Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2211: Underwater attack

Commander Ma will find the two mainly to take care of Chen Feng’s emotions. After all, the raid on the Battleship Island was so smooth, maybe Chen Feng would want to perform it again, but it’s just as if Chen Feng’s wonderingly did not respond. I know I think too much.

"It seems that Chen Feng, you want to give this opportunity to Shuibin?" Commander Ma asked Chen Feng again. Giving up such a good opportunity to show his face would quickly overwhelm Chen Feng's recent limelight by Shuibin. Could it be Chen Feng a little bit Don't care?

"Shui Bin's'Candle Light Youying' is more suitable for underwater operations. I already experienced the pain when I assaulted the warship island last time, and I don't want to do it again." Chen Feng very decisively shook his head and refused. He didn't need to steal what he was not good at. field of.

"Okay, then it's up to the decision. In the next action, Shui Bin, you will attack from the submarine channel, so that the Saint Gama Empire will also feel the feeling of being landed on the land!" Commander Ma made a decision, not yet Consciously punched out violently.

All the people of the Quran God Republic have not forgotten the humiliation of being forced to land by the Saint Gama Empire. As a country that passively participated in the First World Mech War, they were indiscriminately bombarded by the opponent riding on their heads at the beginning. It's a hard time.

Now finally there is a chance to counterattack the opponent, Commander Ma did not want to conceal his excitement. This attack is their first time on the land of the Saint Gama Empire and it will truly touch the nerves of the people of this country.

Hung Hung Bin was infected by Commander Ma’s emotions, and he was eager to plan what should be done to make the action more efficient. He also experienced the despair of the First World Mech War. It was time to give this feeling back to the opponent.

Chen Feng's mission is very simple. It is to respond to Hongbin after the successful raid. After the Saint Gama Empire is attacked, he will be so angry that he will send a mecha army to chase and kill Hongbin. Chen Feng's support will save him any worries.

On a sunny morning, Hung Hung Bin quietly set off. Chen Feng also boarded the "World Breaking" cockpit and stood by in the hangar. The outer mecha units were taken by Commander Ma to attack the surrounding islands. Flood Bin creates better passing conditions.

Perhaps because of fear of the underwater combat capabilities of the mechas of the Republic of the God of the Holy Gamma, the Saint Gama Empire especially strengthened the defenses under the islands and dispatched multiple mechas to patrol under the sea to prevent sudden attacks from being caught off guard.

Hung Hung Bin switched "Candle Light Youying" to marlin and hides among the deep-sea fish. Deep-sea fish generally have poor eyesight. They can't see the big guy who suddenly appeared next to them and thought it was food, so they went up and bite. It took a while.

As a result, I was tired and couldn't help the other party, so the deep sea fish gave up the intention of attacking. After all, Hong Bin was silently following them without showing hostility, and simply let it follow him without losing a piece of meat.

Of course, Hongbin wouldn't care about these fishes, and he also needed the fish to provide cover for him. Driving them away would only expose himself. After secretly observing, Hongbin found that there were enemy mechas patrolling in the sea below each island, and even if the fighting on it was fierce, he did not intend to leave.

"These mechas are set up to prevent underwater attacks. They cannot be expected to leave by themselves." Hong Bin thought that he could not wait for these mechas to leave, so he turned to swim in the distant waters and prepared to make a circle and cross the island. .

After "Candle Light Youying" swims, the surrounding fish schools also swim a certain distance. After the attack is invalid, they regard this marlin-type special machine as their boss, and they want to be able to follow around. Eat fragrant and spicy.

Hong Hung Bin did not have the idea of ​​leading the school of fish. He flicked his tail to speed up the swimming speed. After a while, the fish fell into the distance. The school of fish wandered in situ for a while, and he was very reluctant to accept his being caught. The fact that the newly recognized boss abandoned.

After bypassing the island, Hongbin encountered a new problem. When approaching the territory of the Saint Gama Empire, he found that a lot of induction bombs were placed under the sea. Seeing that these bombs were big enough to cause damage to the mecha .

The Holy Gama Empire really took a lot of effort to prevent the underwater attacks of the Koranic Republic’s mechas. If the mecha units attack them from the bottom of the water, all these induction bombs will be detonated and they will definitely make the enemy drink. On a pot.

Hong Bin observed the location of the induction bombs and smiled disdainfully: "Huh! Don't think that this will stop me. You definitely didn't expect that the attacker was not a mecha unit but a mecha."

Since it is in the coastal waters of the country's territory, there will be many ships carrying out various activities. The Saint Gama Empire cannot set too many sensory bombs. If you accidentally blow up your ship, you will lose out.

Therefore, the distance between these induction bombs is relatively loose, and only one is occasionally located hundreds of kilometers apart. They are used to prevent attacks by the mecha units of the Qur'an Republic. Just make sure to cover a wide enough distance. .

It is really difficult for mechas in groups to pass such an environment. They must slow down and advance in batches. As long as one mecha does not pay attention to the bomb, it will expose everyone. The Saint Gama Empire has time. Make the most effective defense deployment.

However, it is a pity that only Hong Bin came here today. He does not have to think about being affected by others when he acts alone. The distance between these bombs is so wide, pay attention to observe that "Candle Light Youying" will never be touched.

Smoothly advancing in the induction bomb, Hung Hung Bin did not feel any discomfort. Compared with the interval between the bombs, he was as far away as the Milky Way. "Candle Illuminated Youying" was also very good at moving underwater, and he moved very well Smooth.

Soon Hongbin came to a place where he could see the territory of the Saint Gama Empire. In order to expand the influence of this operation, he deliberately chose a military base of the opponent. Now this base is still kept in the dark. No.

"After the base is broken, the whole world will be crazy." Hong Bin couldn't help thinking like this. In order to ensure that his actions were foolproof, he deliberately observed for a while and made sure that the base did not show any signs of action.

Since the opponent didn't guard against his arrival, Hongbin didn't waste time with them. "Candle Light Youying" suddenly rushed out of the water, switched to the Falcon form and smashed it with a beam cannon first.

When "Candle Light Youying" rushed out, observers at the military base found an unusually loud warning under the sea: "Warning! An unknown object is rising rapidly under the sea, and it is likely that an enemy plane is coming!"