Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2233: Like a broken bamboo

Roberson is now suffering from a big blow and he doesn't really want to fight anymore. He immediately retreated when he found that Pan Yuguo was close to him. While returning it, he said, "You are lucky today, there is no need to fight anymore."

Pan Yuguo didn't think so: "The fighting in other places is still going on. Have you given up the efforts worthy of others?"

Robertson rolled his eyes, thinking that the efforts of other people are my shit. I have to protect myself from accidents first, right, but he can’t tell Pan Yuguo directly so that he can only consider him: "Today’s war That's basically it, meaningless."

"I haven't said that for a long time I want to win and be afraid of losing, and I am afraid that I will not be able to explain it, right?" Pan Yuguo said that Robertson's mind.

"What are you talking about? How could I lose to you, don't think you can beat me with one hand!" Robertson jumped up like a cat with his tail stomped on, furious at Pan Yuguo's incompetence, let him go up and hit him. Really dare not.

Pan Yuguo sneered and watched Roberson's performance. He became more convinced of his judgment: Roberson just didn't dare to fight himself again.

Robertson made a fire for a long time without any effect. It only made others look down upon himself. Gradually, he stopped and raised his spear at Pan Yuguo: "If you want to fight, follow along and let me see if you have the courage!"

Robertson's idea is to guide Pan Yuguo into the sea controlled by his side, where there are a large number of Saint Gama Empire mechas. If Pan Yuguo chases it, it is easy to fall into a besieged situation. He thinks Pan Yuguo should not put himself in danger.

However, Pan Yuguo made a move beyond Robertson's expectation. He actually chased after him. Tang Dao always maintained the angle where he could launch an attack: "Since you invite me, I won't refuse, and continue to fight with me! "

Robertson was very speechless. His intention was to stop fighting each other and see where he needed help on the battlefield. He never thought that Pan Yuguo would actually chase him, so he had to turn around and run in desperation, trying to return to his own territorial waters.

Pan Yuguo rushed into the Saint Gama Empire so mindlessly, wouldn't he be afraid to fall into it? Of course not. He did this after receiving a joint order from Commander Ma and Pan Bayi. Everything was planned.

Commander Ma has decided to defeat the Saint Gama Empire's control of the Pacific through this battle, so he needs someone who can nail the opponent's domain. Robertson's retreat gave them a very good excuse not to use it.

So Pan Yuguo chased all the way up, and Robertson didn't notice the abnormality. He thought that the opponent was going to fight him. He took Pan Yuguo and quickly retreated back, and let the pilots over there prepare to besiege Pan Yuguo.

On the Battleship Island, Commander Ma also informed Chen Feng and Honghong Bin to attack. The fighting in various places basically reached the stage of stalemate. If the fight continued, it would only increase casualties. It was almost time to let his hole cards go into battle and change everything.

"Okay, let's go~" Hong Bin took the lead in rushing out of the hangar. "Candle Light Youying" fired a beam cannon just as soon as it flew into the sky, penetrating all the mechas closest to the warship island, and turning the enemy's eyes away. Attracted.

"Shuibin has appeared! Everyone, be careful, don't be hit by him!" Saint Gama's pilots roared in the public communication channels, trying to remind their commanders that the most dangerous enemy is coming.

Just as they roared wildly, hundreds of beams hit them directly. In an instant, many mechas were hit and fell. For a while, the sky was like rain, and the mechas always fell straight from the sky. Into the sea.

These attacks were naturally launched by Chen Feng through the floating cannon. Seeing the floating cannon flying around him, the pilot of the Saint Gama Empire was in chaos: "Chen Feng has also come out, we can't fight, apply for retreat! Apply for retreat! "

It is impossible to face the two Gods of War at once, relying on these ordinary pilots. They screamed frantically that they would retreat from the front line. If they continue to fight, it will only be a meaningless death. They don’t want to. Die like this.

The communications officer of the Saint Gama Empire noticed the chaos in the communications channel. When he heard what the pilots yelled, he quickly reported to the Minister of Military Affairs: "Report! Chen Feng and Hung Hsui Bin appeared around Gunkan Island. They joined Fight!"

"Finally, I chose this time!" The military minister stood up abruptly and told the officers around him to contact Griffin quickly, "Contact the'Gun God' quickly. Since the other party has sent the God of War, we also need him to attack. ."

"Yes!" The officer quickly contacted Griffin who was cultivating in the room. Griffin heard the content and ran directly to the hangar.

The Minister of the Army kept a close eye on Griffin's actions through the surveillance on the base, and kept meditating in his heart: "Hurry up! Hurry up! I hope I can make it in time!"

Due to the appearance of Chen Feng and Hong Kong Bin, the battle around Gunkanjima couldn't go on. All the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire thought about how to escape from here, they didn't even want to fight the enemy in front of them.

The enemy loses the intent to fight, but the pilots of the Qur'an God Republic will not be soft, chasing these collapsed enemies, and Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin did not act on these pilots anymore. They only need to show their own strength. Existence is enough.

Doing more on the ordinary pilots will damage their reputation, so after a round of attacks, the two will fly directly in the direction of Pan Yuguo. They have to meet this old classmate to avoid him being besieged by the enemy, and prepare to deal with the situation that will definitely appear Liffin.

Robertson noticed the disturbance in the distance, and he also heard the voice in the communication channel: "Chen Feng and Hongshuibin both appeared. It turns out that you want to use this battle to end it. No wonder you have to chase me."

"It's a part of the reason, and I want to completely defeat you!" Pan Yuguo does not deny his plan, but he himself really wants to defeat Robertson. He wants to succeed the promise to become the strongest of the demigod pilots.

"You dream!" Of course, Robertson didn't want to be a stepping stone for others, and suddenly stopped to fight Pan Yuguo to the death.

On the battlefield, the own mecha troops have become a mess, and Robertson's retreat will put more pressure on the defense line behind, so he must stay and block Pan Yuguo, so that the rear has time to prepare for the impact in advance.

"Maybe the'Gun God' can see my efforts and get his guidance." Robertson has another thought in his heart, because Griffin will definitely come out to stop Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin, so that he can see himself Good opportunity for performance.