Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2178: Strong aid arrived

It is impossible for Chen Feng to know his movements for no reason. Smith finally began to destroy the surveillance installed in the corridor. Before, they did not act on the surveillance in order to avoid alarming the security guards, and now there is no need to cover up what happened.

After the loss, the surveillance security can no longer help Chen Feng. Chen Feng needs to rely on his own strength to deal with the remaining seven enemies. Fortunately, You Jia and his son are very safe on the first floor. He can concentrate on fighting the enemy.

Smith knows that they don’t have much time, so their actions can't help but become faster. They don’t care what kind of attack their companions have. They just want to catch up with Chen Feng and kill him, so the distance between the two sides is getting closer and Chen Feng is in danger. The number of times is also increasing.

After avoiding a series of shots, Chen Feng hid in the room closest to the end of the corner. He had tried his best to fight, but the enemy’s firepower exceeded him by too much, and he finally killed two more enemies with his own left arm. Also got a shot.

"Hiss!" Chen Feng tore off his clothes and wrapped his left arm. He can't lose too much blood in the battle now, otherwise the physical weakness caused by the excessive blood loss will make him lose combat effectiveness.

Smith found the blood on the floor and saw that Chen Feng was finally injured after fighting for so long. He seemed to laugh at the hope of victory: "Hahahaha, after all, two fists are no match for four hands, Chen Feng, today is you Death!"

Chen Feng was too lazy to respond to Smith, rashly speaking was meaningless other than exposing his position. He carefully observed the environment in the room. After a while, the enemy would definitely rush in. He had to find a suitable place to hide first.

After searching for a while, Chen Feng reluctantly found a dressing table. This dressing table is not a standard item in the hotel room. It should have been brought by the traveler. Chen Feng felt that it was still heavy metal. Women who are extremely beauty-loving, how else would they carry such a troublesome piece of furniture, but this provides a good obstacle for themselves.

After tightening the clothes on his left arm, Chen Feng went straight to the back of the dressing table, just enough to cover his whole body. He stuck half of his head on the side of the dressing table to observe the door, and raised his ears to listen to the sound from the outside world.

Chen Feng didn't even answer to himself. When Smithton lost the pleasure of joking his opponent, he urged his subordinates to enter the room quickly and kill Chen Feng. He fired a few more shots upwards, happily watching the farts of the surrounding passengers peeing.

The three men in black rushed into the room, each of them aimed at one spot but did not see Chen Feng's figure. When they realized that the obtrusive dressing table would be Chen Feng's hiding place, they were all shot. The incredible expression fell down.

Hearing three muffled noises in succession, Smith was almost crazy. What magic power does this Chen Feng have? Why can he kill the people he sent if he is in desperate situation? Fortunately, he didn’t greedy meritoriously, or he would die. By myself.

Now there are only three men in black left beside Smith. Twenty or so people rushed into the hotel to kill Chen Feng on the spot, but they were slaughtered by the target for most of them, and they still don’t know what the target is now. .

Smith couldn't think of what Chen Feng was doing in the room, so he could only pin his hopes on the remaining three men: "This room is weird. Don't go in together. Find out where Chen Feng is."

According to Smith's order, the three men in black divided into front, middle and back and began to march towards the room. The first person noticed that all the fallen corpses were facing one direction after entering. They were killed by Chen Feng when they were about to raise their guns.

And the people behind him didn’t even look at the fallen companion. They shot directly at the dressing table and shot all the bullets in the magazine. But how could it be that a dressing table could block so many bullets? He believed Chen. Feng must have died under the attack.

It's a pity that his confidence is not true. After the dressing table, he slowly stretched out a gun and shot him to death. He knelt on the ground with doubts in his head, and made the sound of "Ohhhhhhh!" lost life.

Those involved were fans of the spectators, and the last man in black saw it very clearly. All the bullets fired by the front companion hit the dressing table and were all bounced away. None of the bullets could penetrate the dressing table and hit Chen Feng who was hiding behind.

This dressing table is weird, and it is estimated that only the power of the submachine gun cannot penetrate it. The man in black thought that if he had a grenade in his hand at this time, as long as he threw it behind the dressing table, Chen Feng would not be able to survive even nine lives.

But this is only the fantasy of the people in black. After the war on the homeland of the Zhu Timor Federation is over, the Qur'an God Republic pays great attention to the control of arms on this land. It is difficult to find powerful weapons on the market, so they only have submachine guns. Can use.

When the man in black locked the dressing table and waited for Chen Feng to reveal his flaws, he suddenly heard Smith cursing **** it.

Could something happen again? The man in black reflexively looked in the direction of Smith, Chen Feng jumped up and shot his gun when he saw it, and fired five bullets in succession to knock the opponent up into the air. Those who were already dead when they landed can no longer die.

Since then, the people in black that Smith brought into the hotel have all died. If Smith wants to kill Chen Feng, he has to go to battle himself.

And why did Smith make that yelling just now? Because he found that he had stayed outside the hotel to prevent Chen Feng from escaping all the four people who lost contact, just like the people in the underground garage at the beginning, which shows that something must have happened to them.

Chen Fengming was only in the hotel to deal with Smith and his gang. How could he deal with the men in black who were ambushing outside? The reason was not with him, but with Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaur who had rushed there.

When these two top pilots were about to fly to the ice and snow mountain, they first turned on the thermal sensor on the mecha to check whether there was an enemy outside the hotel. They had been on the battlefield for so many years, and they knew exactly what it was like during the encirclement and suppression. The routine.

After investigating in this way, the two people found that there are many red light spots outside the hotel, and four of these light spots are particularly bright. This is a level that humans can achieve. They then specifically zoomed in on these four light spots and found It is an ambush enemy.

Since they are enemies, then there is no need to be polite. The two enemies who are responsible for half of each other fired two bullets each through the cannon on the special plane, and saw that the snow that was originally ambushing people instantly turned into scarlet snowflakes.

With the driving ability of Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaul, precise shots are a matter of hand. The hot blood melted the surrounding snowflakes, telling how unwilling their original owners were when they were attacked and killed remotely.