Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2015: Harass

And promised to notice a very important detail when watching the battle, which is related to how to fight with Abe Boya in the future: "I don't know if you found out, the Ship Slayer seems not to be perfect."

Under the reminder of the promise, the three of Chen Feng recalled that Hongshuibin felt a little weird during the battle, and only then did he understand why: "No wonder the'God of Sword' acted a little strangely when using the Ship Slasher. I know The reason!"

"Could it be your master..." Chen Feng also guessed the possibility that Hongshuibin thought. When Hongshuibin was alone with him, he explained in detail the battle between Murong Fan and Abe Boya and Oshima Wanfu brothers. The incident of damage to the naval sword.

"It should be that the'Sword God' has not dared to use the Sword Sword with all its strength. The location he protected is exactly the place that was destroyed by the'War God'. I boldly guess that the Sword Sword can no longer be restored to the strength of the year." In response to their speculation, it was clear from his old eyes that the ship-cutting knife was no longer the old ship-cutting knife, and Abe Boya's combat effectiveness had declined.

Hongshui Bin slapped his thighs happily, and they have a chance: "If it is true, it would be great. We are mainly unable to resist the power of the Ship Sword. After he loses the Ship Sword, we It is possible to win!"

Pan Yuguo reminded Hongbin not to be too optimistic, and could not rule out other possibilities: "But this is only our guess after all, and it is not entirely certain. Maybe the'Knife God' is pretending to deceive us, and it will be too late when we are fooled."

"No hurry, even if you don't have the Swordsman, the'Sword God' is still above you in all aspects. If you want to defeat him, you have to contact him. Let's go back now." He promised everyone to return to Daejeon first, Abe Boya It is so easy to defeat, anyway, there is time, they can slowly plan for the long term.

After Abe Boya left, the Ju Timor Federation Mecha also left one after another. Their role was to harass mainly relying on Abe Boya to destroy the buildings outside the field. Since Abe Boya failed, they didn't need to stay again to avoid being besieged.

Commander Ma was very satisfied with the performance of everyone, and successfully repelled Abe Boya so that the fortifications in Daejeon were not damaged too much. The destroyed area could be restored soon, and the construction was one step closer.

"We still stay in the field. The'God of Sword' should appear frequently in recent times. Chen Feng, Shui Bin, and Yuguo three imps continue to deal with him. The beautiful pilot and I are prepared for possible unexpected situations. There will be problems." He promised to make arrangements for everyone, and still gave Abe Boya to the three of Chen Feng, so that they have the opportunity to gain more experience in fighting against powerful enemies.

Commander Ma agreed to the promised arrangement. For the Qur'an God Republic, the future of the country does not depend on the promise of these aging people, but the new young pilots to fill the vacancies, and Chen Feng and the others become stronger. This is the most important gain.

Brahman Kaur cared about the arrangement that she could not participate in the war, but she was not a true Koranian Republican after all, and she would definitely not favor her in some arrangements. Taking these into account, she was relieved. Anyway, watching the battle can also benefit a lot. .

Chen Feng was not very happy to see Brahman Kaur, and said intimately: "I think Kaur can also participate in the war sometimes. The capabilities and characteristics of'Jaling Pinga' are completely different from our three special planes, and there may be differences. effect."

"Yes, under the premise of ensuring your own safety, I allow you to make some changes." Commander Ma agreed to Chen Feng's request. The Republic of the Goddess of Qur'an is not the same as the Kingdom of Buddha, and this country is willing to treat all citizens well.

In the next three months, Abe Boya often attacked the city wall under construction in Daejeon. Chen Feng and several people attacked again and again. They don’t remember how many times they fought with Abe Boya, only remember after each battle. There will be a lot of gains. Come back and study carefully to make you have a new improvement in driving skills.

Abe Boya found that he was regarded as the whetstone for young pilots by the Qur'an God Republic, but he could not give up on the destruction of the city wall. If he did not attack, it would be impossible to stop the construction of the city wall with the Mecha of the Ju Timor Federation, so he Can only go all out in the battle, trying to defeat Chen Feng and the others before they can learn more.

In order to cooperate with Abe Boya, the Minister of the Federal Military Department of Zhu Timor even specially called the three or two fighter emperors to attack together. However, Commander Ma prepared a backstop and promised to stay in Daejeon with Lang Ba. In the Zhu Timwen Federation, the machine emperor basically couldn't play a role. In the end, he retreated dingy and watched the city wall outside Datian build higher and higher.

When the construction of the city wall was about to be completed, the Zhu Timwen Federation finally couldn't help it. The Minister of the Army formed a force of about two thousand mechas before attacking Daejeon in three directions: the north, northeast, and northwest. Even if Daejeon cannot be captured, the outer city walls must be torn down. In short, the Qur'an God Republic cannot be allowed to gain a foothold in its own territory.

This battle lasted for a full two months. The outer city wall of Daejeon was destroyed time and time again. The main goal of the Zhu Timwen Federation Mecha was to destroy the city wall, so it was difficult for the Qur'an Republic to prevent it, even if it was killed. With many enemy mechas, the damage to the city wall cannot be changed, and it must be rebuilt after it is destroyed.

Of course, the more expensive party is the Zhu Timor Federation. Every time they destroy the city wall, they have to pay a much higher price than the Quran God Republic. The pilots who died on the battlefield can hardly be replenished, and they become somewhat unsupportable over time.

The number of pilots obtained each year is so small. Once the number of deaths exceeds the number of supplements, the country's strength in the field of mecha will be irreversibly weakened. The leader of the Zhu Timwen Federation found that this will drag the country down. Urgently ordered to stop the attack on Daejeon and let the pilots return to their respective territories.

The Minister of the Federal Army of Zhu Timwen was unwilling to obey the leader’s order, because from his point of view, once the Quran God Republic had completed all the facilities in Daejeon, it would be impossible for them to destroy it. Long-term consideration should not care about the current gains and losses, even if the cost is high, the wall outside Daejeon cannot be built.

The two people disagree, but they are all for the benefit of the Zhu Timwen Federation. They look at the problem from different angles and no one can convince anyone. The mecha troops attacking Daejeon are therefore at a loss as to what to do, giving the Quran God Republic a chance to improve the city wall Part.