Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1944: Fight blind date

There are two special planes in the beam shield defense system. Even if they control the force of their shots, the protection still has the risk of being penetrated. It would be no good if people outside were accidentally injured.

Wang Congwei was also on his way here. As the principal of Langya Mecha Academy, he must be there. After getting in touch with Chen Feng, he called in a number of teachers to help evacuate the crowd outside the playground and move to A safe distance away.

After finally arranging everything in order, Chen Feng saw the promise holding the wine gourd and Lang Ba wandered over: "Aren't you kidding things again? Why did you provoke Pan Yuguo this time? "

He promised to know that Brahman Kaul often appeared in school, but this time there was another Pan Yu Country. You don't have to think about it, Chen Feng must have done a good job, and this disciple's marriage will become more and more troublesome.

"I'm just introducing them. Who knows that the Yu Country will fight for Kaul when they meet for the first time, and I have also taken it." Chen Feng felt that he was wronged. He had arranged a blind date with good intentions. Who would think this would happen? thing.

"Ah? Are you bringing them together? This is the best joke I've heard, hahahaha~" I understood the meaning of Chen Feng's words after a promise. It turns out that this apprentice is helping two top players The teacher paired up, and they almost couldn't laugh.

Chen Feng looked at Lang Ba with a bitter face. Only he could stop the master. Lang Ba heartily pushed his promise: "Don't smirk and see how they fought. The two have not met. It should be more interesting."

In the anticipation of everyone, the battle between Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaur finally began. In order to show his demeanor, Pan Yuguo asked Brahman Kaur to take action first, and Brahman Kaur was also polite and directly launched the wonderful sound cannon.

After the Brahmin Kaur returned to the Republic of the Quran God, the "Kaling Pinga" naturally changed its ownership. The Royal Academy accepted the maintenance of this special machine, helped it repair and carried additional new technologies, compared to the past. Stronger combat effectiveness.

The Royal Academy does not suffer. They have obtained a lot of key technical information from "Jaling Pinga", which can take their technical strength to a higher level, and the two parties are considered as a win-win cooperation.

Brahman Kaur used his most threatening weapon as soon as he came up. Using the conditions of the initial positions of both parties to be far away, he activated the Miaoyin Cannon to attack Pan Yuguo. This is a modified and upgraded Miaoyin Cannon with more destructive power than before. Nothing less.

When the beam was flying in the air, it continuously expanded outwards, and soon reached an extent three times wider than the "Galing Pinga" itself. This is the power of the Miaoyin Cannon, and it is the strongest beam cannon equipped by mechas in the world. .

Pan Yuguo was unwilling to confront him head-on as he watched the mighty beam of light rushing towards him. He controlled the "Kuangzhan" to move to the side, trying to avoid the beam and then looking for a chance to narrow the distance with Brahman Kaur.

The direction of the wonderful sound cannon of "Jaling Pinga" can be adjusted, so Brahman Kaur was not thrown away by Pan Yuguo, and controlled the beam to continue chasing Pan Yuguo, vowing not to stop until it reached the goal.

Pan Yuguo avoided the beam of light behind him several times in a row. Seeing that the beam was getting closer and closer to him, he was not sure that the "crazy war" armor could withstand this amazing beam, so he put his hand on the knife handle and prepared. Perform draw sword technique.

Pan Yuguo wanted to split the beam of light. He had done this more than once in the past. He used the Tang Knife specially made by Huang Metal to smash countless beams. Today, he should be able to successfully complete his mission.

In the beam that was several times stronger than the mecha, a cold light flashed by, everyone's eyes were stinged by the cold light, and they subconsciously stretched out their hands to block them, and some people couldn't help but flow out. Tears.

Chen Feng is the same, but his reaction is a little better, and he can almost recover when he lowers his eyes. This is also a necessary ability for top pilots to adapt to various adverse conditions in the shortest possible time to avoid being caught by the enemy. opportunity.

Xu Nuo and Lang Ba quickly opened their eyes, and Xu Yi snorted and took a sip of wine: "I'll go, this kid from Yu Country has become more exquisite in drawing swords. If you come to me in person, I may not be able to take it. ."

Pan Yuguo's offensive played to the extreme, but the power of the Miaoyin Cannon should not be underestimated. The beams fired were not smashed by the Tang Dao, but were cut apart from both sides through the "crazy war" and continued to march forward.

Behind Pan Yuguo is Langya Mecha Academy's most proud beam defense system. The divergent beam hits the beam shield mercilessly, setting off huge ripples on it, and the defense will penetrate it in the next second.

Brahman Kaur saw the changes on the beam shield and quickly turned off the Miao Yin Cannon. She was just discussing with Pan Yuguo instead of destroying the campus. If it destroys some buildings or hurts some people, the impact will become very bad.

Fortunately, the beam shield still withstood the test, holding it for a few seconds, and did not let the attack of the wonderful sound cannon fly to the campus behind him, which is regarded as a good defensive ability.

Despite this, Wang Congwei reminded the teachers and students to continue to retreat. The battle in the playground has just begun, and the beam shield defense system does not know how many times it can resist. It is better to stay away to ensure safety.

Brahman Kaul stopped the Miao Yin Cannon, Pan Yuguo took advantage of the trend and rushed forward and narrowed the distance. When he destroyed the beam, he could feel the strong pressure on the Tang Sword. This beam of light was extremely powerful, and the Tang Sword would fall apart if it resisted at most three times. At that time, he will have no weapons to take advantage of, and he will be at a great disadvantage in battle.

Of course, Pan Yuguo didn't want such a thing to happen, so he had to make a strong attack to keep the rhythm in his hands, to avoid Brahman Kaul from using the wonderful sound cannon again, believing that he could win the battle with his own strength.

Brahman Kaul tried to produce a wonderful sound cannon. Unfortunately, the charging time was not long enough. The beam was significantly smaller for several laps and was cut off by Pan Yuguo again using the sword drawing technique, except for a slight delay. Effect.

That being the case, Brahman Kaur didn't want to try any more. The limited area of ​​the playground could not allow her to stretch the distance well, so the next step was a face-to-face battle to see who had better driving skills.

The Miaoyin Knife was born, and it caused a burst of moving sounds. Many teachers and students around watching the battle were affected by the sound and became unwilling to give up. They are still far from the level of Brahman Kaul, and they can't resist the invasion of mental power.