Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2171: track

Compared with the snowflakes in the ice and snow mountains, the snowflakes in Azure City will be more rough, with a little firmness in the hand, without the delicate and fluffy feeling here, and there will be some fluctuations when layered.

In addition to the refreshing snow scene, You Jia also saw many flying animals on the road. They were disturbed by human activities but were not frightened. Some quickly dived into the distance, some stopped to watch, and some even ran with people for a while. .

It is You Jia’s dream to live in harmony with nature. It’s a pity that you can hardly see such a sight in the city where she lives. The classroom dormitory of Langya Mecha Academy is a special case, but the area is too small and far incomparable. Ice and snow mountains.

One of the reasons why Chen Feng chose to visit the ice and snow mountains was for You Jia. He knew that You Jia liked interacting with animals. Unfortunately, she was too busy to take care of them, otherwise she would definitely buy a lot of pets home.

The night in the snow-covered mountains was extremely cold, but the heating in the hotel was very adequate. Chen Feng's family slept very comfortably. They only put on thick snowcoats when they were about to go out, ready to start a new day of climbing.

After a night of rest, Chen Xinghai regained his vitality and started running on the road as soon as he left the house. The children around him were the children who had fun together yesterday, so the journey will not be boring at all.

Seeing how his son was born, Chen Feng walked behind and smiled knowingly. For safety reasons, he could not communicate with other people too much. It is best that his son can play happily.

You Jia followed Chen Xinghai closely to prevent him from falling because he was playing too happily, because the road is covered with snowflakes and it is easy to slide down if he falls, so she has to keep an eye on her son's actions at all times, when in danger Shot in time.

It turns out that You Jia’s worries are unnecessary. Although Chen Xinghai played along the way, he never showed signs of slipping. This is because he has excellent physical coordination with Chen Feng all the year round, which is difficult. Can't trouble him.

Chen Feng and Chen Xinghai had excellent physical fitness, and then Chen Feng also walked with You Jia on his back. The family moved forward a lot faster than ordinary people. At sunset, they came to the entrance of the Peak Hotel, just when the sun went down. The whole process.

"It's so beautiful!" Chen Xinghai's eyes straightened. He hasn't watched the sunset from such a high altitude.

There were a lot of tourists watching the sunset. Chen Feng carried Chen Xinghai on his shoulders to avoid affecting his vision, and then pulled You Jia to a more suitable position for viewing: "When Dad will take you on the mech, we will go higher and farther. Is it good place to see?"

"Okay, okay!" Chen Xinghai clapped his hands in excitement. He hasn't taken a mech before, and he will definitely feel even more special by then.

You Jia clung to Chen Feng's hand tightly. Chen Feng helped her block the crowds. She was extremely safe. Watching the sunset gradually fall, the creatures that could have been seen hid back to their nests and did it before night fell. Preparation for hibernation.

Twilight fell immediately after the sunset disappeared, and the tourists who watched rushed back to the warm hotel. Chen Feng's family was no exception, but when Chen Feng was about to enter the hotel, he suddenly stopped and turned his head and looked back.

Chen Feng didn't see anything. He looked around carefully and still didn't get any results. You Jia noticed his abnormality and looked to the rear: "What's the matter? Are we being targeted?"

Chen Feng's identity is too special, so You Jia always worry about the problem of identity exposure. She can't let Chen Feng be in danger because of taking care of her mother and son's emotions, so she carefully observes everyone who can be seen.

Both parents stopped, and Chen Xinghai, who was ignorant and ignorant, didn’t know. Therefore, when he just wanted to hug his father’s leg, Chen Feng was hugged into his arms. Chen Feng walked quickly and warned You Jia: "I didn’t see anything doubtful. People, but since I reached the top of the mountain, I always felt that someone was paying attention to me. This feeling was particularly strong when I was about to enter the hotel."

"Will it be dangerous? Should we go down the mountain immediately?" You Jia asked nervously. She trusted Chen Feng's intuition 100%. Since Chen Feng said that someone was paying attention to them, someone must be hiding in the dark.

"No hurry, I don't know the identity of the other party now, and going down the mountain at night is more dangerous. Let's stay here first." Chen Feng shook his head. It is not a good decision to leave at this time. "Besides, I will take you to see the sunrise. You can give up halfway."

"When are you still watching the sunrise, don't you worry about something wrong with yourself?" You Jia was so anxious to death, knowing that Chen Feng was in danger, and Chen Feng was like a okay person, what if there was an accident.

Chen Feng lightly patted You Jia's hand to show comfort. He didn't want to sit still and wait for death: "Don't worry, there are small individual combat weapons in my luggage. I will tidy them up at night and I will definitely protect your integrity."

In order to avoid being exposed to the enemy's sight for too long, Chen Feng's family had a short meal time. After filling their stomachs, they went back to the house without giving the enemy hiding in the dark a chance.

"Alertness is quite high, but now you are a bird in a cage with wings hard to fly, I want to see what you can do!" The leader hid under the snow in the distance, he stared coldly with emotionless eyes The room where Chen Feng lives.

Simply chasing is less time wasting than playing, so this group of people came around the hotel before Chen Feng reached the peak. They separated from each other to find suitable hiding places, thus avoiding Chen Feng's search.

Knowing that this attack cannot be avoided, Chen Feng wants to vaccinate Chen Xinghai in advance. He looked at Chen Xinghai's eyes seriously and said to him: "Xinghai, there may be bad guys who want to hurt father and mother. Are you willing to help defeat them? ?"

"Of course I do! I won't let the bad guys succeed!" Chen Xinghai was already very sleepy after listening to Chen Feng's words. He immediately became energetic, and learned that the skill is not to protect the people who want to protect. He is very excited. Ask Chen Feng to bring herself.

"Really good, then you will act with your mother, remember that you must not let the bad guys approach your mother, understand?" Chen Feng petted Chen Xinghai's head, although he does not expect him to do well, at least there will be danger for a while Don't worry about it anymore.

You Jia looked around in the room, and found no place to hide, as he thought about it, how could the suite of the hotel have this design again, but this made it more difficult for Chen Feng's family to resist the enemy.

There is nothing in the room that can be used as a weapon. You Jia can only put hope on Chen Feng, wondering what she can do for a while: "If the enemy is definitely coming against us, what should we do?"