Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2234: Coordination after upgrade

Based on these two reasons, Robertson is determined to fight Pan Yuguo with all his strength. Even if "Lucifer" is not in a very good state, he still wants to fight. Winning in an unfavorable environment best reflects his value.

And speaking of Pan Yuguo’s "crazy war", he was also hit to a certain extent. Robertson believed that he suffered 3%-5% more damage than the opponent at most, which is still acceptable. He is not because of such a difference. Just lose to the opponent.

The two had another fierce contest. The battle this time was more dangerous than all their previous combat experiences. Both of them unreservedly performed all their stunts, and would not give up unless they defeated the other. drive.

Robertson, who left all distracting thoughts aside, exerted an amazing combat effectiveness. He defended impeccably and was able to accept Pan Yuguo's attack every time. In turn, the spear always maintained a powerful threat so that Pan Yuguo did not dare to approach easily.

The range of the spear's attack is much larger than that of the Tang Dao, so Roberson will be more fierce than Pan Yuguo when he uses his power. The two of them staggered a few times and injured each other, and overall they were tied temporarily.

The news of Griffin's departure reached Robertson, and now his confidence was even stronger. He only had to hold Pan Yuguo until Griffin came to kill the opponent casually, so he became more active when fighting.

The spear pierced continuously around the "Crazy War", and Pan Yuguo was struggling to deal with it. It was difficult for him to fight against this heavy weapon when the sword drawing technique could not be successfully performed, and he was slightly forced to retreat a few steps.

Pan Yuguo’s retreat made Roberson more confident. He increased the output of his power and continued to press on the opponent: "Let you catch up! Make you think you can win! Now I have the advantage, and I will win in the end. !"

Roberson's rising aura seemed to want Pan Yuguo to stop turning over, but Pan Yuguo still steadily used Tang Dao to open up Roberson's attacks again and again. Even if it was not easy to get close to the opponent, he could still find a chance and almost injured the opponent several times.

Roberson was frightened by Pan Yuguo in cold sweats several times. He thought he could win the victory smoothly, but Pan Yuguo was very strong, as if he didn't know the danger, so he concentrated on fighting with him and was completely unprepared for other directions.

"Isn't Pan Yuguo afraid of death?" Robertson couldn't help thinking like this, and the young pilot was too calm.

Griffin traveled all the way to the place where Roberson and Pan Yuguo were fighting. After seeing the fierce battle between the two, he stopped. Watching the battle from afar did not seem to interfere. After watching for a while, he nodded with relish. .

"Come on and help! Solving him can solve many problems." Robertson realized that Griffin didn't mean to help him and shouted quickly. He didn't want to continue to spend time with Pan Yuguo.

Griffin shook his head and refused to join forces with Robertson: "Seeing that you are equally matched, I'd better not participate."

Griffin didn't want to win by teaming up with other people. Now Robertson is fighting Pan Yuguo. If he joins in, he will break the balance. Besides, how can he bully a young demigod pilot as a **** of war.

Robertson almost fainted out of breath, he intended to fight with Griffin, but the other party ruthlessly rejected him and let his plan completely fail. It is almost impossible for him to defeat Pan Yuguo alone.

Pan Yuguo didn't care if Griffin would take action. For him, fighting was to defeat the enemy in front of him. He didn't want to care about the rest. This mentality allowed him to slowly gain a certain advantage and suppress it again. Robertson.

After the failure of Roberson's plan, several consecutive shots appeared flaws. Pan Yuguo accurately seized these flaws and launched an attack. Robertson was caught off guard by Tang Dao in his arm, and immediately ruined all his previous efforts.

"Isn't the Gun God really coming to help?" Robertson confirmed to Griffin that if the opponent doesn't help him again, he will probably lose to Pan Yuguo. In that case, he has to think ahead of time how to protect himself from the battle.

Griffin looked at Robertson for a few moments and did not answer. He turned his head and stared in the other direction. The radar showed that his two most important enemies were approaching quickly, and they would encounter each other in a few minutes.

Griffin specifically asked about the situation on the battlefield. After learning that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin had appeared, he did not take extra action against ordinary pilots, so he did not have the idea of ​​doing anything against Pan Yuguo. The other party showed sincerity and he wanted to reciprocate.

Chen Feng hurried all the way to Pan Yuguo's location. He saw Griffin not far from Pan Yuguo. He quickly controlled the floating gun and launched a round of attacks to help Pan Yuguo intercept the opponent.

After being dodged by Griffin, Chen Feng realized that the other party did not participate in the idea of ​​besieging Pan Yuguo, and only Robertson had fought Pan Yuguo from beginning to end, which made him admire the other party even more.

Not everyone will restrain themselves in a war. Once they find an opportunity, most people will choose to kill the enemy in front of them so that they can gain the advantage first. Griffin will stand idly by. This is good news for the Qur'an God Republic.

On the other side, Hongbin rushed towards Griffin without stopping, using the huge kinetic energy brought by the full-speed flight of "Candle Lightning Youying" to launch an attack. When the wings were fully expanded, he slapped the opponent's face. If he slapped him at least Several somersaults.

Griffin leaned down to avoid Flood Bin’s wings, not only that, he also struggling to jump to the back of Flood Bin, stepped on the back of "Candle Light Youying" and kicked it towards the sea below, almost letting Flood Bin suffer. Controlled drop into the sea.

Fortunately, Honghong Bin responded very quickly. He quickly manipulated the "Candle Light Youying" to switch to the marlin form and broke through the sea and dived. He didn't suffer much damage as a result. After moving around the lower reaches of the sea, he switched forms and flew up again. .

Chen Feng has urged all the weapons he can control to launch a fierce attack on Griffin. Ten different weapons fired beams in succession. These beams shuttled from Griffin up and down, left and right, in and out, blocking him from chasing Flood Bin. Channel.

Hung Bin, who was back in the air, plunged into Chen Feng’s beam wave, because he believed that his friend would control the beam so as not to injure himself. All his attention was focused on fighting Griffin, eagle beak, eagle claw and The wings all greeted each other.

The two people summed up an experience during training, and that is that Griffin should not be left with too much time to think. This powerful God of War can use a short time to find the most reasonable combat option, and they have to block from the source. other side.