Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2042: Draw the line

Xu Xin's eyes lit up, and I have to say that Commander Ma’s suggestions are in line with his current needs. After doing so many bad things, Xu Xin’s most worried thing is to leave a name forever. Everyone will remember what he did. Because, including his family members will be tortured, which completely violates his original intention of becoming a pilot to make his family live better.

"Really? You won't announce what I did?" Xu Xin looked up to Chen Feng for confirmation, his eyes were extremely hot, as if someone who had been thirsty for a long time suddenly saw water.

Chen Feng was secretly delighted, Commander Ma’s explanation was really useful. He calmly nodded his head slowly: “Yes, anyway, the biggest culprit is the Murong family. It’s enough to have them on their backs. Others can be adjusted according to the situation.”

"Okay, then I will tell you everything I know!" Xu Xin made up his mind to say everything. He has only one dead end now, and the Murong family cannot escape the country's sanctions. It is better to cooperate fully in exchange for some mercy.

What Xu Xin said is basically the same as the record given to Chen Feng by Lin Wenjie, but he knows more as a main participant, whether it is several actions against Chen Feng and others, or revealing the tactical intentions of the Quran God Republic Chen Feng learned more about what he confided, and he also knew more about Murongxuan's role in these events.

Murong Xuan took advantage of his status as lurking in the military department, and basically grasped the movements of the ancient gods, and then carefully selected and handed over a part, so that the troops of the ancient gods would suffer a certain loss before letting the Murong family help. The thing is that what they did came out naturally appeared very timely, so they gained a lot of goodwill and a lot of benefits.

What made Chen Feng even more angry was that the crises he encountered several times were actually related to Murongxuan. Among them, Xu Xin's was one, and the enemies he encountered during the operation were all attracted by Murongxuan, and he and During the trip to the Buddha La Ye country of Hong Hung Bin, Murong Xuan was also leaked to the other party, which led to them being hunted down all the way, and almost never returned.

After listening to Xu Xin's confession, Chen Feng had an urge to hit someone: "You guys can do all kinds of bad things. Not only are you betraying your national interests, you also avenge your personal revenge. All actions I participate in will be sabotaged!" "

"Who makes you and us have grudges? Murongxuan is a person who must retaliate against you. He must spare no effort to retaliate against you. To be honest, you have not been killed by him until now. It really surprised me." Xu Xin decided to confess. When everything was done, I didn't bother to conceal his thoughts anymore, saying that Murongxuan had planned many actions to kill Chen Feng and the others, but unfortunately they were not successful.

After getting all the information he wanted from Xu Xin, Chen Feng felt it was time to report to Commander Ma. He stepped forward to loosen Xu Xin’s restraint and prepare to take him back to the detention location: "Anyway, I am very Thank you for your cooperation. Now I bring you back. Remember that you must not disclose our conversation to other people. After returning to China, Commander Ma will find you again."

"I understand that if I say that Murongxuan will send someone to kill me, I don't want to die at all, so you don't have to worry, no matter who asks me, I will be tight-lipped." Xu Xin is very close to his current situation. With a clear understanding, since he chose Commander Ma's side, he must completely draw a line with the Murong family.

On the way Chen Feng sent Xu Xin back, Xu Xin continued to resist Chen Feng’s suppression and yelled at him. This was negotiated and agreed by the two to make outsiders think that the conversation between the two of them was not going well, and could reduce it slightly. Some strangeness.

After escorting Xu Xin to prison, Chen Feng told the soldiers outside to guard Xu Xin and ensure Xu Xin’s life safety. No matter who came to visit, he must watch him by the side and never let Xu Xin show up. accident.

When Chen Feng went to Commander Ma’s office, someone really came to see Xu Xin. He asked the soldiers to open the prison door and let himself in to interview Xu Xin. The soldiers saw that he was a high-profile ace pilot He didn't dare to stop, but he also remembered Chen Feng's instructions to enter the cell together and stood at the door to ensure Xu Xin's life.

Someone was interfering nearby, which made it difficult for this ace pilot to exchange private information with Xu Xin, so he could only ask sideways: "Unexpectedly, the Zhu Timen Federation would hand you over, and Chen Feng alone Did you take it out because you involved or explained any secrets?"

"Haha, the Zhu Timwen Federation handed over all the pilots related to the Quran God Republic, and there is more than me. What secrets can I involve?" Xu Xin laughed at the other party and told him that he wanted to be wrong. Chen Feng would take me out because he had a private vengeance with me and wanted to humiliate me in a place where no one was there. He really got what he wanted."

Both the expression and tone of Xu Xin were full of grief and resentment, which convinced the ace pilot that he had not divulged information about the Murong family, and he did indeed hear the quarrel between Chen Feng and Xu Xin on the way back. The conclusion after the combination of the two is that Xu Xin is still loyal to the Murong family and they can still trust Xu Xin.

The ace pilot came to a conclusion, and left another sentence to remind Xu Xin to keep it secret: "Frankly be lenient, and resist strict. As long as you say everything that should be said, your family will not suffer, understand? ?"

"Huh! You don't need to remind me of this kind of thing!" Xu Xin turned his head and stopped looking at the ace pilot. The meaning in the other party's words is obvious, that is, if Xu Xin reveals anything about the Murong family, then his Family members will be implicated.

This threat made Xu Xin more determined to cooperate with Commander Ma’s determination to eradicate the Murong family. He didn’t want his family to suffer endless threats. Sooner or later, the Murong family would have to finish playing. They could survive better by relying on the country. .

The ace pilot left the prison after speaking. The soldiers first confirmed that Xu Xin's body was not abnormal, and then closed the door and walked out, leaving Xu Xin alone on the icy ground. Now he is stuck on the board. The fish can be slaughtered.

Chen Feng reported everything Xu Xin had confessed to Commander Ma. Commander Ma listened and tapped the table with his fingers. When Chen Feng finished speaking, he was about to consider: "Xu Xin is a very important witness. , Having him in me can cause an absolutely fatal blow to the Murong family, so we must ensure the safety of his life, and there must be no accident before he identifies it."