Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2009: secret

Chen Feng briefly searched for a circle, and found no gaps in the walls around the cockpit, so he put his eyes on the driver’s seat. Most of the pilot’s actions were carried out in the driver’s seat, so here It is the most likely place to hide secrets.

Chen Feng touched the driver’s seat bed board, but still didn’t find any bulges, and there was no abnormality in the gaps of the control panel. There were no traces of prying even: "Huh? Not even the closest place. Things, where else can Lin Wenjie put things?"

Chen Feng leaned down and explored under the driver's seat, but still found nothing. The bed underneath was very smooth and couldn't prevent things at all, and there was no storage space. Lin Wenjie couldn't hold things even if he wanted to put things.

Chen Feng did not believe in evil and searched the cockpit carefully, sweating out of sweat but making no progress. He felt that he could no longer search blindly, and squatted down and began to recall what Lin Wenjie said last.

"Instrument in the cockpit..." This is what Lin Wenjie said before he died, so the thing was put in a certain instrument, not hidden in a corner that is particularly hard to find. .

The cockpit is related to the control of the entire mecha, so there are many instruments in it. Which one does Chen Feng look for?

"It was specially collected by Lin Wenjie, and according to him, there are still a lot of data, so it should be at least a storage device instead of paper. If the storage device is placed in the instrument in the cockpit, then only... .." Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the most peripheral area of ​​the cockpit, which was where he would search carefully next.

Where did Chen Feng look? It is the area where the mecha video equipment is used to store data. All the pictures taken by the mecha are here. Ordinary people will never pay attention to it, let alone check what was shot inside.

Lin Wenjie will hide the secrets here, indicating that he is very careful to protect them, unless he is dead or the mecha is severely damaged, otherwise no one will have nothing to do to call in to monitor what he has experienced.

The fact is that Lin Wenjie only told Chen Feng the secret before he died. Otherwise, perhaps Chen Feng would not know that he had the secret in his hands, and the time for the secret to be exposed would be greatly delayed.

Since Chen Feng had discovered the secret place where Lin Wenjie kept the secret, he went to open the storage instrument and took out the memory chip inside: "I finally found you. Let me see what horrible things are hiding in you."

Chen Feng did not watch the chip content directly in the cockpit because it was a public area. It was too unsafe for him to watch Lin Wenjie's life-guarding secret under the eyes of everyone, and he might be discovered by other useful people.

So Chen Feng first put the chip in his pocket and continued to pretend that he hadn't found what he was searching for in the cockpit, making people around him think that he hadn't found what he was looking for, so as to confuse those who might be monitoring him.

After pretending for ten minutes, Chen Feng slowly walked out of the cockpit, shook his head at the caring person next to him, and then left the hangar dejectedly, giving others the illusion that he had nothing. meeting.

After returning to his room and closing the door, Chen Feng changed his state in vain. He stepped to the desk and turned on the computer, inserted the chip in his pocket, and rubbed his hands: "Lin Wenjie hid it so carefully, the secret inside must be amazing. ."

After flipping through all the contents of the chip, Chen Feng's brows were tightly locked together. The information Lin Wenjie collected made him start to understand a lot of things. He discovered details that he hadn't noticed in the past and eliminated many doubts.

"It is so! It turned out to be like this! No wonder, no wonder!" Chen Feng sighed as he shook his head. The secrets in the chip are too important. There are not only texts, but also photos, recordings, and videos, covering many events. .

Chen Feng thought for a while, then resolutely left the room and headed to Commander Ma's office. The secret hidden in the chip was too big, involving a huge conspiracy within the Republic of the God of Qur'an. He had to let those who could handle it know.

Commander Ma is in a good mood today, and other actions will be much easier after he successfully wins Daejeon. He is about to take a short rest to restore his state. People can't always be tight, as it is prone to various problems.

After seeing that it was Chen Feng who was knocking outside, Commander Ma immediately opened the door to let him in. Then he saw Chen Feng's sad face: "Why? What troubles our Chen Feng so much, I wonder Nothing big happened recently, right?"

"That's it!" Chen Fengliang shot the chip in his hand. After knowing the content of the chip, he carefully protected it in his hand to avoid losing it. "This was entrusted to me by Lin Wenjie before he died, and it hides a very terrible secret."

Hearing what Chen Feng said, Commander Ma couldn't help being serious. He walked to the table and asked Chen Feng to insert the chip into the computer: "Then I will see how terrible it is that makes you so nervous."

Commander Ma showed the exact same expression as Chen Feng after reading the content of the chip. His mind was already very firm, but the content of the chip was really amazing. It revealed the reason why many actions of the Qur'an Republic were not successful.

Who are the people around Lin Wenjie? It's Xu Xin. Xu Xin has been trading intelligence in exchange for space for survival after he rebelled into the Zhu Timor Federation. He sold a lot of information about the actions of the mecha troops of the Republic of Quran, allowing the Zhu Timwen Federation to seize the opportunity to start. The precise strikes caused incalculable damage to the coastlines of the Qur'an Republic.

Where is Xu Xin's intelligence source? That was Murong Xuan. After Guan Yuzhen brought down the Murong family, Chen Feng lost the news of Murong Xuan. He didn't know where he was hiding, and over time he forgot about this person.

As a result, Murongxuan did not give up his ambition to re-emerge the family. He deliberately changed his name to join the military department, explored various confidential information with a new identity, and exchanged these confidential information with other countries, betraying national interests in exchange for his own interests. , Xu Xin is one of his many contacts.

By selling intelligence, many actions of the Qur'an God Republic were known in advance by the enemy. They took the lead in deploying and waiting for the mecha troops of the Qur'an God Republic to enter the ambush area, destroying many originally intended actions, and leaving many pilots unclear. Bai's death in the battle caused the Qur'an God Republic to suffer a lot of unnecessary losses.