Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2214: Escape

The power of double-drawing swords penetrated all the armor above the base. The armor with a depth of tens of meters was cut like tofu in front of the long sword of "Candle Light Youying". After being cut from the middle, the weight of the armor was crushed. They fell into the base.

The entire base was exposed in front of Hongbin's eyes. A lot of paving was not for destroying the base, so Hongbin immediately switched to a cheetah and rushed in, using the beam cannon and claws on his back to destroy all the objects he saw. .

Flood Bin ran all the way, and all the places passed by were horrible. The pilots above just like a dream Fang Xing descended to try to stop Flood Bin. Reinforcements arrived immediately and they had to hold on to the last time.

For Hong Bin, these enemy agencies that landed in the base were not a big threat. He easily got rid of the enemy's pursuit and continued to bombard the base indiscriminately, until nothing was intact inside.

The enemy's reinforcements were already coming around the base. Hong Bin didn't want to fight with them, so he transformed into a falcon and flew high, ready to fly directly back to Gunkanjima to end this mission.

How could the people of Saint Gama Empire let go of Hongbin? They worked tirelessly and hurriedly chased them, not to see "Candle Light Youying" ass. When they saw Hongbin wanted to escape, they raised their weapons and attacked. Try to stop.

It's a pity that their movements are still a step slower after all. Hong Bin has already flown high in the sky, how could he be hit by their attacks, controlling the "Candle Light Youying" a few rounds to throw off all the attacks and the speed is not affected much.

Just when Hong Hung Bin thought he could leave smoothly, a sense of crisis suddenly came from his heart. Without turning his head back, he drove the "Candle Light Youying" to launch a series of emergency evasive actions, spinning back and forth continuously in the air.

Hung Hung Bin had just dodged, and many beams flew past "Candle Light Youying". If he continued to fly along the original route, he would definitely be hit. Judging from the strength of these beams, he would be unbearable. Injury.

"Who is it?" Hongshui Bin was frightened in a cold sweat. He looked back and saw the enemy who launched this round of attacks. "'Guardian'? Isn't this special plane acting slowly? Why did he rush to me so quickly to make a surprise attack. Area?"

Flood Bin is puzzled. The "Guardian" can be said to be the slowest-moving special plane in the Saint Gama Empire. It greatly strengthens the firepower of long-range attacks. It is equipped with many armors and turrets and moves. Very inconvenient.

As a result, it was this special plane that was attacking him now, and Hong Bin hadn't expected that he would almost be in the way of the opponent.

But if you missed it, you missed it. After all, Hongbin is the God of War. He has a very direct instinct to save him from the crisis. After avoiding the attack of the "Guardian", no one can effectively hinder him. He can only watch " "Candle light Youying" flies farther and farther.

"Hey, it's still a bit worse. Thanks for your hard work." The pilot who piloted the "Guardian" said to the pilots around him. He was able to get to the scene so quickly because of the help of these pilots pushing and pulling regardless of consumption. He moved forward.

Just when the Saint Gama Empire was about to give up, another mecha passed over their heads and chased after the distant flood bin.

"Not yet, he doesn't want to run away easily today." This voice made the frustrated Saint Gama Empire energized again. Isn't this Griffin their spiritual support? He finally wants to punish this annoying The enemy!

Hung Hung Bin hadn't flew much distance yet, and the sense of crisis came to his mind again. This time the sense of crisis was stronger than last time, so Hung Hung Bin couldn't help but glance back: "Fuck! Why did he show up?!"

Isn’t it the "Gun God" who is chasing behind him? Hong Bin hasn't forgotten his last experience of being crushed by the opponent. If he is caught up by the opponent, the chances are that he will be suppressed again. Today's victory will be wasted. Up.

Not only that, the news of the defeat of Hongbin will also make the Saint Gama Empire even more proud. How about you destroying a military base of my country? It was not beaten by our country’s "Gun God". The failure of replacing a base with a God of War is not a loss. !

Fortunately, the speed of "Candle Lights Youying" is very fast. Griffin can only bite behind and want to catch up is basically impossible. Hongshui Bin still has time to respond: "Chen Feng, the'gun god' has appeared. Chase me, I guess he will not give up."

"Understood, I'm starting from Gunkanjima. You share the specific location with me!" Chen Feng took the time to control the "World Breaking" without saying a word, and then said to Commander Ma, "The'Gun God' appeared. , I will support Shui Bin."

Before Hongbin’s attack, I discussed with Chen Feng what to do if Griffin appeared. The unanimous decision of the two was to run away and ask for help if they found each other. Combining the strength of the two Griffin would be difficult for them Of killing.

"I'll send some more people to assist you." Commander Ma wanted to help more. The appearance of Griffin is a major event that cannot be taken lightly.

"No, it's more convenient for me and Shuibin to fight." But Chen Feng rejected him, and bringing other pilots in the past would delay his speed, and the effect would not be very good. Griffin is not using the crowds. An opponent that can be defeated by tactics.

After seeing Griffin chasing him, Hong Bin did not dare to stay and fly at full speed along the way. Griffin seemed to not want to give up and follow along. The two crossed most of the Pacific Ocean, and it didn't take long to fly to where they were fighting. Near the island.

Even here, Hong Bin dare not relax, because even if Chen Feng can come to reinforce him, Griffin is still a difficult opponent to fight against, and there is a Smith who has a bitter hatred for them nearby. The subsequent development is still unknown. .

While Hongbin contacted Chen Feng for help, the Saint Gama Empire had already notified Smith to intercept Hongbin. Regardless of whether Griffin appeared or not, they would not allow Hongbin to retreat after destroying the base.

Since the island where Smith is located is closer to the land of the Saint Gama Empire, he met Hsu Bin earlier than Chen Feng. When he saw Griffin behind Hung Bin, Smith's joy was overwhelming: "Today can finally be exported. Sick."

Smith drew out his sword and attacked Hong Bin. Hong Bin could only slow down and change direction and flash past him. How could Smith let Hong Bin easily pass and catch it would be a fierce attack, which delayed Hong Bin a lot of time and was denied. Rieffin pulled closer.

"Chee, it's really annoying!" Hongbin didn't want to get entangled with Smith, but the other party was really difficult to deal with him and couldn't escape.