Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1974: Infighting

Brahman Kaur is one of the most direct and effective examples. She alone messed up the line of defense and made many of his arrangements useless.

Of course, this is not just the contribution of Brahman Kaur alone. Without Pan Yuguo, Lang Ba and others, she did not have the opportunity to hold down several aircraft emperors from the Zhu Timor Federation. She also did not have the opportunity to perform on the battlefield to her fullest. Quantitative changes caused qualitative changes. Only the top pilot can create opportunities.

"You guys will go over for reinforcements, you have to block Brahman Kaur for me anyway!" Zhu Timwen's federal military minister sent a guard by his side to stop Brahman Kaur. It is definitely impossible to rely on ordinary pilots. Yes, he can only trust that these strengths have reached the ace pilot's subordinates.

More than a dozen mechas took the order, and they joined Brahman Kaur a little bit. After all, this is a large-scale battle. Even if she has the strength to destroy all the enemies around her, she must also consider her own safety. Attack.

Even so, the role of Brahman Kaur is already very large. She successfully tore the enemy's defense line through a hole, and also involved mechas in other areas to get closer here, allowing more opportunities for landing battles in other directions.

Regardless of the efforts of the Zhu Timor Federation, the advantage of the war is shifting in the direction of the Quran God Republic. As long as Abe Boya and the Oshima Wanfu brothers cannot get out and help, their defeat is no longer in suspense.

The Minister of the Federal Military Department of Zhu Timwen is definitely unwilling to accept such a result. He quickly contacted Abe Boya, hoping that the other party could come back and provide assistance: "'Knife God', we can't stop Brahman Kaur here, can you come back and help? ?"

"Okay." Abe Boya moved to the main battlefield without saying a word. How could Hongbin and Promise let him leave, and jointly launched a wave of offensive attempts to keep him, Abe Boya could not ignore them and be dragged back.

It has been ten minutes since the war, and several battlefields have been fought very fiercely, especially on Abe Boya's side. None of Hongbin's "Candle Light Youying" and the promised "Dark Night" are intact. The touch of a knife means injury or death. They have used various methods to survive until now. It is a very proud experience.

He promised to grab the wine gourd from time to time and drank heavily. The hidden wounds in his body broke out again in the high-intensity battle. Alcohol must be used to numb the nerves, but the effect has become weaker and weaker, forcing him to increase the number of drinks. The wine gourd is about to see bottom.

Hong Hung Bin’s performance is getting better and better. After all, he has not been a pilot for long enough, and the combat experience is not rich enough. He has learned a lot from Promise when fighting with Promise, helping him to adjust some bad things in time. habit.

He promised to also have the idea of ​​cultivating younger generations. During the battle, he often reminded Hongbin what he should pay attention to. When dangers occur, he would take the initiative to take the initiative and leave safety to Hongbin. The future of the Qur'an God Republic is these young people. He wants Do everything we can to create a good environment for them so that young people can grow up better.

With promised and unreserved dedication, Hung Hung Bin was able to gain new gains, and his sophistication was soaring that he was no longer always pressed by Abe Boya, and occasionally he could launch several counterattacks, which caused some trouble to the opponent.

After asking for help from Abe Boya, the Minister of the Ju Timor Federal Army waited for a while, but he did not see any signs of Abe Boya coming to support him. He knew that the other party was afraid that he would be too late to come, and Brahman Kaur still wreaks havoc on the shore plan. He couldn’t. After waiting, I tried to contact Oshima Wanfu brother again: "Have you defeated Chen Feng? Come here to help!"

"We are working hard, don't be arguing!" Oshima Wanfu has been unable to defeat Chen Feng in one fell swoop. It was just when he was upset that he choked back after hearing the urging of the military minister, asking him not to influence his fight.

Both the "Yaki Orochi" and the "World Breaking" are extremely unique special planes. The Oshima Mano brothers are very uncomfortable under the attack of many weapons. Whether they want to move forward or retreat, they are always surrounded by them. With at least seven or eight light beams, a little carelessness will leave a gap in the fuselage. Not only is there no sense of accomplishment, but a sense of depressed full marks.

Chen Feng was also uncomfortable. The enemy had participated in the battle to kill Murong Fan. There was absolutely no problem in terms of strength. He was rushed into dangerous distances several times, and the four arms of the weapons left behind the "World Breaking" body. A deep wound.

Both sides have the ability to inflict a fatal blow on the other side, so they dare not block everything on the offense, leaving a bit of force to prevent the other side from suddenly violent, any external influence will make them feel irritated.

It was this pit that the Minister of the Federal Military Department Zhu Timwen stepped on. He didn't know the situation on the Wanfu brothers on Oshima. His abrupt question disturbed their mood and gave Chen Feng a chance to make a move.

Being harassed by the Minister of Military Affairs, the "Yaqi Orochi" paused insignificantly, but Chen Feng with excellent eyesight seized the moment and immediately urged all the floating artillery to shoot at full force from various places, aiming at the beam rifle in his hand. In the cockpit where Chio Oshima was located, this enemy was his main target in this battle.

Through a period of fighting, Chen Feng basically figured out the strength of the opponent. In contrast, Wano Oshima will be stronger. Whether it is the protection of the head cockpit or the use of weapons in his hands, he is bigger than his younger brother. Chiao Island is better.

Chio Oshima became a dragging existence, which gradually changed the mentality of the two brothers. Teno Oshima felt that his brother was too useless, if he hadn’t won himself; Chio Oshima felt that his brother had no dominant talent. Make yourself difficult.

Victory always conceals everything. Before the Oshima Wanfu brothers had never met a well-matched opponent, but now Chen Feng has almost no disadvantage in the battle, and even often poses a fatal threat to them. The trust crisis between the brothers is increasing. The more serious.

Chen Feng stared at Chio Oshima to make a fuss. He wanted to maximize his opponent's shortcomings. The battle of top pilots was not just a duel on driving skills, but also psychological changes. Whoever fluctuates in psychology will cause more problems.

Since being influenced by the Minister of Military Affairs, the Oshima Wanfu brothers have never calmed down. The two brothers fought each, and their four arms waved their weapons very uncoordinatedly. Sometimes they even collided together, causing Chen Feng to attack. Drilled past and hit the body.

"Damn! What are you doing?!" The two brothers blamed each other, both felt that it was the other's problem, that the other party hadn't controlled their weapons and hindered their actions, and they didn't even think about whether they were doing badly.