Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1990: Opportunity or trap?

The person opposite seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and he also directly stated his identity: "Hello Chen Feng, this is Lin Wenjie."

It turned out that it was Lin Wenjie, who had just met, and Chen Feng became more alert: "Why would you call me? Or why would you have my call? I remember we didn't exchange numbers, right?"

"Your number was I asked from someone else at school before, but I haven't had the opportunity to use it. Today is the first time I dialed it." Lin Wenjie quickly stated that he had no bad intentions, "I have business with you, I know you Have been unable to break Abe Boya’s interception, but you still want to capture Daejeon, right?"

Chen Feng nodded. There is no need to deny this well-known thing: "Yes, if we want to go deep into the Zhu Timor Federation, we must take the big field, but Abe Boya is too difficult to deal with, we can't find a good one. opportunity."

Lin Wenjie remained silent, and when Chen Feng thought there was a problem with the phone, he said again: "I can help you break through Datian."

"What are you talking about?!" Now Chen Feng didn't suspect that there was a problem with the phone, but that he had a hearing problem. How could Lin Wenjie suddenly say that he was willing to help him win Datian? The development of things was too unexpected.

"I said I can help you break through Datian." Lin Wenjie repeated it decisively, his meaning was very clear: "I know you don't believe me, it doesn't matter, I will use my method to cause chaos in Datian, then you will take the opportunity The attack is, I guarantee that you have more than half the probability of success."

For those who are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and who are guarded by Abe Boya, half of the probability of success is already very high, so Chen Feng wants to know more in detail: "How are you going to cause chaos? And you are not from the Zhu Timwen Federation If you rebel against them, they will kill you, aren’t you afraid?”

Lin Wenjie's voice is very firm, and he can hear that he has made up his mind: "There is nothing to be afraid of. I have already thought about it. I have never had the idea of ​​betraying the country, but it has become the way I am now. Now I don’t have much ability. The only thing I can do is to help the country win. After that, you will believe in my sincerity."

Chen Feng still feels too outrageous. Lin Wenjie is a foreigner and defected to the Zhu Timwen Federation. How can he create chaos in Daejeon? Moreover, if you want to cause chaos that can cause failure, this scale must not be small. Does Lin Wenjie have this kind of ability? Does he really want to play for the motherland, or does he want to use this reason to cheat the motherland?

"I still remain skeptical, at least you have to talk about how you plan to mess up Daejeon?" Chen Feng asked Lin Wenjie to tell the plan. If this plan is really possible, he can believe it.

Lin Wenjie knew that Chen Feng’s trust in him was almost zero, and he couldn’t persuade him if he didn’t come up with some dry goods, so he slowly said, “In order to hold the field, the Zhu Timwen Federation has assembled a large number of pilots here, and There are many people like me in these pilots. They are good but they are oppressed, and will be abandoned when needed. This happened time and time again, making them gradually feel desperate for the Zhu Timwen Federation. As long as the time is right, I am sure I am willing to make the Zhu Timwen Federation pay the price. I am in the same situation as them, and persuading them to rebel in Daejeon can be said to be a multiplier.

"It's too risky. Once you convince the failure that the plan will definitely be exposed, what will the Zhu Timwen Federation plan to ambush us?" Chen Feng believes that Lin Wenjie's plan is too bold and the effect after success is very good, but the probability of failure is also very high. Big.

"With the current situation of Daejeon for a few months, there is no problem at all. You must take risks if you want to win!" Lin Wenjie seemed to be irritated by Chen Feng's suspicion, and his voice increased several levels: "There is nothing in the world that can absolutely succeed. Believe me, don’t come in if the action fails, so that you won’t have any losses."

Lin Wenjie is going to take his own life. Once his rebellion is detected, without the assistance of the mecha troops of the Qur'an Republic, the Zhu Timwen Federation can quickly kill all the rebels.

Chen Feng finally began to believe in Lin Wenjie a little, and he was willing to use his life to make a bet on something that might not be realized. Normal people can't do such a thing. Lin Wenjie did show the utmost sincerity in doing so.

Before ending the communication, Chen Feng wants to make a final confirmation to Lin Wenjie, which will affect whether he will agree to the plan: "I want to know if it was your idea to ask me out? Is it your idea to hurt me?"

"It's my idea to ask you out. I want to get the two parties back together. After all, we don't have a reason to be hostile." Lin Wenjie generously admitted that he did it, and cleared out the parts that did not belong to him: "But I didn't expect Xu Xin to attack you. He was blinded by his hatred, and he did things crazy and reckless."

"Okay, I see, I will report the situation to Commander Ma, and then call you." After listening to Lin Wenjie's explanation, Chen Feng also had an answer in his heart. He felt that he could try to cooperate with the other party's action.

"No, I have a lot of inconveniences in the Zhu Timwen Federation camp. The timing of your call is wrong and it will be over. I will call you after I confirm that it is safe. Let's talk about it today." Lin Wenjie stopped Chen Feng and said To be contacted by oneself.

Lin Wenjie was right, so Chen Feng agreed to his arrangement. It seems that Lin Wenjie has grown a lot in the Zhu Timor Federation over the years and handled things in an orderly manner. Maybe the actions in Datian can really be realized.

Chen Feng told Commander Ma what Lin Wenjie had said. Commander Ma called Hongshuibin and Pan Yuguo over after hearing this, asking each of them to tell us their impressions of Lin Wenjie. This matter is of great importance. A good trap will make mecha units hurt their muscles and bones, so they must be treated with caution.

"I don't have much contact with Lin Wenjie. In my memory, he is Murongxuan's follower. He has a weak personality and has no independent opinions. Most of the time, he acts according to Murongxuan's intention." Pan Yuguo carefully recalled in his memory, but couldn't find too What's worth noting is that Lin Wenjie is too ordinary and cowardly. Apart from the good synchronization rate, there is no other outstanding point.

Hongshuibin also has something to say. After all, they have a lot of conflicts with Murongxuan, so they understand Lin Wenjie better: "In fact, Lin Wenjie mainly listens to Xu Xin's ideas. He generally does not say anything against it, as long as Xu Xin He will follow suit when he makes a decision. His greatest sorrow is that he made friends and followed the wrong person."