Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1942: Progressing well

The young male pilot emperor brought by Chen Feng made Brahmin Kaul shine. He was indeed a pretty good guy just like what Chen Feng said. With a vigorous and strong body, it is no wonder that he can become the best young pilot in the world. one.

And Pan Yuguo was also secretly stunned. Brahman Kaur looked younger than he thought. He couldn’t tell that he was in his thirties. At first glance, he looked like a girl in her early twenties. The reason for being tall and rough, so it looks a lot older than the actual age, and there is no sense of disharmony when two people stand together.

It seems that the first image of the two of them is pretty good. Chen Feng secretly began to take the next step: "Don't stand stupidly, there is time, let's sit down in the living room and talk slowly."

"Okay, Xinghai, let's go." Brahman Kaul embraced Chen Xinghai and walked to the living room first, acting completely without muddling.

This made Pan Yuguo more satisfied. He himself is a resolute and vigorous character. He can't be squeezed or procrastinated. Brahman Kaur's performance is in line with his appetite, and his favorability has risen sharply.

In addition, Pan Yuguo blushed slightly. He just focused on Brahman Kaur, but ignored that he was holding a little boy in his arms. It was too embarrassing to think of him. He would be taken by the beauty of others. Fascinated.

Brahman Kaur sat down and looked at the two people who came by. She saw the blush on Pan Yuguo's face and asked curiously: "Is it because the temperature is too high because there are no windows here? Why do you feel like you are a little hot."

The current season is the transition between autumn and winter. Because Chen Xinghai is still young, Chen Feng deliberately closed most of the doors and windows in order to prevent him from getting sick by the wind. Brahman Kaul felt that this was the reason why Pan Yuguo felt uncomfortable. Because the pilot's body is very good, whether it is cold winter or scorching heat is not a problem.

"No, no, I'm fine, you don't need to care." Pan Yuguo shook his hand quickly, saying that he didn't feel sick.

"Sit down, I don't need to introduce it. You should all know each other, but there is no intersection in the past." Chen Feng took Pan Yuguo and sat opposite Brahman Kaul, and started a formal exchange: "Now you guys have a chat with each other. , See if it makes sense, I personally think you are quite suitable haha."

"..." For some reason, Pan Yuguo always felt very nervous in front of Brahman Kaur. After being silent for a long time, he didn't hold a word, making Chen Feng feel nervous.

Fortunately, Brahman Kaur is still relatively normal. She has treated Chen Feng’s house as her own, and provoked the topic: “I heard that the Zhu Timwen Federation has not harassed the southeast coast anymore. They have harassed you for so long. , Don’t you want to fight back?"

Brahman Kaul has been the commander for a long time. The first thing he thinks about is still fighting. Chen Feng covered his eyes again. What is this? He asked them to come on a blind date. Why did he go to talk about war? What can I do if I go down?

However, Pan Yuguo actually continued: "In fact, it is not that we do not want to fight back, but that we are just a military region of the country. The number of mechas that can be mobilized is limited. After the previous war, the strength has not been fully supplemented. The entire country of the Zhu Timwen Federation is still not powerful enough to launch an attack."

Pan Yuguo sees it very thoroughly. It is not enough to attack the Zhu Timwen Federation by relying only on the current Southwest Military Region. Maybe it will suffer heavy losses like the Buddha country. You still need to fight steadily and have enough combat power before making plans. .

In this way, the two of you talked about the strategic deployment of the Southeast Military Region and what Pan Yuguo saw and heard during the battle. The atmosphere was much better than at the beginning, and Pan Yuguo's words gradually became more and less formal.

After Brahman Kaur reverted, Commander Ma specifically issued instructions to various military districts to meet the needs of the empress as much as possible. As long as they are not related to confidential things, they can tell her, so Pan Yuguo can talk about things. More.

Brahman Kaur did not live up to the trust of Commander Ma. She participated in some battles in various places and performed well, and did not go to too many secrets of various military districts. After the mission, she returned to the military headquarters and performed well and without accidents.

Chen Feng knew the Brahman Kaul's experience best, so he sat for a while and listened to what Pan Yuguo said all belonged to the public domain, and found an excuse to leave and go to the kitchen. He wanted to chat with You Jia. Happening.

"How is it? I think they talked quite enthusiastically." Seeing Chen Feng coming in, You Jia first glanced at the living room before asking Chen Feng about the exchange of the two.

Chen Feng didn’t know whether his current state was good or bad: “I can’t tell you, do you know? The two of them are not talking about their own situation and the requirements of the target, but about the strategic deployment and combat readiness measures. shocked."

"Haha, no matter what they talk about, it's better than nothing. In my opinion, let them express themselves freely. Maybe their feelings will use these as a breakthrough." You Jia thinks this is actually not bad. The common topic is a good start. Later, I will see if Pan Yuguo can enter Brahman Kaul's heart.

"I hope so. Brahman Kaur is older than us. If we can't settle down within a few years, it will be more difficult in the future." Chen Feng's main concern is whether his matchmaking will delay Brahman Kaur's youth. If she and Pan Yuguo became friends for a long time, it would undoubtedly waste a lot of time.

You Jia tapped Chen Feng's arm lightly to prevent him from worrying about it. "Let's serve food with me. We will check the situation later when we eat. If there is a problem with the direction, we will correct it. Don't mess up now. "

Chen Feng was very willing to listen to You Jia's words, and followed her to bring the food to the table, and the two of them came to the table: "The food is cooked, come over for dinner, let's talk while eating."

"Okay, Xinghai is sleepy. Auntie, take him to bed first." Brahman Kaul passed Chen Xinghai, who was asleep in his arms, to his aunt, and asked the aunt to take Chen Xinghai back to the room to rest first, and then stepped lightly. Walking towards the dining table.

When Pan Yuguo got up, he saw Brahman Kaor leaning over and handing Chen Xinghai to his aunt. Because he was in Chen Feng's house, Brahman Kaor was wearing a looser dress, lowered her body and exposed a piece of snow on her chest.

Pan Yuguo is a good-spirited boy, he quickly looked away and covered his nose when he accidentally saw it.