Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1960: Turnable beam cannon

Hung Hung Bin has been paying attention to this giant cannon for a long time. From the beginning of the battle, it has been the most dazzling performance among the garrison. Not only does the interval of firing the guns are short, but the angle of attack is also very tricky. The person controlling it must have very rich experience and superb skills. Skills.

Hung Hung Bin regarded this giant cannon as the most dangerous enemy. He tried to approach several times but was blocked by it. Therefore, when he had the opportunity, he did not hesitate to use it again and must completely remove it.

The cannons are all fixed at specific positions. They can’t move anything except the aiming position freely. The response to the approach of Hongbin is only to stop them by firing the cannons. But Hongbin is determined to kill it and guard it. The defense was destroyed by Chen Feng again, so its interception effect was not very satisfactory, and Hongshuibin came to the side smoothly.

"Candle Light Youying" pressed both hands on the hilts on the left and right sides of the sword. Just like Pan Yuguo's thunder strike just ashore, Hongshui Bin involuntarily launched a double-drawing technique, and the two long swords cut the cannon into four.

There was a violent explosion inside the cannon, and all the soldiers manipulating it were flooded with fire. They never had a chance to participate in the battle again. After just one glance, Hongshuibin switched "Candle Light Youying" to the cheetah form and moved to another cannon. Rush.

Now that the garrison has been weakened a lot, Hong Bin is no longer very worried about starting a face-to-face battle with them. As long as he is careful not to be surrounded by groups, he will basically not encounter fatal danger with his strength.

Chen Feng also replaced the weapon in his hand with a beam saber. Under the circumstances that the battle environment will change from time to time, the beam saber is more adaptable than the beam rifle. As soon as he landed ashore, he chopped down two outflanked enemy aircraft. .

In order to avoid being made dumplings by the garrison in the same direction of movement, Chen Feng chose to move to the other side of Hongshuibin. There are still many giant cannons on the island. It is not too late to wait until they are all destroyed and then reunited.

Now that Kaidao has been completely plunged into a scene of chaos and no effective blockade of the sea has been carried out anymore. Upon seeing this, Chen Feng sent a new order to the friendly forces waiting in the periphery: "You can come here, but be careful. Don't be locked out."

It is always good to have assistance. Although Chen Feng and the three are already very strong, they still have no idea about the defense of the entire opening. The fifty mechas on the periphery may become the key to the victory.

The base of Kaidao suddenly vibrated violently, as if the ammunition depot was detonated. Explosions of various scales took place one after another, knocking several unprepared mechas to the ground, and the cracked ground cracks nearby Swallowed more than a dozen tanks.

"It seems that Yu Country is unstoppable in the base, we have to come on!" Pan Yuguo can only make this kind of movement. Hong Bin did not want to be beaten by Pan Yuguo, and was ready to attack with all his strength.

Chen Feng understood the intention in Hong Bin's words and immediately controlled all the floating cannons to fly to his side: "I will cover you."

After all, Hongshui Bin is the God of War, and the destruction caused by his full attack is incomparable to Pan Yuguo, so Chen Feng is willing to give up his enemies and put everything into the battle to protect Hong Bin.

In the cheetah form, "Candle Illuminated Youying" stretched out his claws and fixed himself on the ground. The beam cannon on his back was faintly glowing, as if it was mobilizing all the energy and condensing power, temporarily unable to move at will.

This is where Hong Bin needs Chen Feng. Chen Feng controls the floating artillery to use a beam cage to block it in front of him. This time the purpose of the beam cage is not to kill the enemy, but to trap the attack on Hong Bin.

A large number of beams were captured by the beam cage. Under Chen Feng's precise control, many beams were used to expand the scope of the beam cage, creating an enclosed area about 400 meters in diameter in front of Hongbin.

Live ammunition weapons are more troublesome. They cannot be changed too much by the collision of the beams. Therefore, Chen Feng had to control some of the less powerful beams to destroy or detonate them. As a result, the feeling of dizziness became stronger and stronger.

Knowing that his state is about to reach its limit, Chen Feng reminded Hongshui Bin aloud: "I can't hold on for long, do you have any means to use it quickly."

"Okay, this is the method I have researched myself in the past few years. Those forts will no longer exist." Hongshui Bin was full of confidence, he let Chen Feng open his eyes to watch his attack, and waited for him to launch the beam cannon. The fort on Kai Island will no longer exist.

It seems that Hong Bin has made great progress in the past few years. Chen Feng felt that he lacked something besides modified combat and double drawing of swords. I don't know if he has made up for this shortcoming.

"Candle Light Youying" firmly grasped his limbs on the ground, and the beam cannon on his back finally gathered energy. With a super dazzling beam that Chen Feng had never seen before, whether it was an enemy coming under siege or a distant base Pan Yuguo made a huge noise, before this beam of light, everything in the world lost its attraction.

The beam emitted by "Candle Light Youying" is not particularly strong, similar to ordinary beam cannons, but it is too bright, unlike the plasma gravity compression cannon of the Saint Gamma Empire, which is extremely dark and this is super bright. At this moment, it was evening, but the upper part of Kai Island was illuminated like daylight. Chen Feng with good eyes couldn't help squinting his eyes to prevent burns.

The beam of light went straight to the nearest fort, and easily penetrated through it. Just when everyone thought it would shoot straight ahead and slowly dissipate, the "Candle Illuminated You Ying" was not seen moving, but the beam turned in the air. Continue to fly to another giant cannon.

Such an astonishing change surprised the garrison. They did not understand how Hongshuibin did this operation. It was obvious that "Candle Light Youying" did not move its body, nor did the beam cannon on its back adjust the direction. What is this beam of light? Change direction out of thin air? This is simply incredible.

"It turns out that this is the skill that Hongshui Bin has mastered. I don't know how he did it." Chen Feng is happy for Hongshui Bin's discovery and is also curious about how Hongshui Bin can control the beam to change its direction.

The beam cannon equipped with "Candle Light Youying" is one of the top weapons in the world. It is simply overkill to destroy a giant cannon. So Hong Bin has not used it until the right time to use his new skills. Start it.

The incomparably bright light beam passed through one giant cannon after another, and in an instant, the eight giant cannons turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, and this beam of light was not weakened at all, it still kept the dazzling rays of light shooting towards. The cannon in the distance.