Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2025: Hard fight (2)

It was not only Hong Bin who participated in the attack on Boya Abe, but Chen Feng also hurried to the center of the combat area. Now Brahman Kaul was shot down and the task of long-range containment fell on him. He took two beam rifles in his hands and The floating artillery launched an attack together.

After continuous battles with powerful enemies like Boya Abe, Chen Feng has gradually become familiar with his fighting style and has a new understanding of his shooting skills. He is no longer just shooting, but can also start building beams while shooting. cage.

Abe Boya is strong, so most of Chen Feng’s attacks will fall into the empty space, so many beams are wasted, why not use them, so Chen Feng slightly reduced the attack frequency, leaving a part of the remaining power to gather the missing beams again , Even if the speed is a little slower, it can barely form a beam cage.

Abe Boya took the time to look aside and was shocked. If he was in his heyday, he would certainly not be afraid of any attacks, but at this moment, the damage degree of "cutting" all parts of his body had exceeded 20%. He was not sure that he would not come out after he missed a hit. problem.

Abe Boya wanted to get rid of Hou Bin, but Hou Bin was very difficult to deal with. Brahman Kaul’s desperate effort made him hold back. He must shoot down Abe Boya. It is about many people's grievances, no matter how strong the opponent is, he cannot take a step back. .

As time goes by, Abe Boya becomes more and more urgent, the beam cage is about to form, he will fall into endless passivity if he does not leave, Chen Feng’s weapon energy does not know when it will be exhausted, and it is estimated that the state of "cutting" will not survive. .

At this point, Abe Boya had to fight hard, and saw that he finally exposed his right arm that had been protected. He used this to attract Hung Hsung's attention and then moved forward at full speed. This is to abandon his right arm and seek a chance to get out!

Sure enough, Hongshui Bin was attracted. The wings of "Candle Light Youying" were all tangent to the right arm of "Zhan", but Boya Abe passed by, although he left two long scratches on his right arm. , But Abe Boya finally left his attack range, the next step is to let him fly.

When Abe Boya was about to smile, there were several explosions from behind "Zhan". The special plane jolted up and down a few times and couldn't maintain its balance. It slowly slipped from the sky to the sea.

Boya Abe wanted to control the special plane to fly into the sky again, but the thrusters behind him did not obey his control. It seemed that there were two thrusters that could not produce power. He could only watch the "cut" get closer and closer to the sea.

It turns out that Chen Feng’s beam cage and Hung Hsung Bin’s offensive are all blindfolds, and they are all actions used to confuse Abe Boya’s concerns. In fact, the real key lies in Chen Feng’s ordinary attacks. What he wants to destroy is the advancement behind him. Device.

If the mecha wants to fight in the sea, the most important factor is the thruster. If there is no support for the thruster, the mecha cannot fly in the sky. Once it falls into the sea, it can only be slaughtered by people. More important than any component.

Therefore, in addition to bringing Abe Boya to the sea, the three of Chen Feng also had to destroy the "cut" thrusters so that Abe Boya could not come and go, leaving him in this sea forever.

The three of Chen Feng used various means to deceive Abe Boya. The Brahman Kaul previously injured the right arm of "Cut" by accident, and they immediately used it to pretend to attack his right hand with all his strength to make Abe Boya. Misunderstood that they wanted to use the missing click on their right hand to kill themselves, thus ignoring the protection of the thrusters behind them.

After the start of a new round of battle, Chen Feng deliberately controlled the beam to damage the thruster of the "slash", each time causing only a little damage to prevent Abe Boya from noticing it, plus the attraction of Flood Bin and the beam cage Sure enough, Abe Boya didn't realize that the propeller was on the verge of collapse, and Chen Feng finally made up several shots and destroyed the two propellers.

"Zhan" is equipped with a total of seven thrusters, one behind the left and right shoulders, and one under the left and right feet. The remaining three are all behind the back, helping him to achieve various operations in the sky.

And now Chen Feng's attack destroyed the thrusters behind the left shoulder and waist, and the remaining five thrusters could not support the weight of the "cut" for a while, so Abe Boya would land all the way to the sea.

The only thing Abe Boya can do is to start the remaining five propellers at full force and glide on the sea with difficult supports, but now the propeller behind this special fuselage is unbalanced, and full acceleration makes it difficult for him to maintain Normal posture.

Seeing Abe Boya flying crookedly on the sea, Hongshui Bin immediately chased him. If he can't shoot Abe Boya down, I'm sorry to give the Heixiang Zhu Guo to his own Chen Feng and Pan Yuguo.

"Candle Light Youying" slapped the wings, Abe Boya struggled to dodge and protected his body with a ship knife. The two special planes played ping-pong for a while. Although Abe Boya was dangerous, he did not fall into the sea. He was still tenacious. Approach to the coastline.

Boya Abe has always insisted. He doesn't want to die here, let alone be killed by a young pilot who is not as strong as his own, so he tried his best to resist the attack of Hsu Bin. His driving skills are indeed great. Hsu Bin tried many times. He couldn't break through his defense. If there is no one to help Abe Boya, he might really escape.

But the problem is that Hung Bin was someone to help. After Chen Feng destroyed the two thrusters of "Chop", he focused all his energy on constructing the beam cage. Abe Boya was trapped by Hung Bin, and he had enough time to perfect. This attack.

After finishing the beam cage almost, Chen Feng reminded Hung Hung Bin in front of him: "You can make a little bit of space and help me cover him with the beam!"

Hearing this, Hongshuibin moved a distance to the side. Boya Abe was not happy to see that he was shocked because he guessed that Chen Feng’s attack was about to come. The two little guys cooperated too tacitly, and every change was The beginning of the next offensive.

Just when Boya Abe thought about this, the beam cage completely surrounded him. The flying beam passed through the flood bin and hit Abe Boya. The main target was to firmly lock the remaining thrusters behind him.

If the thruster is damaged by one or two more, Abe Boya will never have the chance to escape. He did not choose to protect his back with all his strength. Even the severely damaged right arm would not be able to take care of it because of the advancement. The device is more important than it.

Like humans, it is very difficult for mechas to defend against attacks behind them. Abe Boya uses a very heavy ship-cutting knife. There will be a short pause every time he swings it, and the actual effect is not very good.