Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2059: Selection

This is a special passage made when the military headquarters was built. It was used to evacuate or store important items in an emergency. Commander Ma supported the guardrail next to him and slowly walked down the stairs, and the lights were turned on one by one along the road. Light up the road.

At the end of the road was an iron gate. Even if he had to pass such a hidden road, there was still a strong barrier. Commander Ma stretched out his finger and pressed it on the innermost instrument, and then opened the iron gate through iris verification.

Inside the iron gate is a small room, with all the furniture needed for life, and there are many dry food that can be stored for many years. If a person hides in it, he will not be able to eat it until he dies.

Commander Ma cautiously put the suitcase in the room, turned back when he was about to leave, picked up the suitcase and stuffed it at the bottom of the dry food, so that even if someone broke into it, it would be difficult to find the existence of the exotic vermilion fruit.

After returning to the ground, Commander Ma first pressed the button to restore the ground to its original state, and then contacted the leader to tell him what happened at Langya Mecha Academy: "I have retrieved the Yixiang Zhuguo. Will it be activated immediately? Selection procedure?"

"Start immediately. It is now at a critical time. After the collapse of the Zhu Timwen Confederation, the Saint Gama Empire has become our greatest enemy, and the Gusu Empire and Fo La Ye Kingdom are also about to move. We need a new God of War. "The leader called Commander Ma to start immediately, "We now have many excellent young pilots, like Pan Yuguo, Chen Feng, etc., I believe we can find the most suitable person."

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Commander Ma led the action. He first notified all senior officers of the military to gather in the command room, and then contacted the commanders in chief of the three military regions to let them participate in the meeting through video.

Sure enough, something big happened. The three commanders-in-chief all switched to the communications of the military command room for the first time. Then they discovered that not only themselves, but even the leaders were present at the meeting, which made them feel that the matter became more important.

After the full notification passed, Commander Ma became the last person to come to the command room. He did not look tired at all after rushing for Yixiang Zhuguo. After confirming that all personnel were in place, he announced directly: " Let me tell you a piece of news worth celebrating. After fighting with the Oshima Wanfu brothers, Chen Feng inadvertently obtained the scented vermillion fruit that originally belonged to the Zhu Timwen Federation. Now we will start the screening process to determine the ownership of this scented vermillion fruit ."

Commander Ma’s words were like a giant bomb that set off stormy waves in everyone’s minds. Everyone realized that today’s things were unusual, but they never thought that the Quran God Republic had actually obtained another fragrant vermilion fruit.

"Is this true? How did Chen Feng get the fragrant Zhu Guo?" Except for the leaders and the three commanders-in-chief, everyone is asking similar questions. It's not that they don't want to trust Commander Ma, but the news. It's amazing.

Commander Ma and the leader passed the air in advance, so the leader sat calmly in his position, while the three commanders in chief were able to accept this because they were more knowledgeable and experienced the sudden departure of Commander Ma. accident.

Soon the doubts in the command room disappeared. The senior officers of the military saw that the most important figures looked as stable as Mount Tai, and gradually realized that they had not performed properly, and they stood up straight and waited for Commander Ma to continue the assignment.

"How to get the fragrant vermilion fruit? I will ask Chen Feng to give a detailed report. The most important thing we do now is to find suitable candidates. The leaders and I decided to select candidates across the country. All pilots regardless of their age. Anyone can sign up. This is a huge workload. I need your full cooperation!" Commander Ma announced the decision. This time it’s different from Hong Bin’s. They have time to fully screen until they choose the most worthy of the fragrant Zhu Fruit pilot.

As for why the age category is not limited, it is mainly considering that the Quran God Republic now has a young flood bin and is facing great challenges. What is most needed is the combat power that can be used immediately, so another **** of war It doesn't have to be young people, but to maximize the current effect.

Every pilot of the Qur'an God Republic has a chance to get the fragrant vermilion fruit. This news will definitely make everyone crazy. Everyone in the command room has a grim expression on their faces. They will usher in the next time. Very huge challenge.

But as long as it is for the prosperity of the country, everyone is willing to contribute all of their strength. After Commander Ma gave the order, they immediately began to act, first to pass the news level by level, and draft a suitable selection plan.

In less than half an hour, not only the Republic of the God of Quran, but even the whole world knew about this fragrant vermillion fruit. The Zhu Timwen federation was heartbroken. It turned out that the fragrant vermilion fruit they lost was beating their own Country hands.

The Holy Gama Empire immediately adjusted its strategy, increased its support to the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Kingdom, and sent more powerful pilots to the two countries. The rise of the Quran God Republic is getting stronger and stronger, and they can no longer hold back Buckled. If it is not suppressed before the Qur'an God Republic takes off, it will be even more difficult in the future.

Although the news that the Republic of the Gods of Qur'an has received another fragrant vermillion fruit is amazing, it has not really been transformed into combat power after all. The Gusu Empire and Fo La Ye Kingdom did not lose their confidence because of this. After receiving more aid from the Holy Gama Empire Continue to plan action.

The various small actions of the two countries could not hide the eyeliner of Commander Ma’s insertion. After discovering that the Saint Gama Empire was running to insert a hand, Commander Ma’s sense of crisis increased greatly. The enemy could not leave himself too much time. The choice of fruit must be decided as soon as possible.

Under the personal supervision of Commander Ma, the number of applicants was determined very quickly. Since there is no age limit, almost all pilots in the Qur'an Republic have signed up, and the number of applicants basically matches the number of pilots in the country.

Even Brahman Kaur participated in this registration. Originally, she didn't want to participate. Considering that she was a native of Buddhism, she ran to fight for the Quran God Republic to get the fragrant vermillion fruit that people would gossip about. At first Brahman Kaur No action.

But Chen Feng and Pan Yuguo both found her and told her that they wanted her to participate in this selection. Brahman Kaul's performance since joining the Qur'an God Republic is all in their eyes. If a person with a double heart is not like her .