Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2235: Fierce battle

Playing their strongest attacks made Griffin overwhelmed, so he could only use the most appropriate way to resist the possibility of losing the overall consideration. If things go on like this, Griffin will fall into the rhythm of the two and fall into failure little by little. mud.

The two thoughts very well, but Griffin still seemed to be able to do well in the siege of the two. He wandered freely in the wave of beams, and from time to time, he fought with Hongbin for several rounds to repel the opponent, as if he was not trapped at all. Signs of live.

Griffin's performance was very relaxed, but Chen Feng knew that the opponent was not as comfortable as it seemed on the surface. Although his own beam did not actually cause a blow, it also made the opponent have to devote energy to destroy, and the attack of Hongbin also made Griffin was a bit jealous, and as the attacking power of the two teamed up became stronger, Griffin was already a bit tricky to deal with it.

Griffin seems to move freely, but the light beams shot by Chen Feng in the air have been increasing. These light beams enveloped Griffin and compressed his space of action, while the unaffected Hong Bin continued to charge to stop him. Griffin broke away.

Griffin performed the double-gun fighting technique, and once or twice he created a chance to hit the opponent severely when he repelled the flood bin, but unfortunately he was always destroyed by Chen Feng's beam wave, which was far from the final substantial effect. Missing a little bit.

Repeated frustration made Griffin more focused. He realized that he could no longer be confined to past victories. The two young gods on the opposite side found a good way to limit himself. He had to make timely changes to resolve the unfavorable situation. .

The beam of the front end of the double guns suddenly increased by nearly half the distance. Griffin swiftly cut off the head of Shuubin who was flying towards him, scared Shuubin hurriedly slowed down and passed by. "You Ying" split in half.

Hung Hung Bin was so scared that he was trembling all over. He didn't expect Griffin to still have a hand. The front beam of the two guns could be enhanced. If he hadn't reacted fast enough to be cut, he would basically be unable to fight anymore. Up.

Griffin did not hit Hongbin. He immediately adjusted the direction of force on his wrist to face the surrounding beams. The double guns rotated around the body several times and almost destroyed all the surrounding beams, leaving only a small amount of sparse and no threat. Lost of it.

"He's taking it all seriously, Shui Bin be careful!" Chen Feng reminded Hongshui Bin to be more vigilant, and then the real battle will come.

"I know!" Hongbin first switched "Candle Light Youying" to an adult type and cautiously flew next to Griffin, no matter what actions the other party made, he could make a more appropriate response, and wait for familiarity before using other types. Carry out targeted treatment.

How could Griffin be so easily restrained? His whole body was tricked to deceive Hongshuibin’s eyes. He seemed to be advancing in the direction of Hongshuibin, but suddenly changed towards Chen Fengfei. It turned out that his true purpose was to first take Chen Feng. shoot down.

Chen Feng's beam cage is one of Griffin's most guarded skills. After Chen Feng emitted a large number of beams, he has been paying attention to reducing the number of these beams and preventing Chen Feng from using beams to construct a beam cage.

After fully displaying the double-gun fighting technique, Griffin wanted to deal with the threat from Chen Feng as soon as possible. As long as there is no beam harassment and pressure from the beam cage, Hong Bin cannot escape him no matter how flexible he is. suppress.

Chen Feng knew the power of his beam cage, so he tried to display it in battle since the beginning of the battle, but after all his strength was still far from Griffin, and several attempts were all destroyed in the middle.

The beam cage could never be constructed. Chen Feng knew that Griffin would definitely do something to himself, so he paid close attention to the direction of the opponent's attack, and quickly formed a beam net in front of him after discovering that Griffin had thrown off the flood bin.

This beam net is a bit of a small beam cage. If you want to break through Chen Feng, you have to withstand a certain amount of blow. Chen Feng wants to consume Griffin as much as possible. After all, he has two The special machine is affordable.

A large number of beams piled together without interfering with each other. Chen Feng's excellent control ability is evident, but Griffin showed no signs of stopping. He continued to rush forward and break into the beam net.

Now that the enemy has made it clear that he wants to do it to himself, Chen Feng doesn’t have to be polite to him. He controls all the beams to flood Griffin. In order to maximize the attack effect, he also deliberately adjusted the angle of the beams so that they overlap. Several goals.

Chen Feng aimed at the head, abdomen, and back of Griffin’s fuselage. Needless to say, the attack on the head was to hit the cockpit where he was located. The attack on the abdomen was to destroy the coordination of his body, and the back was to make Its thruster was damaged.

Chen Feng’s attack was in Griffin’s arms. He wanted to attract Chen Feng to focus on a few places so as to facilitate the defense. After several rounds of continuous wielding of the two guns, he destroyed all the attacking beams, and the remaining beams could no longer be constructed. Threatened.

"It's over, I was cheated!" Chen Feng realized that he had been fooled. He adjusted this way and instead sent the beam to the opponent for destruction.

"It's okay, I'll help you!" Hongshui Bin quickly appeared next to Chen Feng. In the form of a falcon, he could arrive quickly wherever he thought of. When he saw Chen Feng was in danger, he immediately flew over, and the two joined hands together. The impact on Griffin.

Griffin broke through the interception of the beam net unharmed. He flew over to Chen Feng and severed it, but was blocked by the two spears with his wings, and Chen Feng hid in his arms and pulled out the beam. The rifle fired violently and went straight to Griffin's door.

Griffin leaned back to avoid Chen Feng's shooting. He also used the power of Hung Hsu Bin's wings to complete his turn. The two spears continued to attack Chen Feng from below, really not letting go of any opportunity that could be used to attack.

Chen Feng was forced to retreat, but this left Hongshui Bin. Griffin abandoned Chen Feng and attacked Hongshui Bin. The double-gun attack made Hongshui Bin unpredictable. Several parts of the fuselage armor were damaged.

Fortunately, Chen Feng returned in time to help Hong Bin defend together. A total of four swords stopped Griffin’s attack. Chen Feng also used a floating cannon to attack Griffin from behind, which greatly reduced the number of other attacks. .

Griffin was first disturbed by the floating cannon, and then Chen Feng and Hongshuibin used mini beam cannons and beam cannons to besiege. Several thick and different beams flew past his fuselage. If he was replaced by someone else, it would have been The lottery is hanging.

Griffin dodges attacks with his own super strength, and his dual guns always maintain the ability to counterattack. Therefore, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin dare not chase them. They forced them back and re-formed a formation one after another. In the air.