Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2217: Wait for the rabbit

Chen Feng thought for a while, and countless plans were simulated in his mind, but none of them succeeded in the end. They were either killed by Griffin on the spot or missed by Smith. The probability of their escape safely is about zero.

"Damn! We might really leave without Smith..." Chen Feng was very depressed. Who would have thought that Smith, who was gradually ignored by them, would become the key to action. It would not be a luxury to get out without him.

Hongshuibin raised his head to look at the two special planes above. He just retreated without expecting his whole body: "Anyway, we can't fight it. Then you will rush in behind me. At least avoid the'gun god'. Then you find a chance to go away."

"If you don't leave, I won't leave. Don't think about taking everything alone." Chen Feng refused again, and it was impossible for him to leave Hong Bin.

The two stood in a stalemate. Hongshui Bin wanted to create conditions for Chen Feng to escape, but Chen Feng insisted that they go together. They pursued different goals and no one couldn't agree with them. After a few quarrels, they fell silent.

Both of them are making their own calculations in their hearts. Anyway, the other party will definitely not listen to their own actions. It is better to cook the raw rice for a while and use the situation to force the other party, and we must let the other party live!

"Candle Light Youying" swims very fast. Griffin tried to attack several times and all failed. This was also the battle he missed the most after becoming the God of War: "It will be very dangerous to let them grow."

"Yeah, so let's kill them all today, so that no one can threaten our Saint Gama Empire anymore." Smith urged Griffin to kill today and bury Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. In the Pacific.

Not only can eliminate the threat of the Saint Gama Empire, but also make him worry-free, Smith likes the effortless and can kill two birds with one stone, so he deliberately relied on it to help Griffin fight together.

Griffin frowned and avoided. To be honest, he really hated Smith's practice of not seeing rabbits and flying eagles, especially the other party just broke his plan. Otherwise, why confront Chen Feng and Hong Bin for so long? .

But in the end, Griffin did not reject Smith. It was related to the interests of the Saint Gama Empire. He could make himself feel sick when he was wronged. Today, the Quran God Republic must pay the price to lose the capital to compete with them.

Seeing Smith took the initiative to join forces with Griffin, Hong Hung Bin's face became very pale: "It's too much!"

"The energy consumption is almost done, get ready to fight, I hope we can all be safe and sound!" The worst has already happened, Chen Feng doesn't want to complain about anything, the only thing he wants to do is to try his best to go back.

Grasping the tail of "Candle Illuminated Youying" with both hands, Chen Feng adjusted the directions of the floating cannon and miniature beam cannon to prepare for the assault. Hong Bin also began to accumulate his energy and prepare to swim at full speed, at least to kill the opponent by surprise.

At the moment when Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were about to charge, the water under the seabed suddenly became violent, stirring the two of them unable to maintain their balance, so they had to separate and stabilize their bodies, and all the previous preparations were wasted.

"What's going on?" Looking at the surroundings, the deeper the seabed water flow changes, the smaller the changes in the seabed. So it must be caused by something, and he needs to find out the reason.

"Could it be..." Chen Feng was thoughtful, if he wanted to say something that could make such a big movement, he had actually encountered one.

Hongshuibin looked around and found nothing worthy of attention. Seeing Chen Feng floating there, he couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you react at all? The fluctuations of that magnitude just now are very strange. We better find the reason. "

The raging sea water will greatly affect the actions of the mecha, and if this happens again during the rush, Hongbin is not sure that he can bring Chen Feng into the rush well. Once they make a mistake in the battle, there will be no suspense. .

"I may know what it is, let me find it!" Chen Feng continued to swim deep. If he guessed correctly, the culprit was in the nearby deep sea area. Maybe they could help them turn defeat into victory.

Turning the lighting equipment to the brightest, Chen Feng carefully searched the bottom of the sea. After searching for a while, his eyes lit up. There was a huge dorsal fin not far in front of him, and the shape of the dorsal fin of this fish was very familiar to him. .

"It's really you. I thought you went to the sea near our country, but I didn't expect you to come back." Chen Feng felt that his luck was invincible. The big fish that has been looking for a long time is here.

The big fish used to swim in the direction of the Quran God Republic, but it felt uncomfortable to swim in the shallow water over there. With such a large body, it still prefers a deeper place, and it can't be used in the offshore area.

The scale of the battle that broke out after the warship island was occupied by the Qur'an God Republic was not too large, and it was not an unacceptable interference for the big fish, so it didn’t take long to swim back in the offshore area, and I was tired and hiding. Sleep in the deepest part.

Today, Chen and Feng came to the place where the big fish was dormant by chance. Griffin attacked from above from time to time, and occasionally a beam of light hit the big fish, making it disturbing.

Griffin is the most powerful God of War in the world. His attacks are still astonishing even if they are consumed by the sea. When hitting the scales of the big fish, it feels a biting pain, and wakes up his body from a dream.

Because the big fish was lying on the bottom of the sea, it made the sea muddy as soon as it moved. Griffin's sight was more severely disturbed, and Chen Feng and Hongshuibin's whereabouts could no longer be found, but he waited calmly. It seems that there is no problem.

"They must want to escape through chaos, why are you not in a hurry?" Smith next to him became anxious. He was the one who wanted the least chance to slip away, and blamed Griffin for waiting for people to run away.

From the beginning of completely uncooperative action to now urging himself to fight, Smith has shifted from one extreme to the other, making Griffin amused: "Did you see them attacking? It shouldn't be them that the sea becomes turbid. The ghost, I don’t know what happened on the bottom of the sea. Let’s watch the change first, maybe we don’t need to do it."

Griffin was confident that under his attack, the two of them had no chance to engage in other actions. Something outside of the situation happened below. Now the best way is to wait. Anyway, he is not afraid of the two to escape. He only needs to wait until the dust settles. Then adapt to the circumstances.