Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2097: Exhausted

In view of this situation, Lang Ba was also transferred to the Southwest Military Region to participate in the defense. His addition can at least make the Saint Gama Empire not dare to be too aggressive. After all, they did not bring other machine emperors over, and it would not be possible to rely on Buddha Laye. .

Let Guan Yuzhen stay in command at the main base, Ye Qi once again set foot on the battlefield, he prefers to conduct temporary command on the spot, and he is very relieved that Yuzhen is sitting behind, as long as he takes care of the battle in front of him.

The two sides continued to deploy troops to fight. Although the Southwest Military Region was constantly repelled, the pace of retreat was very slow. It was delayed for enough time, so that Chen Feng could safely digest the effects of the scented vermilion fruit in the military headquarters. complete.

The performance of the Northern Military Region was surprising enough, and the Southwest Military Region did not lose out. It is not that any military region can withstand the attack of the two Gods of War. Many outstanding talents have emerged on the battlefield, and they have gained further opportunities in the war.

The Gusu Empire and the Buddha Kingdom were not progressing smoothly, and the Saint Gama Empire mourned their misfortune and angered them. They clearly provided them with so much help, but they were still unable to deal with their opponents and made them wonder if they were supporting them wrong. Object.

Seeing that the hope of success for the two countries is getting diminishing, the Saint Gama Empire began to move around again, marching south through the newly occupied territory that originally belonged to the Ju Timor Federation, which is the land occupied by the Qur'an Republic.

Their actions were not successful. Pan Bayi stayed here and waited for them. After knowing that the Saint Gama Empire had secretly participated in the operation of bringing together the Gusu Empire and the Fo La Ye Kingdom, Pan Bayi specifically strengthened it. The guard of the newly occupied land allowed the mechas to patrol around to see if there were any enemies. As soon as the Saint Gama Empire took action, they noticed the abnormality.

So Pan Bayi asked Pan Yuguo to lead the mecha troops to intercept these enemies and block the Saint Gama Empire mecha. There was some slight friction between the two sides, but it did not turn into a war, because neither side wanted to cause too much casualties.

Once the fight is started, with the national power of the Saint Gama Empire and the Republic of the God of Qur'an, it will definitely be a dark situation, which is not what both parties want. The Saint Gama Empire just wanted to use the Gusu Empire and the Fo La Ye Kingdom to contain the Quran God Republic, and the Quran God Republic wanted to create a stable environment to continue its development, and there was no urgent need to attack the other side.

With Pan Yuguo, the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire were under great pressure. The pilots of their team fought with Pan Yuguo, but the beaten mouse ran away in front of their own eyes and lost their face. They didn't dare to show up casually. They always go around Pan Yuguo.

Since losing to Chen Feng in the selection battle, Pan Yuguo has been in retreat for more than ten days in the military headquarters, recalling the whole process of fighting against Chen Feng countless times, taking this as an opportunity to improve his driving skills again and gain breakthrough.

Pan Yuguo is the best among all the emperors. After continuous breakthroughs, he has no opponents. Any emperor who comes to him can only be abused. At this time, let Chen Feng tell him who will win. Unfortunately, he has no chance.

Pan Yuguo was convinced that he lost to Chen Feng in the finals. He told Pan Bayi very frankly that he had no better way to defeat Chen Feng. It was the most reasonable for Yixiang Zhuguo to be won by Chen Feng. the result of.

Pan Bayi originally prepared a bunch of words for arranging Pan Yuguo, but found that he didn't need to say that Pan Yuguo had long since gotten rid of decadence. His grandfather and grandson had spoken in the room for an afternoon, so that Pan Bayi could understand Pan Yuguo better. idea.

I couldn’t grasp the two chances of getting the fragrant vermilion fruit. The third fragrant vermilion fruit appeared in the foreseeable future. Pan Yuguo does not want to consider becoming a **** of war for the time being. He wants to concentrate on the affairs of the Southeast Military Region and help. The country stabilizes the newly acquired territory and builds a good foundation for the future attack on the Saint Gama Empire.

After learning that the Mecha Troops of the Saint Gama Empire were coming, Pan Yuguo took the initiative to ask Pan Yuguo to stop the opponent's actions, and Pan Bayi asked Pan Yuguo to lead the expedition, asking him to keep all enemies out of the country.

Pan Yuguo successfully completed the task assigned by Pan Bayi. He alone is better than thousands of troops. Every time he appears on the battlefield, the enemy will be frightened. The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire hesitate and the attack plan is greatly affected.

Pan Yuguo couldn’t make a breakthrough here. The Saint Gama Empire sent a new mecha force to go around from the sea to Kai Island and attack from behind, but Brahman Kaul was sitting on Kai Island and beat them up again. flow.

Griffin had already returned to the homeland of the Saint Gama Empire at this time. He did not want to participate in any war on the old soil of the Ju Timor Federation. The leader of the Saint Gama Empire personally invited him to end in failure, and the operation could not continue. Deadlock.

In the end, the situation was opened up by the support of the people from the Buddha Laye Kingdom. After all, there were two gods of war there. Even if Brahman Yapeng didn’t want to anger the Ancient Godlan Republic, his attack would still have a great impact, causing the Southwest The military region cannot be defended against.

Hongbin was fighting very hard, but at best he was on par with Smith. It was impossible to do more. But Ye Qi and Lang Ba always have to go to various places to fight the fire, and their state of fighting is getting worse.

After repelling the offensive from Fo La Ye country again, Hong Bin tiredly lay in the driver’s seat and did not want to move: "The enemy’s attacks are getting more and more frequent, and there are more and more places to attack. We are always in the defense meeting. More and more passive."

"The enemy has to rely on constantly mobilizing us to make us exhausted. We are just short of someone who can resist Brahman Yapeng. As long as he doesn't give a hand, I will be sure to drive the enemy back." Ye Qi and Guan Yuzhen thought a lot. The enemy repelled the way, but there was only one person who could handle the Brahman Yapeng, and one more **** of war was too effective.

"Hey, I don't know how far Chen Feng is now. I hope he can come here soon." Hongshui Bin missed Chen Feng who was digesting the fragrant vermilion fruit at the military headquarters. If he was here, it would be great.

The distant water cannot save the near fire. Before Chen Feng could not become the **** of war, the Southwest Military Region could only rely on himself. The three armies used their lives to fight with the mechas of the Saint Gama Empire and the Buddha Kingdom, even if they died. The enemy backs up.

The death and injury rate of the pilots of the Southwest Military Region has greatly exceeded that of the Northern Military Region. After a long time, the senior officials of the Fo La Ye Kingdom were a little unable to sit still. They found the commander of the Saint Gama Empire: "We have gone very deep now, should we stop first? Take a break? Our pilots have suffered a great loss, and it might be better to give them a break.