Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1981: Blocked

Attacks in all directions were all blocked, Commander Ma has a new understanding of Daejeon’s difficulty: “No wonder the Zhu Timwen Federation has been boasting that Daejeon is the most difficult city in the world to be breached. This hard bone is really difficult. Nibble."

Seeing that the battle had reached a deadlock, Commander Ma began to give orders to Hong Bin: "Shui Bin, you assist our troops on the main passage. At least you must hit the gate of Daejeon. They can't let them look us down."

"Received, guarantee to complete the mission!" Hong Bin led the way. "Candle Light Youying" joined the battle at the forefront. With its extraordinary combat power, he continuously defeated the enemy aircraft in front of him and helped the troops next to him in a very short time. Advance hundreds of meters.

Hong Bin was unstoppable on the front line, and the Zhu Timwen Federation quickly sent two machine emperors to respond. They worked together to block the space for Hong Bin to move forward. The narrow passage restricted the ability of "Candle Light Youying" to change. , Hongbin also stopped because of this, and basically couldn't make much progress before defeating the two machine emperors.

"Promise, Yuguo, I need you to participate in the battle on the left and right sides of the troops, and then draw out the enemy's remaining fighters." Commander Ma continued to promise to attack Pan Yuguo. Only in this way can the enemy be deceived.

Two special planes flew to the battlefield again, and the Zhu Timwen Federation also dispatched two special planes. The island opened in front has already been vacated. Now Daejeon is an important place that must not be given up. They have prepared a mentality of not giving up. ready.

The fierce battle between the mecha units of the two sides continued. Using Daejeon's extremely good terrain environment, the Zhu Timwen Federation could still maintain the line of defense even when the overall combat power was insufficient, preventing any mecha of the Qur'an Republic from approaching the city.

Listening to the surrounding artillery fire, Commander Ma did not think of a better way to suppress the enemy. The terrain of Daejeon is really suitable for defense. As the offensive side, there is no choice but to let the mecha troops launch a strong attack. They can’t make a breakthrough directly. The direction is even more difficult to get in, and the effort is not proportional to the gain.

The rate of wear and tear of the mechas on both sides is very alarming, and the battle has a tendency to change to war of attrition. The Zhu Timwen Federation has experienced many defeats before, and is unwilling to let the mechas wear out in endless consumption, and take the lead in trying to change this. all.

The Oshima Wanfu brothers have arrived in Daejeon early, but the Minister of the Ju Timor Federal Army did not let them attack, but asked them to stay in the city on standby. He wanted to see the intention of the Quran God Republic first and then make plans. .

Of course the Oshima Brothers did not want to. They came to show that they were hidden in the city and could not participate in the battle. How could they let other people see themselves and make trouble to go to the front? The Jin just persuaded them.

But the Oshima Wanfu brothers are not people who will be honest. They walked a few steps left and right in the city. They still have the idea of ​​actively participating in the war. This idea has become more and more active as the war progresses. Strong, finally there was a chance that Abe Boya could not come, if they were trapped, it would be too wasteful.

Once again expressed his intention to go to war to the Minister of Military Affairs, the Oshima Brothers threatened him that if they would not let themselves participate in the war, they would force them out, and the possible adverse consequences would be assumed by the Minister of Military Affairs.

The Minister of the Army was forced by the Oshima Brothers to have no choice. In addition, the current situation is stable. At this time, the attack may not be life-threatening. So after considering it for a while, he chose to agree and reminded the two not to go too far from the defense line. The focus of Daejeon is to protect Daejeon rather than kill the enemy. Daejeon’s safety should be given top priority.

If Oshima Mano impatiently interrupted the Minister of Military Affairs, he was not a three-year-old child and naturally knew which one was more important. He would come back when the enemy mecha troops were repelled. He has not been confronted by anyone. The strength of a country.

The Minister of Military Department was still not at ease. He could see that these two demigod pilots were in an impetuous state. If he could, he didn't want them to attack, but he was unable to stop him, so he could only choose to let him go after repeated reminders. .

The Oshima Mano brothers did not participate in the battle on the main passage. The main enemy there was Hsubin. Oshima Mano was not sure of fighting with him, so after discussing with his brother, he controlled the "Yaki Orochi" and flew to Panyu Country. In the area, I want to use this defeatable opponent as a breakthrough.

Pan Yuguo was leading his men to fight with the enemy in ambush under the mountains, and then saw a double-headed four-armed mech appearing in front of them. It was their most important goal in this battle: "Yaki Orochi"!

"Be careful, everyone, remember not to fight with the Oshima Wanfu brothers and leave them to me. When you encounter them, you will immediately retreat. I don't want to see anyone die in vain!" Pan Yuguo reminded his subordinates to be careful, this powerful enemy is not something they can deal with.

Brother Oshima did not target the ordinary pilots around him. Given that there is a demigod pilot in front of him, their first priority is to defeat the stronger enemy first, and the remaining enemies will be better resolved. .

The Oshima Wanfu brothers made up their minds and rushed straight to Pan Yuguo. Pan Yuguo was also very brave. He clenched Tang's sword to face the difficulties. He did not waver at all because of the strength of the enemy. He wanted to be upright before the strategic retreat. Face the opponent once.

The two special planes passed by, Pan Yuguo's complexion was very bad. His drawing of the sword did not hit his opponent but was blocked by the sword in the hands of the "Yaqi Orochi". His "crazy battle" only avoided the gun. The attack was hit by a stick in the back.

The powerful force shattered the armor on the back of the "World Breaking", and also caused Pan Yuguo in the cockpit to shook blood from the corners of his mouth. Just a single blow caused him to be slightly injured. There were too many opponent weapons that he could not handle at the same time. .

"Hahahaha! Just because you want to fight with me? You couldn't win before, this time it's still the same!" Oshima laughed loudly. This is the joy of battle. These demigod pilots should all It is his own men who are defeated.

"You are too smug!" Pan Yuguo did not waver because of the enemy's words, and took the Tang Dao back into the hilt and charged up again. No matter how powerful the Oshima Wanfu Brothers, he must use the sword drawing technique to let Tang Dao hit them. Special machine.

The Oshima Wanfu brothers did not expect Pan Yuguo to be so sturdy. Before they could finish their arrogant words, they had to start their defenses urgently. Finally, Pan Yuguo found the opportunity to get past the sword, gun and stick and hit the "Yaki Orochi" first. Cut at the waist of this special plane, the sharp blade instantly cut open the covering armor and continued to cut it towards the inside, about to cause damage to its parts.