Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2192: Deceived again

"It's okay. I went out to play and something went wrong. I can't blame anyone." Chen Feng didn't mean to anger the Southeast Military Region. He just wanted to go back to heal his body as soon as possible. "I will come and help as soon as I get the treatment. ."

"Let's talk about this when you are cured, don't think about other focus and treatment." Pan Bayi told Chen Feng not to worry about the battle in the Pacific, and told Chen Feng that everything was physically important and the pilot controlled the plane to fly back to China. .

It was the Tianqing City Hospital that received Chen Feng. This is the key observation site for Saint Gama’s spies. The whole process of Chen Feng being transported to the special ward by medical staff was observed by someone with a heart. The news was sent back after a while, and Smith also Allotted a share.

It was confirmed that Chen Feng was sent back to China for further treatment because of his injury. Smith no longer had any worries. He laughed uncontrollably in his room. He also despised Chen Feng's injury and could not treat him well and even ran out to scare people.

"Deserve it! Obviously he was seriously injured on the ice and snow mountain and dared to come out to fight. In this case, the situation has deteriorated and the moon will not come out without treatment. See if you dare to be arrogant in the future!" Smith increasingly believes that his attack will be effective. Chen Feng can't come out in a short time to influence the battle between the two countries. He only needs to deal with the threat of Hongbin.

As Chen Feng returned to China to heal his injuries, Hong Kong's attack frequency became higher and higher, and from time to time he would assault around the warship island.

Smith regards Hung Hung Bin's actions as venting Chen Feng, his best friend was attacked by himself and was seriously injured. It is completely understandable that Hung Hung Bin would behave like this, so he would ridicule each other every time he met.

"No matter how angry you are, it is no use. Chen Feng is already very lucky that he is not dead. Whoever lets him run around without any protection, he is lucky if he fails to kill him." Smith said to Chen Fengyi. He belittled and said he was asking for trouble.

Hongbin was furious. He didn't allow Smith to say this to his good friend: "What's wrong with the Chen Feng family's trip? You actually brought people to the assassination, and you are worthy of being a **** of war? Hurry up and commit suicide to thank the world. !"

"It's useless to say more. Anyway, Chen Feng has been hurt by me. What can you do with me?" Smith is not ashamed but proud. In his opinion, the way to kill the opponent is a good way, regardless of whether he can get someone else's. Recognized.

Under Smith’s successive provocations, Hongbin rushed up angrily. The two fought on the sea for a short period of time. "Candle Light Youying" used all the forms, except for the marlin form. Smith basically managed to deal with it. .

"Fighting in the sea is still not good, but Hongbin has no absolute advantage in battles in other areas. As long as I deal with the defense, he can't beat me." Smith became more confident and became more active in the battle with Hongbin.

The two fought for a few days, and Smith performed quite well when his mentality was not out of balance, which also inspired the people on other islands. They broke out in a very good state to repel the opponent's offense again and again.

Among them, Robertson's performance was the most eye-catching. He became the most trusted pilot except Smith. He was originally the most promising person in the Saint Gama Empire to become the God of War, and he was very outstanding in all aspects.

Roberson used his rich experience to block Pan Yuguo, and once almost defeated Pan Yuguo. Pan Yuguo was so scared that he was sweating and fighting for a long time before he retreated with a wound. This battle was passed on by other pilots and strengthened his confidence. .

Pan Yuguo was really planted in the hands of Robertson this time. Because he did not know Chen Feng’s plan, he was distracted during the battle to observe the defense deployment on the warship island. Robertson seized the opportunity to chase him and was almost beaten. It was shot down in front of everyone.

Since then, Pan Yuguo has not dared to be careless, and he fought with Robertson twice without losing the wind. Robertson once again staged a strong defeat of the highly anticipated young pilot, and failed, and it also made the Saint Gama Empire pilots unable to make noise. .

The battle in the Pacific was at a deadlock. As the war progressed, Smith gradually felt that there was no need to let Griffin over. He could already maintain the stability of the front, so why bother to beg those who didn't want to come over.

Smith never asked for reinforcements anymore. The Saint Gama empire thought that the defense force on these islands should be sufficient, so they did not send additional mech troops.

In Tianqing City Hospital, Chen Feng once again lived in a special ward. He was already familiar with how to get rid of Jin Chan. The doctors and nurses who came to treat him also received special instructions and pretended to be busy together.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the special ward where Chen Feng was located, and even his treatment records had been read countless times. Fortunately, Commander Ma knew that it was impossible to completely prevent spies, allowing the doctor to modify the treatment records seamlessly.

After the spies were deceived by Chen Feng last time, they became more cautious. They confirmed that Chen Feng was lying in a special ward several times, and the relevant treatment records were correct before sending the news back and telling them what they saw. Heard.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, they were afraid of the well ropes, and the spies were all afraid of Chen Feng, so they did not say with certainty that Chen Feng must have no way to act. They only passed the news that Chen Feng was receiving treatment without giving any conclusion.

This caused the people responsible for collecting intelligence in the Saint Gama Empire to roll their eyes countless times, thinking that the spy was too exaggerated. Since Chen Feng is still lying in a hospital bed for treatment, how could he run out to make waves, and after finishing sorting it, attach a suggestion and submit it. .

In the judgement of the intelligence personnel, Chen Feng is receiving special treatment at the Tianqing City Hospital, and should not be able to participate in combat-related operations in a short time, so the Saint Gama Empire can temporarily exclude him from the factors that affect the battle.

As a result, the actions of the Saint Gama Empire were arranged on the premise that Chen Feng could not participate. This is where the Quran God Republic wanted them to misjudge. Commander Ma paid close attention to the changes in the deployment of the enemy in the Pacific. It was found that they had not particularly strengthened their combat power in the top pilots, indicating that they believed that Chen Feng would not return in the short term.

Commander Ma asked the doctor to pass the news to Chen Feng and made Chen Feng ready at any time. The action against Gunkanjima must be a blitzkrieg. He needs Chen Feng to ensure that he is on call to continue the arrangement.

Chen Feng is naturally 10,000 people who are willing to cooperate. He tossed for a long time and came back to fool the Saint Gama Empire. Now that the first step of the plan has been successful, he will wait for the right time to attack the warship island.