Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2177: a mess

"Damn! Chen Feng is down here, he's going up from below!" Smith couldn't justify Chen Feng's location anymore. He immediately reminded the people on the sixth and seventh floors to step up guard, and the people on the other floors rushed for reinforcements.

Smith himself took the elevator to the fourth floor. He wanted to cover Chen Feng from the rear to block his escape.

Smith thought beautifully, but Chen Feng got their movement from the security guard. After seeing through the enemy's action strategy, Chen Feng took the elevator to the ninth floor, and he wanted to attack the enemy's back by doing the opposite.

In the elevator room, an ascending elevator and a descending elevator crossed by. Chen Feng took the elevator on the left, and Smith took the elevator on the right. Fate made a little joke, in fact, They can't see each other in the next door.

The remaining dozen or so enemies outflanked the sixth floor, but Chen Feng had already reached their heads. Chen Feng came to the corridor on the seventh floor very cautiously, and noticed that the figure was shaking outside and took the pistol again. come out.

These figures have been sticking outside the door and showing no signs of movement. They seem to be used to defend the corridor to prevent a surprise attack. Chen Feng raised the intercom and asked: "Can you locate the person in black at the corridor on the seventh floor? Report it to me?"

"No problem!" As expected, the security guard had been specially trained, and soon gave Chen Feng the position of the other party clearly.

Now that he knew where the man in black was standing, Chen Feng devised a plan of action in his mind. He stepped back and slammed open the door and rolled in from the ground. The man in black was suddenly attacked and could not react well. The two closest to the door One was shot down directly.

Chen Feng kept rolling forward for a while, his back was pierced by countless bullets, and the distinctive floor made of wooden planks turned into a pool of waste. If Chen Feng's movements were slow for a second, he would be dead. Up.

Thanks to the location provided by the security guard, Chen Feng accurately predicted the enemy's possible counterattack. There was no loophole in each movement. He rolled all the way from the center of the enemy, and the enemies he passed by each fell over their throats.

Blowing the hot pistol, Chen Fengxian calmed down his heart beating frantically because of the fierce battle. The series of confrontations just now were too thrilling. He didn't have a mecha with only one life, and it was himself who had fallen through the slightest omission. .

The six men in black who guarded the corridor on the seventh floor were all killed by Chen Feng. Just as Chen Feng was about to take a break, the door of a room next to him was opened, and a very angry beauty walked out: "What is the noise in the middle of the night? Ah, let people not sleep!"

Then the beauty saw the corpses in one place, and the hot blood was still flowing to the ground, scaring her to scream: "Kill! Help! Come on!"

The woman's screams alarmed a small half of the hotel. People in the surrounding rooms came out one after another. They lost control after seeing these live corpses. They either ran downstairs with their legs or stood screaming in place, and the hotel was chaotic. A set.

"Hey! What a trouble!" Chen Feng has a very headache. There are still a lot of Smith's people left. If the passengers continue to be confused, they will attack indiscriminately. I don't know how many people will die by then.

Seeing that the out-of-control passengers were no longer able to communicate, Chen Feng directly left them and rushed to the corridor on the seventh floor, hoping that the people on the sixth floor didn't get out and ran around without knowing the situation, otherwise he would be helpless.

Smith heard the commotion upstairs, so he led people straight to the seventh floor to find Chen Feng, but when they arrived in the corridor, they were squeezed by the crowd rushing down from above. They were so dizzy and almost in their hands. The weapons are all dropped.

"Damn, if you run around, I will kill you all!" Smith raised his gun angrily, and the submachine gun with the silencer unplugged made a huge noise, making people still running in the corridor so scared that they could not move.

"Hurry up!" After controlling the situation, Smith took his men upstairs again, and every passing passenger shrank to the side in fear, for fear that they would not attack him happily.

When approaching the corridor crossing on the seventh floor, Smith sent two men in black to go first: "You go out to see the situation!"

The two followed the orders and broke out of the corridor, and they saw Chen Feng standing right in front of them. This made them wonder. The other side looked at the other side and there was only one person. Why didn't they run away when they met their own troops? Isn't this going to die?

It's not that Chen Feng doesn't want to escape, but that there are too many travelers in chaos around him. If he hides and fights secretly with Smith, maybe the other party will vent their anger with these innocent travelers, so he must show up to attract the other party's attention.

Seeing the man in black who walked out of the corridor first did not move, Smith was surprised: "What are you doing? Report the situation quickly!"

"Chen Feng is not far ahead, he is alone." The man in black raised his gun while telling the scene he saw.

However, before they could attack, they were shot out by several bullets. There were not many bullets left in the pistol. Chen Feng snatched two submachine guns from the dead man in black to deal with this face-to-face battle.

"Chong Chong Chong! All together, I don't believe that Chen Feng alone can beat so many of us!" Smith urged all the people in black around to rush out of the corridor. No matter how strong Chen Feng is, there will be only one person. They are here. How do ten people lose?

Chen Feng did not stay where he was with Smith, but turned around and ran back. There were many passengers who were terrified by the fright near the corridor. He could not start a fierce battle here. He had to move the battlefield to another place. local.

What the security guards watched in the monitoring room was enthusiastic, and they continued to help Chen Feng understand the enemy's location through the walkie-talkie. Smith's side had all rushed out of the corridor, and there were eleven people left and Chen Feng needed to deal with it.

Chen Feng thanked the security guards for their support and allowed him to continue to have his own eyes. With so many enemies, he still has to be careful. He is a pilot and not a special soldier. If he fights for too long, mistakes will inevitably occur. It is important to know the enemy's actions first.

Chen Feng can always find the first move, either through the shadow at the corner or through the door opened by someone. The enemies he keeps knocking down and chasing are never exposed. Smith sees the surrounding subordinates less and less aware of things. Severity.

Now things have undoubtedly become a big issue. The people of the Qur'an God Republic must be rushing to the ice and snow mountains. If they can’t hurry to kill Chen Feng, once these reinforcements come within a certain range, all of them will not be able to escape. .