Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2191: Look good

Chen Fengxin nodded and agreed. After a while, the people in the infirmary saw Hongshui Bin walking in with Chen Feng on his back. Chen Feng said with a pained expression: "It seems that the last attack left a sequelae. My body feels very not good."

Chen Feng's health is related to the safety of the entire ancient Shenlan Republic. The doctor with the best medical skills in the infirmary immediately walked over. He turned his back to all the medical staff and gave Chen Feng a wink: "You come with me to check it out. ."

It seems that this doctor was sent by Pan Bayi to cooperate with him. Hongshui Bin followed Chen Feng to his clinic with Chen Feng on his back. The others followed and watched from a distance, wanting to know if there was anything wrong with Chen Feng's body.

The doctor asked Hongshuibin to put Chen Fengping on the hospital bed, and then performed a comprehensive examination of Chen Feng. After the examination, the doctor's expression was ugly. Chen Feng knew that he was pretending but others didn't know it. Conjecture.

"Your body has not fully recovered yet. You have gone to fight again these few days. This has caused your physical injury to break out again." The doctor deliberately raised his voice so that people outside could hear it, "You live in the infirmary. , I'll help you adjust it well."

"Okay, please trouble the doctor." Chen Feng looked very weak, lying on the hospital bed too lazy to move.

Hong Bin left Chen Feng to the doctor, and went out to disperse the crowd of onlookers: "Don't look, go and treat yourself quickly."

After letting the people in the medical office get the wrong information, Hong Bin left here. He had to fight instead of Chen Feng before he could lead the incident of Chen Feng's return to China. This step was seamless and Smith thought it was impossible not to be deceived.

Smith thought it was very strange. According to the custom of alternating attacks between Chen Feng and Hongshuibin, it should be Chen Feng's turn today. However, the special plane provoking in front of Managaha Island turned out to be "Candle Lights Youying". What happened to the Republic of the God of Gulan? ?

Smith ordered someone to collect relevant information on the homeland base of the Zhu Timwen Federation. Soon news of Chen Feng's relapse and hospitalization was passed on to him. After reading the information three times before and after, Smith suddenly burst out laughing.

There are many spies of the Holy Gama Empire in the Qur'an God Republic. They have penetrated into every base, and naturally the bases in the homeland of the Zhu Timwen Federation will not leave. There is one of their eyes in the infirmary.

This eyeliner saw the whole process of Chen Feng being carried back by Hongshuibin and then found to be internally injured by the doctor. Finally, he found a chance to pass the news. The Saint Gama Empire spy confirmed the authenticity of the news through other channels and then passed it back. .

What Smith got was this verified news. The joy in his heart when he saw Chen Feng's old injury relapsed was beyond renewed. It seemed that the attack on Bingxue Mountain was effective, and he could proudly tell others that he did not fail.

Chen Feng’s physical problems can explain why Hongshui Bin appeared in front of Gunkanjima today. Smith is not in a hurry to fight against Hongshui Bin. He must first make sure that nothing is wrong, and let the spies increase surveillance of Chen Feng’s injury. .

Smith founded the Creation Organization and he knows very well about deceitful things. Maybe Chen Feng was cheating and hurting people who are lying next to him, waiting for him to be paralyzed and go out to fight.

Therefore, Smith had no idea of ​​leaving Managaha Island at all. Even if Hung Kai-bin yelled outside, he would remain unmoved. The people on Managaha Island knew that it would be too dangerous to ask Smith to play in this situation, so no one was dissatisfied with it.

Hung Hung Bin tried to attack the warship island but was repelled by the defenses on the island. After all, a base built by the Saint Gama Empire would be easily broken. Hung Hung Bin tried several times but failed and finally turned his head and left.

Sitting in the base of Managaha Island watching Hong Bin leave dingyly, Smith laughed from ear to ear. This is the rhythm he wants. He only fights when he wants to, not when others run over. Not playing.

The follow-up news made Smith even more sure that Chen Feng had something wrong. According to intelligence, Chen Feng had been lying in the infirmary for the next few days and had not left. Every day, Hong Kong appeared in front of the Battleship Island. Chen Feng should be temporarily lost. Improved combat ability.

Chen Feng was unable to play, so Smith had the confidence to fight with Hung Hung Bin. It was a loss of face to always avoid the battle. One day when Hung Hung Bin came to invite the battle again, he attacked decisively and had a hearty fight with Hung Hung Bin. field.

Perhaps because of a good mood, Smith felt that he was in a very good state, his best performance in recent times. He had no sons, he fell into a disadvantage in the battle and almost suppressed Hong Bin.

Later, Hong Bin felt that the battle was extremely uncomfortable and took the initiative to give up. Smith chased for a while until the people on Gunkanjima issued a reminder and then reluctantly stopped. He hadn't repelled the opponent by his own strength for a long time.

"It's so cool, if there are not two Gods of War in the Republic of the Gods of Qur'an, why should I be restrained!" Smith even felt that he was restricted by the two Gods of War of the opposing side, and he should not lose to Ge if he was alone. People outside Liffin.

Smith was dazzled by the temporary victory. Hongbin's poor performance was mainly because he limited his strength. At this stage, he needs to cultivate Smith's confidence before he can lure the opponent to take the initiative to stay away from the battleship island and start fighting.

In the infirmary, Chen Feng was dying of boredom. In order to prevent people outside from seeing the flaws, he had to lie down on the hospital bed honestly every day. Fortunately, he could still use meditation to exercise his mental strength. Don't get too idle.

The doctor checked Chen Feng step by step every day. After a series of operations, the nurse asked the nurse to prescribe medicine for Chen Feng. Of course, after the medicine was taken in, he was quietly washed away in the water to ensure that there were no loopholes in every link.

Five days later, the doctor patted Chen Feng’s shoulder while examining Chen Feng’s body, and bowed his head in Chen Feng’s ear and said, “Today, you will be arranged to fly back to China for treatment by a special plane. The diagnosis I gave is your nervous system. There is a problem that makes it difficult to control your body, so you should be unable to get up. Remember not to get out of the hospital bed."

"Okay!" Chen Feng remembered it by heart, he followed the doctor's instructions very much, and he had never left the hospital bed, so he acted thoroughly.

In the afternoon, Chen Feng lay on a hospital bed and was sent to a special plane. Pan Bayi personally came to see him: "I'm sorry that you have suffered such a serious injury here. The medical capacity in this base is limited. I have to send you. Go back and receive better treatment."