Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1965: Hard support

Brothers Oshima Wanfu thought so too. They all showed hideous smiles on their faces, as if seeing Chen Feng had died tragically under his own weapon: "Scream! Why don't you keep screaming! They said they wanted to see us. How powerful it is, then use your life as the price!"

"Huh! Don't think you won, I don't only have weapons in my hand!" Chen Feng didn't show any timidity. On the contrary, he laughed loudly, mocking the short-sightedness of Brother Oshima Wanfu.

"What?!" The Oshima Wanfu brothers suddenly felt bad. They remembered that when they attacked Chen Feng, Chen Feng had controlled the floating artillery to fly around, but their main attention was on Chen Feng, not knowing. What is the current situation of the floating gun, "Can you still use the floating gun to counterattack?"

"That's right, you hit me, now it's my turn to give you a gift!" Chen Feng supported the "World Breaking" to prevent it from falling, and at the same time urged the long-prepared floating artillery to launch an attack. All energy is consumed.

Nearly a hundred beams of light hit the "Yaqi Orochi", and the Oshima Wanfu brothers were still maintaining the attack on Chen Feng, which made it impossible to evade. The unsuspecting hit by the light beam caused a large-scale explosion and the fog produced by the explosion. Cover both of them.

People outside couldn't see the situation in the mist. Hong Bin couldn't help but want to rush in to rescue Chen Feng, but was slashed in front of him: "This is their battle, you are not allowed to intervene."

It turned out that Abe Boya blocked the way forward. He didn't want to intervene in this level of fighting, and he was not allowed to intervene. The outcome can only be decided between the two sides in the battle.

To find Chen Feng in the mist, Hongshui Bin must pass Abe Boya's interception first, and shouted to Pan Yuguo: "Yuguo, come and help me break through him. I can't let Chen Feng face the dangerous one alone. Special machine."

"Okay!" Pan Yuguo put his hand on the hilt and could launch the strongest blow at any time. "I just contacted Commander Pan, and he asked us to hold on for a while, saying that reinforcements will arrive soon."

Hongshuibin looked at Pan Yuguo incredulously, suspecting that he had misheard him or that Pan Yuguo was playing with him: "What are you kidding? We are now facing the mecha of the entire Zhu Timwen Federation. What do you follow from the Southeast Military Region? People are contending. Didn’t you explain the situation to Commander Pan? You should retreat decisively now."

"I told him, but he still wants us to persevere, and the turnaround will happen soon." Pan Yuguo and Hongshuibin have the same question, but he believes that Commander Pan will not harm him, and he will always know what is going to happen if he waits patiently. .

Hong Bin had no time to guess Commander Pan’s arrangements. He eagerly wanted to pass Abe Boya’s interception hand in hand with Pan Yuguo. When the two sides were at war, a black shadow flew upside down from the confusion. "Who will it be again."

There are many marks on the body of "Yaqi Orochi" from being hit by a beam of light, and many armors are cracked. It is obvious that Chen Feng has suffered a depressed loss. It quickly retreats, pulling away from the fog. distance.

As the sea breeze slowly blows, the mist finally dissipates, revealing the "Broken World" half-kneeling on the ground. It does not look much better than the "Yaki Orochi". The armor on the shoulders is sunken, and both legs are deep. Sink into the ground.

"Chen Feng! Answer me if you are okay!" Hong Hung Bin shouted Chen Feng's name anxiously. He was very afraid that Chen Feng would be attacked by the Oshima Wanfu brothers in the mist. He must hear Chen Feng's voice. Peace of mind.

Chen Feng's voice came over quickly, except that it was a little weak. "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Huh?" Abe Boya looked back in surprise. He thought that Chen Feng should be seriously injured if he survived the attack by the Oshima Wanfu brothers, but the outcome seemed to be different from what he had imagined, so he couldn't help but watch again. Look at Chen Feng.

After seeing Chen Feng's current state, Abe Boya chuckled, "So that's it, we just looked down on you."

"What do you look down on? If we are in a normal state, don't think that you can beat us!" Hongshui Bin made an injustice for Chen Feng. This was not a fair duel, and everything was not good for him.

Chen Feng was actually seriously injured. In front of the violent attack of the Oshima Wanfu brothers, he was unavoidably hit by the opponent's weapon. The powerful destructive power was transmitted to his body through the armor, and he almost did not faint on the spot. past.

Thanks to Chen Feng's extraordinary mental power, he forcibly supported him, controlled the floating gun to launch a precise strike at the opponent, and used part of the beam pole to hit the surrounding land to lift up dust and confuse the opponent's sight before hitting his wrists, elbows, and head. Attacks on other key parts effectively resolved the opponent's continuous attack and caused a deadly threat.

After the death of his younger brother, Brother Oshima became very desperate. Seeing that the armors of the two heads were being consumed at a rapid rate, he was busy releasing Chen Feng out of the fog, for fear that he would die in it unclearly.

So it seemed that Chen Feng had repelled the Oshima Wanfu brothers, but Chen Feng knew that he was injured much more severely than the opponent. The blood in his body was constantly surging, and it took a lot of effort to suppress it.

Abe Boya could see Chen Feng’s state at a glance, so he said that, since the Oshima Wanfu brothers withdrew from Kaidao, he didn’t want to stay here and fly back into the air again: "You still have to resist. Don’t you? Just leave if you don’t want to die."

When he was not fighting, Boya Abe was a very gentle person. He kept urging Chen Feng and the three to leave, because he would never show mercy once he did his hands. If these three young pilots died, the Ancient Godland Republic He will definitely be immortal with the Ju Timor Federation, which is not in the interests of the Ju Timor Federation, so he has been restraining himself.

"Why don't you make a move yet? If you make a move, we would have taken the island long ago, why are you doing so many things?" Wano Oshima did not understand Abe Boya's approach. In his opinion, he should use the thunder method to take the island. The three special planes on board killed them, and while regaining the island, they showed the power of the Zhu Timor Federation, so that the world would never dare to make their minds.

Abe Boya was about to answer Oshima Wano, when suddenly he stared into the distance, and there seemed to be a lot of movement there.

Pan Yuguo also received a communication from Pan Bayi. Pan Bayi told him that reinforcements from the country had arrived. Although he was relieved, the opening of the island would definitely be controlled by his side, and the Zhu Timwen Federation could not take it away.