from walking around at will, and must stay at the border. In the base.

"It's the same as on your side. It's impossible to leave the base." Brahman Kaur suddenly smiled bitterly while speaking. It is actually the same situation in this country and other countries. It is sad to think about it.

You Jia shook her head again and again. She believed that it would be different soon. Similar things would never happen in the Ancient Shenlan Republic. She moved Chen Xinghai forward: "No, you must be in our country. It will be better than over there. When the things over there are over, you can come to my house. Xinghai hasn't seen you for several years. I should let you get together."

Seeing Chen Xinghai looking at her eyes, Brahman Kaul’s defenses melted. Why didn’t she want to communicate with outsiders normally, but the senior officials of Fo La Ye Guo were so disgusting that she stepped on the opposite side of them. path of.

But even so, it’s not easy to get Brahman Kaur out of the Buddha's country. She forced herself to get out of the sway, telling You Jia to wait more and more: "Wait for a while, let me think about it, and My brother is still in China."

"Don't worry, we will always wait for you." You Jia knows that Brahman Kaul is now in a dilemma. It is easy to urge her to make a decision and it will be counterproductive. It is better to let Chen Feng slowly convince her.

At the end of the communication, Chen Xinghai suddenly reached out and grabbed the screen, hummed several times to Brahman Kaur, and finally uttered a few words completely: "Godmother, I miss you so much~"

Brahman Kaur almost burst into tears when she heard that she would recognize Chen Xinghai as a godson mainly because of her love, but she did not expect that the young Chen Xinghai would be so attached to herself, which made her feel the long-lost The feeling of being valued, almost didn't control his emotions.

"Godmother misses you too. Listen to your mother. After a while, godmother will visit you." Brahman Kaul resisted the tears and closed the communication, and walked to the wall to prevent Chen Feng from seeing her. Fragile appearance.

Chen Feng understood, and softly poured a glass of water and waited for Brahman Kaul to turn around before handing it over: "I hope the things here can be over as soon as possible, and then we will go to my home together and not be bothered by worrying things."

Brahman Kaul took the cup but did not answer Chen Feng, because if the war ended according to Chen Feng's words, it would mean that her motherland was completely defeated. How could she, who regarded herself as a native of Buddhism, agree?

Since Brahman Kaul’s action area in the main base was not too restricted, Chen Feng took her to the simulation room again. It happened that he did not play in these days, so it is a good choice to practice with Brahman Kaur. .

Brahman Kaur is not a masochist. He doesn't want to be captured and will be bullied by Chen Feng every day. He asked Chen Feng to use the simulator's system to limit the synchronization rate to 97 and not enter a demigod state to fight her.

Chen Feng happily agreed. Anyway, what he wanted to hone was his driving skills. It is a very good way to be evenly matched. After Hongbin became the God of War, the subsequent simulated battles between the two were basically kept on the same level.

Brahman Kaur's fighting style is different from that of most of Chen Feng's opponents. Because of the particularity of the special plane "Jaling Pinga", she has excellent performance in long-range attacks, close combat, and even mental attacks.

This gave Chen Feng a very novel combat experience. In the past, both sides on the battlefield had to be very cautious in making moves, so as not to make mistakes inadvertently and lead to failure, thereby giving the other side the opportunity to cause damage to his friendly forces.

Now it’s different in the simulator. The two don’t need to consider too many other factors. They just need to focus on how to pose the greatest threat to each other. So their various shooting ideas are simply unbelievable and coordinated with their respective special planes. Ability characteristics have very different performances, all of which caused great trouble to the other party.

Chen Feng has benefited a lot from the battle and experienced more different combat experiences, which is of great significance to enriching his combat experience. And Brahman Kaur is not bad, fighting with pilots whose real strength is stronger than her own, allowing her to refine her fighting style that she has formed over the years, and become more efficient and lethal.

Therefore, although Chen Feng did not participate in the battle on the battlefield, he still kept himself at a relatively high level, and did not appear to be hand-born due to staying in the base, thanks to Brahman Kaul's cooperation.

After being informed by the soldiers to go to the command room by himself, Chen Feng looked back at Brahman Kaul: "Commander Guan came to me. It seems that there is another big war between our two countries. I hope it can end as soon as possible."

"You have stayed in the base these days. I think Guan Yuzhen is in the next big chess game. It is very likely that this time I asked you to arrange the task of deciding the outcome of the entire war." Brahman Kaul's face darkened, guessing that Guan Yuzhen would give Chen Feng's very important task.

Since Chen Feng is going to be dispatched again, it means that the pilots of Buddha Laye will face a huge threat again. If Chen Feng cannot deal with it, he will never be able to win. Brahman Kaur can already foresee the failure of his country.

Chen Feng resolutely walked out. In order to protect the lives and property of the people of the motherland, he was willing to incarnate as Yan Luo on the battlefield: "After all, your country is invading us. You can't let your mechas stay on our country's territory. Don’t you? End the battle sooner, and we will sacrifice less for each other. I will have a good sense.