Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1938: Announce the truth

In addition, there is a precious video in the hands of the leader of the Buddha Laye. This is an explanation taken by Gandhi Garawa himself. In this video, he explained in detail that Brahmin Kaul and Chen Feng attacked his whole world. In the process, the reason for the failure was attributed to Brahman Kaur's betrayal. If all this had not happened, they would still be able to fight against Chen Feng, and there would be no next series of events.

Now that Gandhi Garawa is dead, he can no longer confirm the details with him, but as long as there is this video, the senior officials of the Buddha Laye can take the real Brahman Kaul’s treason, no matter how Brahman Yapeng protests. has an effect.

Ignoring the protests of Brahman Yapeng, the leader of the Buddha Laye also asked the military to publish the video. He wanted to let the people know that Brahman Kaul was betrayed, and Gandi Garawa died for the country and wanted to bring Gandi Jara. Wa became a national hero.

After seeing this video, the emotions of the people in Buddhism were once again ignited. They gritted their teeth against the Brahman Yapeng brothers and sisters, wishing to eat their flesh and drink their blood, and even uplift Gandhi Garawa indefinitely, saying that he was the real one The country dedicates all people.

The domestic sentiment in the Buddha Laye country was enthusiastic, and the leaders took the opportunity to go out and negotiate with the Republic of the Quran God, asking them to return the remains of Gandhi Garawa and the remains of the Mecha Wreath of the "Di Shi Tian" to let the hero go home.

The body of Gandhi Garawa is well preserved in the military headquarters of the Ancient Gods and Lantern Republics, and it is understandable to give enough respect to a top pilot, and to return it to Buddha Laye. As for the wreckage of "Di Shitian", it had been transported to the Royal Academy for dismantling and research, and the other party wanted to take it back.

Before returning the body of Gandhi Garawa, Commander Ma believes that Brahman Kaur should be informed about all this. As one of the participants in this incident, she has the right to know what happened, and there may be unexpected gains. .

After reading the news on the Internet, Brahman Kaur became furious, mainly because of the unfair treatment his brother suffered. It is clear that Gandhi Garawa is slandering himself, but the people of Buddha Royah sprinkled his anger on his brother. Her brother was imprisoned and her heart was jerked, but the demigod who was supposed to be admired by everyone was treated like this, how could it be unpopular for others to look at.

Chen Feng felt very sympathetic to the situation of the Brahmin Yapeng: "I didn't expect them to do this. I really underestimated their shamelessness."

"I wanted to swallow my anger, but they treated my brother like this. It seems that I can't be silent, otherwise they will definitely do more exaggerated things!" Brahman Kaul finally decided to speak for herself, she wanted to cleanse herself The accusation of treason on his body severely slapped the senior officials and people of the Buddha and the people.

"Are you going to publish the video?" Chen Feng guessed what Brahman Kaul was going to do. When he was in the Southwest Military Region, he persuaded the empress to take out the video more than once, so that he could prove Gandi Garawa Tell a lie.

Brahman Kaur rejected Chen Feng every time. She would rather bear this unnecessarily accusation and let the people of Buddha Laye pour all the grudges on her. This is also a compensation for her to be unable to serve the country.

However, nowadays, the people of Buddha Laye did not understand Brahman Kaur at all. Instead, they worsened her reputation and sanctioned the completely irrelevant Brahman Yap. This made Brahman Kaur the idea of ​​completely severing them.

I wanted to stay in the Qur'an God Republic in a muddle-headed manner, but the domestic high-levels kept pressing on, Brahman Kaur decided not to be polite with them: "Yes, I think it's time to publish the video, let them see who it is. Caused everything."

This is the intention of Commander Ma to let Brahman Kaul watch the information on the Internet. He believes that there is no need to block the legitimate needs of the female king: "From now on, you can move freely in the military and go out. Remember to report to us in time, and I will send someone to accompany you."

After all, Brahman Kaur still belongs to the Buddha, and I can’t be relaxed about her handling. Commander Ma’s arrangement is very reasonable. Brahman Kaur is also willing to accept: "Okay, can you help me make the video public? I want Clear the grievances!"

"Of course you can, and you should disclose it yourself so that the effect can be maximized." Commander Ma can't refuse Brahman Kaul. This can not only wash away her grievances, but also spread it on the wounds of the Buddha. A handful of salt.

On the second day, Commander Ma took Brahman Kaur to an interview with the media. What he said was not important. The focus was on the video produced by Brahman Kaur. This is the top priority of the interview and can change all current trends in public opinion. .

There are two videos that Brahman Kaur took out. One is a normal video, recording her battle with Chen Feng, and the other one is powerful. It clearly records that Gandhi Garawa suddenly turned his face and took the Brahmin Er kicked Chen Feng to take the opportunity to escape the whole process.

The second video was taken by the camera equipment behind "Jaling Pinga". This set of equipment was originally installed to allow Brahman Kaur to better observe the environment behind him when using the Magic Sound Cannon, but I didn’t want to play it at this time. Played a huge role.

The camera equipment recorded everything completely. Gandhi Garawa would never have thought that the lie he weaved would be exposed by this small camera. If he could know it, he would definitely jump out of the coffin.

In the video released by the Buddha, Gandhi Garawa described in detail the whole process of Brahman Kaul and Chen Feng. He was flanked by two people before he had to retreat. He was just an innocent victim. .

However, according to the video released by Brahman Kaur, she was obviously joining forces with Gandhgarawa to fight Chen Feng, and she was suddenly betrayed by Gandhgarawa and kicked off as a **** to escape. She was the most innocent. That person.

As soon as these two videos were released, they spread quickly around the world. The betrayal of a machine emperor was a very important event, so everyone in the world paid great attention to this matter and felt that Brahman Kaur was questioned no matter how much. Not an exaggeration, but they realized they were wrong after seeing the video. It turns out that the culprit of this incident was Gandhidgarawa.

The people of the world are already like this, and the people of Buddhism are even more embarrassed. They think that the video of Gandhi Garawa is the truth. They uphold Gandhi Garawa infinitely, cast aside the Brahman brothers and sisters and cast all their grievances on The brothers and sisters finally found out that everything was fake.