Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1986: Brother Oshima Wanfu is dead!

"If you don't rely on us, do you still want to rely on others to fail?" Chio Oshima knew what his brother was talking about, and he smiled bitterly: "Look over there. The mecha unit we brought has been defeated long ago. Why are they busy? Can't help!"

Mano Oshima looked up and saw a scene where his own mech was pierced through by three beam swords. Under the encirclement of the mecha troops of the Republic of Quran, the mecha following them was almost wiped out. , Only a few of them are still fighting stubbornly, but they won't last long and will be killed in the end.

Teno Oshima was dumbfounded. Chio Oshima noticed that the action of the special plane had slowed down, and the bitter smile on his face became more and more helpless. They were completely helpless: "The mecha troops are completely destroyed, and we will soon dead……"

"We can't die here, even if we die, we have to pull you back!" Oshima Wanfu suddenly broke out with a strong will to fight. It's already this time. It's all dead. It's better to fight for the last time. miracle.

The Oshima Wanfu brothers, who were in a runaway state, brandished their weapons and smashed them everywhere. Regardless of whether they hit someone or not, they just had to swing out, smashing the surrounding ground into big pits one after another, which seemed to be very destructive.

However, Hong Bin was able to easily dodge their attacks. His strength was better than the opponent, and he was originally easy to fight. The Oshima Wanfu brothers now look very powerful, but in fact they are completely messy and worse than before.

The limited power was wasted on the damage to the surrounding environment. The scattered debris and soil slightly hindered some Chen Feng's attacks, but this was not a big problem. Chen Feng basically ignored these troubles with a little adjustment.

The Oshima Wanfu brothers exhausted their tactics. Hongbin no longer gave them the opportunity to struggle, and he stepped forward to face them face to face. Both hands were placed on the hilts of the left and right swords. The double-drawing technique was in the final preparation stage.

Oshima Wanfu brothers knew that Hsubin's double-drawing technique was so powerful that they were almost hit by Hsubin's double-drawing technique on Kaidao. Had it not been for Abe Boya to save him, the brothers would have returned to the sky two mornings. Up.

At this time, Hongshui Bin resorted to this assassin's trick again, and there was no one around the brothers who could help each other, and in a very bad state, he could not even stop the movement except for trying to raise his head back.

Both heads of "Yaqi Orochi" were raised high back, and the two brothers seemed to be able to lift a little bit later than the other in the game, and almost made "Yaqi Orochi" staggered to the ground. After all, it is to be able to survive, think about it and understand it.

Is Hongbin's attack so easy to avoid? He doesn't like the actions of the Oshima Wanfu brothers at all, and if he wants to survive, he should fight hard instead of comparing who hides further. Moreover, the two brothers are driving the same special plane, and one can't escape the other if something goes wrong, don't you understand the truth about the cold?

In terms of the thirst for life, Chio Oshima was more persistent than his brother. Under the premise that his hard power was not as good as Mano Oshima, he controlled the distance between his head and hid behind the head where his brother was.

Hongshuibin didn't bother to go near and seek far, since Oshima Wanfu's head is close to him, let it be the target of attack, anyway, it will be too late to deal with Oshima Qianfu, the result is the same.

The double-drawing swordsmanship pierced the sky, the double swords staggered across, slashing the area nearly fifty meters in front of Shushuibin. Oshima Wanfu only felt cold, but when he wanted to look down, the world in front of him was earthshaking. When he saw his body, it was already above and below his head and feet. The body fixed in the driver's seat gushed blood from his neck, and quickly covered the eyes of the skull on the ground.

There was only a crimson color in front of him, and Oshima finally wanted to understand what had happened. This was his last thought, and then the severe pain rushed into his forehead and plunged him into endless darkness.

His brother’s head was chopped into four parts by Hyunbin. What Chio Oshima felt was not sadness but fortune. At least he is still alive now, and he still has the possibility of driving the "Yaki Orochi" to escape, even if his fighting power will be lost one after another. Two drivers are greatly reduced, in exchange for being able to survive.

Chio Oshima couldn't pay attention to how badly his brother died. He twisted like running backwards. Now he is the only one controlling the "Yaki Orochi", and he can do whatever he wants.

However, the "Yaqi Orochi" didn't take a few steps and stopped in place. After a closer look, its last head was also broken. How can the mecha without a driver act? So stuck there for a long time and fell to the ground.

So how did Chio Oshima die? Don't forget that Hong Bin was not the only one who attacked the Wanfu Brothers on Oshima. Chen Feng, who was in charge of long-range attacks, also possessed extremely powerful destructive power, and his attacks were deadly enough.

After Oshima Wanfu died, Oshima Chio only wanted to escape and ignored the threats other than Flood Bin, while Chen Feng still maintained the beam cage and did not relax. Seeing the other party exposed the loopholes, he immediately controlled the beam and rushed forward. Qianfu hit the last head of "Yachi Orochi" before he could think of the threats around him.

The series of light beams immediately pierced the armored defenses, Chio Oshima did not even feel the shock, the entire cockpit including the head was blown to pieces, and there was nothing left over the neck of the "Yaki Orochi" under.

The "Yaki Orochi" that made many pilots frightened was defeated in this way. As soon as the three brothers of Oshima Mano appeared, they fought with Murong Fan. With their prior lurking and the unique ability of special planes, they successfully killed Abe Boya Murong Fan, the fall of the "War God" of the Three Great Wars, made them famous in one fell swoop.

Although Murong Fan desperately killed Oshima Centau in the battle, the remaining Oshima Wanfu and Oshima Chio still have very strong combat effectiveness, and no one among the demigod pilots can compare with them. , Has outstanding performance in battle after battle, and demi-sacred pilots in many countries have been beaten by them.

The Zhu Timwen Federation has a poor relationship with the Quran God Republic. Therefore, the Oshima Wanfu brothers and Pan Yuguo have had a lot of hands. Pan Yuguo suffered a lot. Chen Feng also felt very troublesome after he entered the battle. crisis.

It can be said that as long as the gods of war do not take action, the Oshima Wanfu brothers will do whatever they want. With their strength, they can crush the enemy on the battlefield and assist the Zhu Timwen Federation to achieve great victories after another. During the recovery period, it still defeated the neighboring countries in the sea, and only other countries grabbed resources and greatly reduced their own consumption.