Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2146: Noisy

This was the first time Smith was suppressed by Chen Feng in close combat. Chen Feng was not complacent because he knew he was still a long way from killing Smith, not to mention that there was a stronger Saint Gama Empire. Griffin.

In the end, the Saint Gama Empire gave up resistance first. It was precisely because of the loopholes in the defense line of Chen Feng that the mecha troops of the Qur'an God Republic broke in and exerted pressure on the defense lines of other areas. The mecha on the front line was killed and injured by both sides. , The Saint Gama Empire commander saw the bad news and quickly ordered to retreat, continuing to give up a large piece of territory.

After retreating and ordering, Franje ran away with the emperor next to him. They realized that Hsu Bin was teasing themselves, and if they continued to fight, they would not make any sense except to increase the joke, so they gave up immediately. Fight to flee the battlefield.

Hung Hung Bin controlled the "Candle Light Youying" to switch to the Falcon mode, and fired beam cannons from time to time behind them, just as the physical education teacher was urging students to train for long-distance running.

Smith’s side is a little bit more troublesome, because the battle between him and Chen Feng is even more inseparable. Even if he can block the beam sword, the floating guns around him will not let him go. The beams are completely blocked for retreat. After the road.

Smith actually wanted to leave. He wielded the giant sword with all his power, and finally forced Chen Feng back but was intercepted by the beam. The "Necromancer" body was hit by several shots but failed to retreat even one hundred meters. The situation is bad. It can't be worse.

Seeing two big holes in the "Necromancer" fuselage, Smith's scalp numb. If he hadn't dodged in time just now, these two big holes are likely to appear near the cockpit. After fighting for so long, Chen Feng's attack It was still so Ling Lie.

Smith stopped and Chen Feng couldn't stop. He pushed his right foot hard and continued to move forward. The power contained in the beam sword became stronger and stronger. He was confident that he could fight against the opponent's giant sword even if it was unharmed, so now Smith can never stop himself.

Smith heard the voice behind him knowing that Chen Feng was coming again. He tightly held the hilt of the giant sword with both hands, rounded it with all his strength, and threw it back with all his strength, colliding with the two beam swords that Chen Feng had struck. Right now.

The harsh collision sound spread to the surroundings, Chen Feng frowned and drove the discomfort out of his mind. Smith also shook his head to keep himself awake, but the surrounding Saint Gama empire pilots suffered. They were defenseless and powerless. Resisting the impact of this sound wave, many mechas knelt down holding their heads.

Fortunately, the piercing sound did not last long. The overwhelmed giant sword could not withstand the surge of power of the beam saber. It was broken open in the two areas of the confrontation, and the beam saber broke into the sword body. The combined seven swords were affected to varying degrees. Destruction.

The collision turned into a wailing sound, and Smith knew that his giant sword could not hold it anymore, and it would be useless to fight Chen Fengli, so he withdrew the giant sword and preferred to use his body to be attacked by two beam swords, and then rolled backwards.

After being blocked by the giant sword, the power of the beam sword decreased slightly, and the damage caused was within Smith's acceptance range. With this opportunity, he opened the distance between Chen Feng and turned his head to see that everyone else had already escaped and quickly turned and ran. .

Chen Fengyi still pursued a distance with a floating cannon, knocking the armor behind the "Necromancer" to pieces, but it was a pity that Smith ran back in a smoke, and failed to cause a fatal blow.

"One day I can take revenge without any scruples. This day will not be too far away." Chen Feng comforted himself to stop "breaking the world", and then forward is the base defense line controlled by the Saint Gama Empire. It is easy to encounter danger when entering.

Hong Hung Bin rushed to Chen Feng's back. He was afraid that Chen Feng could not control his emotions and rushed into the enemy's strongest defense area. He sighed in relief when he saw Chen Feng stop: "Scare me, I almost thought you were going to continue. Go after it."

"Haha, I'm not so impatient yet. The results obtained now are enough." Chen Feng smiled and turned around. His mecha troops had already occupied all the territory behind him, and the battle ended with his own victory.

After the Saint Gama Empire retreated to the base of the next line of defense, Smith stood in front of all the pilots without a word. He could find a reason every time in the past battles, but this time he lost without any excuses.

Next to Smith was Frankie. His face was very bad. His confidence was destroyed by Hongbin. The three of them teamed up and were beaten up without fighting back. No one would feel good.

There was a bleak cloud in the base. Seeing Smith not speaking, the ordinary pilots were even more afraid to speak casually. They looked at each other and smiled bitterly. It seems that they are not good at the top pilots. What should I do next? ?

Being very disappointed with Smith, Robertson walked over to the commander and directly questioned: "Aren't you the'gun god' recommended to come here to be a commander? Why don't you show up as a'gun god' now? Where is he? "

In the case of Smith's unreliability, Robertson is the last person to say this. They need Griffin to help regain their confidence, and the conductor recommended by Griffin is the best breakthrough.

"I don't know where the'Gun God' is." The commander said that he had nothing to do with Griffin, let alone know the specific location of the other party. "I came here before the outbreak of the war with the Qur'an God Republic,' The Gun God’s recommendation was just because he recognized my ability. How can I know his movements if I don’t have a personal relationship with him?"

The commander made sense. He came to the territory of the Ju Timor Federation early. At that time, who knew that there would be such a violent conflict with the Qur'an God Republic. According to speculation, Griffin disappeared before the conflict. It should be because of other things. Things left.

Can't find Griffin, do the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire scan to boost morale? Smith didn't say a word from start to finish, watching Robertson arguing with the conductor indifferently, and it was definitely impossible to count on him.

Franje still couldn't hold back his cynicism and sarcasm, and he pierced Robertson: "You are so fond of getting ahead, why don't you go and fight Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin. If you can win, we will definitely be very confident. It’s not a matter of losing the Quran God Republic, the whole world cannot be our enemy."

"Joke, I'm not how the God of War fights with them. If I get the fragrant Zhu Guo, it will definitely not be the way it is now." Robertson was very unconvinced with Smith. He thought that Smith had taken away his chance to become the God of War.