Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2163: Mainstay

"Perhaps it is because they don't want to expand the war between the two countries. The'gun god' chose to stop fighting here is very wise." Lang Ba guessed Griffin's intention, and the high probability is to avoid the two countries from falling into an endless state of death.

Now the Quran God Republic has a strong momentum. With the advantage of the replacement of the three mecha powers, it is a rare opponent in the world. The synchronization rate of pilots is also increasing, and there are gradually signs of surpassing the Saint Gama Empire.

However, the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire have been steadfast for a long time, and their speed in improving their strength has slightly decreased. Under this situation, they may not be as good as the pilots of the Gulan God Republic who are catching up, plus their three generations of pilots. The research and development of armor has been a step slower, so far it has not been possible for the whole army to use the latest mecha, and the combat effectiveness of the mecha unit has been weaker.

Even if Griffin is invincible in the world alone, it is difficult for him to change the disadvantages of the entire country. He can defeat Chen Feng or Hongbin countless times, but after the Quran God Republic has gained the advantage, it will not be able to send a large number of mechas to chase and intercept him.

In consideration of all aspects, Griffin chose to quell the war is the wisest choice. The two countries will then increase their strength on their own and see who can achieve more and faster breakthroughs. Then is the time to truly start the decisive battle.

What Lang Ba said is very reasonable. Everyone stopped struggling with this topic and flew to the homeland of the Zhu Timwen Federation. The other pilots have basically returned there. If the Saint Gama Empire is not ready to continue fighting, it can be dissolved on the spot. Up.

Pan Bayi waited anxiously in the command room. He knew that most of the pilots were out of danger, but Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were intercepted by Griffin. After the two sides started fighting, he could no longer learn the situation on the scene, God Gulan. The Republic can't lose these two young gods of war, as long as he doesn't get the news of their safety for a moment, he can't feel at ease.

Fortunately, he promised to lead the team and met two people. After repeatedly confirming that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were not in serious trouble, Pan Bayi had the energy to deal with other things. He let the patrol mecha that was ready to go to the sea to detect the Saint Gama Empire mecha. The movement of troops.

The results returned by the patrol mecha made Pan Bayi feel more at ease. Just as Chen Feng said, Griffin gathered all the mechas after letting them go to prevent them from launching a counterattack, so there is basically no holy sight in the sea. The mecha of the Gamma Empire.

"The Holy Gama Empire gave up, we won!" Pan Bayi shouted in the command room. Only now can he be sure that he has won the victory in the homeland of the Zhu Timwen Federation. This is also the first time that the Republic of the Quran has defeated the Holy Spirit. Gamma Empire.

"Won!!!" "Wow!!!" There was joy in the command room, and everyone left their positions and cheered. First, the Judean Federation and then the Saint Gama Empire, the enemy was stronger than the other, and they were under tremendous pressure. They knew how difficult it was in the battle, and they became more excited after winning.

The news spread quickly to the whole army. Everyone knew about the abandonment of the Saint Gama Empire, which meant that they had kept everything they had obtained in the homeland of the Ju Timor Federation. Everyone exuded joy and celebration from the inside out. The long battle finally ended.

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin did not participate in the celebration of everyone, because they discovered the gap through the fight with Griffin. The current victory is only temporary. If they can't shorten the gap in the future, they will lose everything in one defeat.

The two sat opposite each other and smiled bitterly. Hong Bin said first: "He is too powerful. I can't react to those two attacks. When I realize that there is an enemy, my wings are all penetrated, so I won't have time to deal with it. ."

"I was almost the same. I couldn't find his position and was passively beaten all the way. I guess he was able to keep us all behind." Chen Feng recalled the process of fighting Griffin several times, and found that he had never been in a real sense. Offense.

The two exchanged and exchanged to come to a consensus that Griffin was stronger than what they had seen before. They had witnessed the battle between Murong Fan and Griffin. At that time, Griffin had not shown such amazing combat effectiveness. , He must have obtained a new breakthrough during the period of disappearance, so as to completely suppress them in a battle.

Chen Feng’s idea was not wrong. The reason why Griffin disappeared was to break through. After experiencing many things and the deaths of Murong Fan and Boya Abe, Griffin realized that he was not invincible. With the international situation The change of Saint Gama Empire will encounter a very big impact, before this he must become stronger to survive smoothly.

When news of Abe Boya’s death came, Griffin found an extremely hidden cave for retreat practice. This cave was located on a small island in the ocean. No one could find it without a carpet search, so it was not affected by anything. disturb.

The Saint Gama Empire searched the country upside down, but did not expect Griffin to be on the small island outside, and did nothing.

Because of Shen Xin's practice, Griffin did not know the outside world, nor did the Saint Gama Empire voluntarily provoke the Quran God Republic. After the fierce battle between the two countries, they lost to retreat and lost a precious opportunity. Emperor.

When Griffin left the customs and saw a series of information, he flew away to the battlefield calmly, without the intention of revenge for his country. After this retreat, his mood improved again, not because of temporary gains or losses. And the advance and retreat are lost.

When he saw the mecha of the Republic of Quran expelling his own mecha, Griffin quickly found the location of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin, first took action to destroy most of their combat power, and then played with them like cats and mice. .

The appearance of Griffin helped the Saint Gama Empire stabilize its position, but they could not rely on Griffin to turn defeat into victory. The commander repeatedly asked Griffin whether he should counterattack and return to the homeland of the Zhu Timor Federation, and the answers were all negative. .

Griffin let Chen Feng and Honghong Bin go, and the commander understood that they had no chance to regain the lost territory. They could only order the mechas in various regions to continue flying back to the country. As for whether this was right or wrong, wait until the final discussion.

Griffin took the lead to fly to the home country of the Saint Gama Empire. Instead of waiting for the friendly forces behind, he directly drove the special plane into the military headquarters, and went all the way to the command room, where many people were waiting for him.

Seeing Griffin walking into the command room, everyone inside stood up and saluted him. Although they didn’t understand why Griffin didn’t help them fight back to the Ju Timor Federation, everyone still respected him. The strongest **** of war in the world.