Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2058: Storage

And the fragrant vermillion fruit that Chen Feng obtained was from the special plane "Yaki Orochi" of the Zhu Timor Federation. If it wasn't their second fragrant vermilion fruit, what would it be? It can only be said that Chen Feng's luck was too bad, and he would unexpectedly get it.

However, Commander Ma also had another question. He looked at Chen Feng extremely seriously: "Why didn't you take the scented vermilion fruit directly, and also specially notified me to come over? You are now a demigod pilot. You can directly become the God of War."

"Someone asked me this question before. Not only do I have a semi-divine pilot in our country, I think Pan Yuguo should also have this opportunity." Chen Feng didn't avoid Commander Ma's eyes at all. Will regret it.

"Hahahaha, you young man is very kind! I understand what you mean!" Commander Ma laughed loudly. He saw the other's insistence in Chen Feng's eyes, "I will bring back the fragrant vermillion fruit. The military department, I guarantee that all pilots will get the opportunity, and Yixiang Zhu Guo will eventually be in the hands of those most qualified to get it."

"Please!" Chen Feng's eyes burned with flames, and this time he would never retreat. No matter who he was fighting with, he would defeat the opponent and win the fragrant vermillion fruit.

Since the whereabouts of Commander Ma may be exposed at any time, after the mecha unit of the military department also appeared in the sky above Langya Mecha Academy, he will leave with the Yixiang Zhuguo: "The Yixiang Zhuguo is important. Cannot let it appear in the eyes of unrelated people, I will take it back to the military department now, and immediately begin the process of selecting pilots."

"I'm the first to sign up!" In order to realize his dream, Chen Feng must participate in the competition for Yixiang Zhuguo. He signed up directly in front of Commander Ma and became the first candidate for Yixiang Zhuguo.

All the organs of the metal container were destroyed by You Jia and Montalelli, so they could not be closed after opening. Fortunately, the container was the most indispensable in the research room. You Jia found an iron box to store the scented vermilion fruit again inside.

This tin box is also specially made. The research institute needs to study a variety of different materials and create all kinds of weird inventions. It is very necessary to have high-strength storage devices. The fragrant vermillion fruit is absolutely safe to be put in, but it is only distributed. The fragrance cannot be isolated, and the faint fragrance can still be smelled nearby.

Commander Ma thought that it should not be too late to take the strange-flavored Zhu Guo to a safe area as soon as possible. Such a little fragrance is not easy to be noticed. It is acceptable to try to overcome it, so he prepared to lift the iron box and leave here.

"I will return to the military department. Chen Feng, you will stay with your family. I will notify you when you need you. It is estimated that it will take at least several days. Don't affect your reunion with your family." Commander Ma Continue to let Chen Feng stay in Langya Mecha Academy, the selection of the candidate for the strange fragrance Zhu Guo takes a lot of time, and it has not yet reached the level of requiring Chen Feng to participate.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news here." Chen Feng also knows that it's useless to be anxious. It's better to adjust his status while staying with his family. In the end, he has to compete with Pan Yuguo. If you prepare early, you will have more hope of victory. .

Commander Ma carried the iron box and walked out of the research building quickly. Although his pace was already fast, the scent still inevitably spread to other areas in the research building. The researchers once again smelled this special fragrance. One after another stood up and searched.

This scent is too special. It not only smells good but also improves the research and development ideas of the researchers. So after smelling it again, the researchers all wanted to figure out where this came from, and looked around in the research building. .

When they were searching, Commander Ma had already left here first, so it was useless for them to find it. After seeing the researchers' actions, Chen Feng also hurriedly turned on the ventilation system in the research room to remove all the fragrance in the room. Otherwise, it would be exposed if someone opened the door to check, and they couldn't explain why.

Commander Ma rushed all the way. After boarding the plane, he immediately took off and then flew back to the military. Wang Congwei saw it clearly in the principal’s office. Seeing Commander Ma came and hurriedly went and thought, "We have found out What special invention? Why is Commander Ma holding an iron box in his hand? It should be very difficult to see how nervous he is."

So Wang Congwei contacted Mr. He, who had just finished class, and wanted to know from him what breakthroughs or progress had been made in the recent research. As a result, Mr. He said that there was nothing special and all research was going on normally.

This is strange. Wang Congwei couldn’t bear his curiosity, so he came to the home of President Pan Qiyi, who had been retired for a while, and told him everything he had seen: "President Pan, you said Commander Ma What are you here for?"

Pan Qiyi has been living in the teacher's apartment of Langya Mecha Academy since he retired. He lives alone but still keeps the house in order. The flower garden is full of flowers and the room is very tidy, which makes people feel refreshed.

In this environment, Wang Congwei's mood became calm, and he sat in front of Pan Qiyi quietly waiting for a reply.

Pan Qiyi did not answer in a hurry. Instead, he burned a pot of water to make tea, poured out the tea for the first time and then made it again, and handed it to Wang Congwei: "It is certainly not easy for him to participate personally. He did not notify in advance. You explain that he doesn't want you to know for the time being, so you don't need to go into this matter, you will know when you should know."

Wang Congwei suddenly realized that he was still too curious. Commander Ma didn't want him to know about this, otherwise he would not have given him much information from beginning to end. He had dug deep and it would be inappropriate.

"You're right, I still have a lot of places to learn from you." Wang Congwei finally gave up the action of continuing to explore and tasted tea in Pan Qi's family. The two talked happily and got a lot of management schools. experience of.

The departure and return of Commander Ma did not make the people in the military feel weird, because Commander Ma had a lot of affairs, and he often went back and forth for a while, so they were accustomed to his back and forth, and no strangeness occurred. idea.

When Commander Ma was on the plane, he found a larger suitcase and put the iron box in. The two layers of protection could isolate the scent. He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The scented vermillion fruit is too important to appear. Half point difference pool.

After returning to the military office, Commander Ma first pressed a concealed button under the desk cabinet, and the depth of the office suddenly changed. A splint was opened on the ground floor, exposing a ladder leading directly to the ground.