Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2055: Open the container

Without Murongxuan's continuous supply of intelligence, the attack plan of the two countries was greatly affected. Coupled with the Qur'an Republic's efforts to strengthen the border defense, they could not find a suitable breakthrough for the time being, and the operation stopped.

Just when the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Kingdom were about to give up, the people of the Saint Gama Empire came to the door and expressed their willingness to provide certain support to assist them in attacking the Quran God Republic.

The sudden appearance of the Holy Gama Empire surprised the two countries. How could even the most powerful country come to intervene in their own affairs, so at the beginning they strongly denied that they wanted to take action against the Republic of Quran, and that Murong Xuan and Murong Xuan I have a connection.

The representatives of the Saint Gama Empire exposed their disguise on the spot. It turns out that Murong Xuan is not only connected with the two countries, he even secretly communicated with the Saint Gama Empire, so the Saint Gama Empire also knows part of the situation.

Now that the Saint Gama Empire knew about it, the Gusu Empire and the Fo La Ye Kingdom no longer denied it. The three parties had a very confidential conversation to discuss whether to continue operations against the Quran God Republic.

Both the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Laye Nation tended to stop. The Gusu Empire had a good relationship with the Quran God Republic and had repeatedly received help from the other side. It was unwilling to easily destroy the good relationship without the certainty of victory. La Ye Country is because it has been defeated by the Quran God Republic many times before, and has an instinctive fear of this enemy.

In the end, the Saint Gama Empire convinced the two countries. The reason is that the Qur'an God Republic has just finished fighting with the Ju Timor Federation, and the number of domestic mechas is in a relatively short state, and it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity in the future. Now, if the Qur'an God Republic handles the affairs of the Ju Timor Federation well, they will face a stronger neighboring country.

No one wants to see the existence of an unmatched country around him. This reason shakes the two countries. The Saint Gama Empire has given a new promise, that is, it is willing to provide some pilots and mechas for free, disguised as help They attacked the Qur'an God Republic.

No verbal promise is as good as action support. The two countries’ most worry is that they cannot guarantee victory over the Quran God Republic after the Murong family collapses. If they take the initiative to attack and be defeated, it will not only be a shameful issue, they may even be like Zhu. Like the Timorese Confederation, the entire country was destroyed.

After the Saint Gama Empire promised to provide assistance, the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Laye had confidence again. The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire were strong, and the mechas were better than their own. The probability of winning with their assistance was great. increase.

As a result, the three parties continued to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges, studying the possibility of jointly attacking the Qur'an God Republic, but due to the changes in the participating parties and the deployment of troops, it would not be possible to achieve it within ten and a half months.

This is Commander Ma’s shrewdness. He guessed that even if the Gusu Empire and the Fo La Ye Kingdom wanted to launch an attack, the progress would be greatly reduced because of the loss of the Murong family’s matchmaking. The active pilots have enough time to rest.

The military plane sent Chen Feng back to Langya Mecha Academy, and the plane landed directly next to the research building. Because You Jia said that the metal container he got from Oshima Wanfu brothers could be opened soon, so Chen Feng wanted to go. See what is inside.

You Jia, who had already received the news of Chen Feng's return, was waiting at the door. Chen Feng rushed over as soon as he saw You Jia, took You Jia into his arms and turned around in the air a few times: "I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too." You Jia laughed very happily. Although Chen Feng's intimacy under the crowd made her a bit shy, she still wanted to express her love for Chen Feng, "I haven't seen you for so many days. Thin."

"It may be because I was not used to eating local food when fighting in the Zhu Timwen Federation. I will definitely get fat again by your side." Chen Feng patted his belly grinningly. He is very interested in getting fat again. confidence.

You Jia lightly hit Chen Feng, and according to Chen Feng's intention, he raised him as a pig: "Come with me, Director Montalelli is waiting for us in there, just wait for you to arrive and then put him together. The metal container is opened."

"Well, I want to see what kind of treasure is inside, so that Brother Oshima Wanfu can put it in the cockpit carefully." Chen Feng is full of curiosity about the metal container, and maybe he can bring himself a huge one. Surprise.

You Jia took Chen Feng and walked into a research room hand in hand. Inside, Montalelli was standing in front of a metal container and beating. He smiled smirkly after seeing the two walk in: "I saw you fidgeting in the morning. Finally brought my lover back."

Facing Montalelli's molesting, You Jia showed two blushes on her face: "Don't make fun of me. Let's open the metal container. After so much effort, it's time to harvest."

"Well, let me explain to Chen Feng first. This metal container is equipped with a total of five organs. If there is a mistake in any of the organs, it will self-destruct, and it will resist any external force. It will also be forced to cut. Self-destruct." Montalelli still took care of You Jia, and she stopped joking when You Jia acted like a baby, and explained the situation of the metal container to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng is becoming more and more curious. With so many protection methods, it has become more and more proof of the importance of the contents of the metal container: "Then how do we open it? It should be very difficult to have so many restrictions."

"It's very difficult. We can't use brute force to open it. We can only use various means to disable the mechanism one by one. So it was only a few days ago that it was completely cracked. Now you only need to press the open button." Montalelli pointed to a green button on the front of the metal container. This was the last procedure to unlock the secret.

"You cracked it, so you can open it up." Chen Feng wanted to uncover the secret by himself, but considering that there was no part of the people who contributed, he decided to give the opportunity to You Jia and Montalelli.

In the end, Montalelli shook his head and said that he didn't want to do anything by himself: "No, we haven't opened it just to wait for you. Now that you come and give up the opportunity, then we are not waiting for nothing. "

"Director Montalelli is taking care of us, so just go ahead and drive as she said." You Jia also persuaded Chen Feng from the side, after all, the metal container was obtained by Chen Feng, and now the master has come and let the master open it. It makes sense.

"Okay, then, I'm not welcome." Seeing that both of them said so, Chen Feng stopped declining. He was full of curiosity about the metal container, and was unwilling to waste time in opening it.